Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5602: You want to kill me too?

"If it is possible, then we can pass through the turbulence of space and reach the southern wilderness."

Chen Feng nodded.

"I can indeed arrange this Yuankunxuan formation."

"It's just that we have no one to sacrifice."

"That's the whole big formation..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

Almost instantly, he looked up sharply.

At the same time, a Zhan Zhan sword light swiftly flew from afar.

Seeing this sword spirit, Chen Feng burst into laughter instead.

"I'm worried, I didn't expect the sacrifice to be delivered to the door!"

He stretched out his hand to probe.

At the same time, the Taishang Demonized Dragon Art has reached its limit!


Chen Feng's palm collided with the sword.

He didn't retreat, but instead advanced, he actually shattered his sword qi abruptly.

Then, he looked at the people coming.

The visitor stood upright, his cyan Dao robe moved with the wind, holding a long sword.

It is the Shen Chenfeng of Taiyi Immortal Gate!

When Chen Feng stopped his full blow with a palm of his hand, Chen Chenfeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

However, he then sneered disapprovingly.

"It's no wonder that the Great Desolate Master values ​​you so much, he does have some skill."

"However, if that's the case, Chen Feng, you'd better suffer to death."

"Previously it was only my three-point strength, if I go all out, you are not my opponent at all!"

However, at this time, Chen Feng looked at him with a bright smile.

Set up the Yiyuan Kunxuan formation, everything else is fine.

The biggest problem lies in the need for a strong man as a sacrifice.

Especially if you want to cross such a powerful and wide storm belt.

The strength of the sacrifice determines how long the red light channel can support.

Originally he was still worried, but he didn't expect Shen Chenfeng to come to the door.

Chen Feng looked at Mei Wuxie and smiled.

"Mei Wuxian, listen to what I said, go and arrange that Yuan Kun Xuan formation."

He spoke extremely fast, and told Mei Wuxian all the tricks for arranging the formation.

Mei Wuxian is also a rare Tianjiao, and can't help nodding.

I quickly understood.

The two were talking to themselves, seemingly not paying attention to the Shen Chenfeng in front of them.

Such arrogance really angered this strong man from the Taiyi Fairy Clan!

His complexion grew somber.

The long sword in his hand began to release a biting sword aura.

On the blade, a dragon-shaped pattern was originally visible.

At this moment, the dragon-shaped pattern began to shine.

"Good Chen Feng, you dare to be so arrogant!"

"Today, I need to slap you, and see how you can be arrogant if you die under my sword!"

Before the words fell, the power of the stars came out from him.


In the blink of an eye, the terrifying coercion of the tenth cave sky of the Shifang Dongtian realm filled the sky.

Spread hundreds of miles instantly!

If it is not the turbulent flow of space, I am afraid he will do his best.

During the roar, Shen Chenfeng waved high and cut out with a sword.

"Taiyi Lingxiao Sword Art!"

As one of the strongest disciples of Taiyi Immortal Clan, Shen Chenfeng's cultivation methods and martial skills are all top-notch existence!

The power of the stars all over his body instantly turned into a gray color, all condensed in a sword!

Jianguang cut through the air!

Although Chen Chenfeng was extremely confident, he still went all out when facing the enemy!

He didn't mean to underestimate Chen Feng.

This sword made the void tremble!

Ripples in mid-air immediately swayed.

Even Chen Feng was astonished.

"It seems that this person in the Taiyi Immortal Gate must be the very powerful group."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng smiled.

"Mei has no time, go to the formation, I will bring the sacrifice later!"

"it is good!"

When the words fell, Chen Feng hit the ground with his toes and burst out.

At the same time, Qingqiu Tianlong Sword suddenly appeared in his hands.

In the star sea world, countless stars are shining, and the power of the stars is powerful.

In an instant, Chen Feng also made a cut!

"Too high to punish God!"


In the midair, a loud noise suddenly sounded!

Shen Chenfeng's sword light was crushed instantly!

Chen Feng held the Qingqiu Tianlong Knife upgraded to an immortal weapon and flew out.

He smiled slightly, not retreating but advancing.

"Come again!"

Before the voice was over, it was cut again!

A touch of surprise passed in Shen Chenfeng's eyes.

That sword just came out earlier than Chen Feng, and didn't leave much energy.

However, it was blocked!

"It seems that this Chen Feng is stronger than I thought!"

Seeing Chen Feng attack in the blink of an eye, Shen Chenfeng gritted his teeth.

Turn the Xuanyi Taiyuan Dao Jue to the extreme!

The two began to fight.

Chen Feng's current strength is particularly strong.

It is more than enough to deal with a tenth cave sky strong man in the Ten Fang Dongtian realm.

However, Chen Chenfeng is not a good thing to deal with.

He not only possesses the powerful cultivation base of the tenth cave of the Ten Fang Dongtian Realm, but of course also the treasure of the Ninth Rank!

The overall strength is close to a half-step Lingxu Land Wonderland!

Three days later.

Click! Click!

Then, the long sword in Chen Chenfeng's hand actually shattered one after another!

After a while, only a section of the hilt was left.

Shen Chenfeng's face was pale to the extreme, and he roared!

"Broken Yuan Broken Dao Sword!"

The power of the majestic stars suddenly condensed into a sword shadow, slashing towards Chen Feng!

The sword shadow slashed, ripples like ripples in the air, scattered in all directions.

Faintly, it was actually suppressing Chen Feng's star power.

This sword is surprisingly one of the strongest sword arts of Taiyi Immortal Gate!

Chen Feng's powerful combat power made Shen Chenfeng extremely jealous, so he decided to use it!

"Chen Feng, die to me!"

Shen Chenfeng kept roaring.

In the midair, there was also a constant roar.

That sword shadow is too powerful.

Even if it is too high, it is impossible to get rid of it.

However, Chen Feng snorted softly.

"You want to kill me too?"

The Qingqiu Tianlong Sword was in his hand, suddenly bursting into light.

The power of the stars and the golden rhyme are all exuding radiant spirits!

Qingqiu Tianlongdao trembled all over.

Chen Feng suddenly took a step forward, and the Supreme God Demonized Long Jue turned to the extreme.

The Supreme Bloodline is activated again!

The next moment, a knife slashed out!

call out!

White light broke through the sky!

The speed is extremely fast!

Chen Feng yelled.

"Too high to punish God!"

Seeing the sword light attack, Shen Chenfeng's back was chilled, and his eyes flashed with horror.


The Broken Yuan Broken Dao Sword was instantly crushed, making a huge noise.

The void trembles!

However, he still couldn't stop the knife at all!

Shen Chenfeng's pupils shrank abruptly, and immediately turned around to try to escape.

But it's too late!

He was too slow, in front of this knife, too slow!


White light penetrated his chest in a blink of an eye!

He was stabbed by Chen Feng and fell suddenly in midair!

The blood is pouring down like rain!

Shen Chenfeng was covered in blood, and there was no blood on his face.

He collapsed to the ground, finally showing horror on his connection.

Seeing Chen Feng approaching him, he struggled, but was horrified to find that his whole body was covered by golden Dao Yun.

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