Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5605: Southern Desolate Immortal Territory, a dead place?

No wonder the aura is thin here.

It turned out that in this Southern Wilderness Immortal Territory, he really couldn't perceive half of the celestial veins!

Chen Feng whispered.

"how is this possible?"

The stars' spiritual veins, which gather the power of the heavens and the stars, are almost everywhere in the Eastern Wilderness.

Existences such as the Nine Heavens Tongtian River of the Galaxy Sword Sect and the Heart of the Ocean are the Star Spirit Vessels.

Not only can it help the monks in their practice, but it also benefits the people.

Under normal circumstances, the stars and spirit veins are occupied by large local sect forces.

However, even if it has been occupied, it is not impossible to perceive it.

But at this moment, under the strong sense of Chen Feng and Jin Sanye, he didn't actually sense half of the stars here.

"Let's look ahead."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng flew up and took Mei Wu time to move on.

Jin Sanye also followed behind with flapping wings.

Two people and one bird moved forward quickly, and the more they walked, the more frightened!

I saw that the ground under them was still cracking and cracking, and it seemed that it was not in good condition.

Except for the broken ground, there are only deserts and deep pits in the eyes.

They have spanned thousands of miles, but the scene in their eyes has hardly changed.

The entire Southern Wilderness Immortal Territory was dim and desolate.

No more anger, completely reduced to death.

"Brother Chen Feng, what happened to this Southern Wilderness Immortal Territory?"

Mei Wuxia fluttered in white, looking around, her tone full of sorrow.

"As one of the four immortal realms in the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand World, how could it have fallen here?"

Chen Feng slowly shook his head.

The history is too long, and he doesn't know it.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his speed suddenly accelerated a bit.

"A trace of someone!"

Mei Wuxie and Jin Sanye were shocked when they heard the words, and they hurriedly followed Chen Feng.

Chen Feng spanned thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

Then, he stopped abruptly and looked forward.

I saw that the terrain in front was quite high, like a stretch of mountains.

However, the top of the mountain in front of them was extremely flat, as if it had been flattened by a strong man!

Not only that, the rest of the mountain peaks are even more mottled, as if they were cut apart by a sword aura!

As soon as Mei Wuxie approached, Dai's brows wrinkled slightly, and she reached out her hand.

"It's murderous! But it seems that a very long time has passed!"

"This place seems to be an ancient battlefield!"

Chen Feng nodded and frowned slightly, looking at this mountain range.

"This murderous spirit has existed for an extremely long time!"

"Perhaps, it was left behind when the Southern Wilderness was destroyed!"

He suddenly stood up and searched around, Mei Wuxiao and Jin Sanye followed behind.

Soon, everyone will gain.

In a desert not far from the mountains, there are still bursts of murderous aura, and it is more dense.

This is indeed an ancient battlefield!

Chen Feng stepped forward, frowning deeper.

"How terrifying was that battle?"

"Obviously after so long, why is there such a fierce murderous intent left behind!"

"Where is the ancient forbidden land?"

One by one doubts came from Chen Feng's heart.

At this moment, Mei Wuxian had fallen on the desert and explored everywhere.

"Brother Chen Feng!"

Mei Wuxie let out an exclamation and turned to look at Chen Feng, her delicate face full of surprise.

"Here, there is actually a spiritual flower!"

Chen Feng was also surprised when he heard the words, and his body disappeared in place.

With the power of the stars surging, he had come to Mei Wuxian's side and looked down.

Awe-inspiringly saw a gray-white and red spirit flower, standing proudly in the wind among a pile of yellow sand.

This flower has nine petals, and the whole body is gray, with only a hint of scarlet in the veins.

Mei Wuxiao was very familiar with pharmacology and recognized it all at once.

"This is the Blood Yang Soul Flower!"

Chen Feng's heart was shocked when he heard the words, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes!

Mei has no time to explain slowly.

"This flower is extremely rare, and it is said that it will not appear in ten thousand years."

"It is said that only the real dead place, with the ultimate breath of death, can grow this flower."

"The ultimate of death is life. Although the blood-yang soul-cultivating flower was born in death, it has a great effect on soul-cultivation and soul-recovery."

Chen Feng nodded, although it was the first time he saw this flower.

But with his knowledge of pharmacology, he naturally knew the preciousness of the Blood Yang Soul Flower, which was extremely difficult to find.

The golden rhyme of Chen Feng's body rose up, like light and fog, condensing on the surface of his palm like a glove.

He reached out to pick.

However, at this moment, Chen Feng's complexion changed drastically, Dao Yun's light flashed, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.


A roar suddenly came!

I saw a giant gray shadow coming through the air and landing on Chen Feng's previous position.

However, it was empty.

That is a demon wolf!

The body is huge, with a length of tens of feet, and the gray fur is more erect like a steel needle!

At this moment, his blood-colored pupils were full of extreme killing intent, staring at Chen Feng firmly.

An extremely majestic star power came out of it, almost piercing the sky!

Coming straight against Chen Feng!

Fortunately, Chen Feng reacted fast enough before, otherwise he would be successfully attacked by the demon wolf!

"Red Eyed Demon Wolf!"

Jin Sanye recognized the bloodline of the demon wolf at a glance, but then was full of doubts.

"Strange, this is clearly a place of death!"

"How could the Red Eyed Demon Wolf appear here?"

Chen Feng and Mei are also very puzzled.

He frowned.

However, at this moment, the fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Red Eyed Demon Wolf, and it had already rushed again!


The Red Eye Demon Wolf is extremely fast.

The gray body turned into a stream of light, swiftly killing like an arrow.

In an instant, he had come to Chen Feng.

It opened its blood basin and was about to fall.

Two fangs, full of adult arm length!

The terrifying coercion emanating from his body was even more unscrupulous, and it pressed against Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sneered.

"Huh! A beast, he wants to kill me too?"

The Qingqiu Tianlong Sword in his hand appeared, and the light of the sword surged out.

In Xinghai World, nearly two hundred stars are all lit up at this moment!

A steady stream of star power surged out.

"Too high to punish God!"


The long knife slashed down, and the light burst out!

The red pupil demon wolf reacted extremely fast, seeing the sharp shrinkage of his pupils, he wanted to retreat.

But the knife light was faster, submerged in its body, and shot blood!


The red pupil demon wolf was in pain, roared, and then flew up.

This beast is extremely cunning. Seeing that it is not Chen Feng's opponent, he wants to escape immediately!

"Want to go? Impossible!"

Chen Feng sneered, and stepped up with the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword in his hand, breaking through the air.

The golden rhyme of Taoism instantly makes it span thousands of miles between one step!

The Red Eyed Demon Wolf has no room for escape!

At the same time, Qingqiu Tianlong Sword is soaring!

Cut it from his hands!

The pupils of the red pupil demon wolf shrank suddenly, and the light all over his body suddenly formed into a light mask.

It seems that I want to block this blow!


However, as soon as the mask appeared, it was cut to pieces by Chen Feng's knife!

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