Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5595: Concession of Dayan Immortal Gate

Hearing these words, everyone looked at Daojun Xingxian.

In his eyes, there was a touch of carefree and joking.

On that day, the Dayan Immortal Gate and the other seven immortal gates all rushed to kill the Galaxy Sword Sect!

The picture is vivid.

Now that he can finally see his face, everyone is naturally happy!

In the face of countless jokes, anger, and sarcasm, Daojun Xingxian was dressed in a black and white gown with gossip and his back stood straight.

He looked at Luo Xingchen on the high seat, his eyes narrowed.

"Release the disciples of the Dayan Immortal Sect, and let Chen Feng return my full knowledge of the Dayan Immortal Sect!"

"I can also promise you that within a million years, the Dayan Immortal Gate will no longer be an enemy of your Galaxy Sword Sect!"

As soon as this remark came out, the elders in the hall were in an uproar.

Someone looked at Daojun Xingxian with anger!

The most talented disciples of Dayan Immortal Clan are now detained by the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Even the details of Dayan Immortal Gate were searched by Chen Feng.

At this time, as the sect master of Dayan Immortal Clan, he is so proud!

It looks like a compromise, but it's more like alms!

Even Luo Xingchen frowned, his eyes flashing with chill.

Just when he was about to speak.

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the temple gate, as cold as iron.

"Xingxian Daojun, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with us?"

The elders followed the prestige.

I saw Chen Feng's face extremely firm, striding forward.

He appeared in front of Xingxian Daojun three or two steps, condescendingly and watching.

"If you don't obey, go to war!"

As soon as these words came out, all the elders in the hall were overjoyed.

His appearance was like a booster, which lifted the spirits of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Of course, it also made someone's complexion gloomy.

"Chen Feng!"

When Xingxian Daojun saw Chen Feng, he was extremely jealous.

He was almost certain that the mysterious powerhouse in the past was Chen Feng!

The ghost knows how he did it!

If the vast majority of the information is not in Chen Feng's hands, why is his Dayan Immortal Gate here?

Thinking of this, Daojun Xingxian was angry and gritted his teeth.

However, they can only be restrained!

Chen Feng suddenly smiled.

"I think Dao Jun Xingxian doesn't seem to recognize his situation!"

"The redeemer shouldn't have such an attitude!"

Daojun Xingxian almost gritted his teeth, his complexion flushed.

But the reason is still there.

What Chen Feng said is fact.

No matter how unwilling he was, he could only swallow his breath.

"My Dayan Immortal Sect is here to make peace with the Galaxy Sword Sect."

The big deal for the remaining seven forces is to give up redeeming their disciples and continue to kill the Galaxy Sword Sect.

But they can't!

Without the background, they cannot continue to gain a foothold in the Eastern Wilderness!

In the main hall of the door, there was a sound of silence.

Even Luo Xingchen sat in a high position with a smile in his eyes.

It seems to want to see what Chen Feng plans to do.

Xingxian Dao Monarch is the master of Dayan Immortal Gate, and being able to sigh in a low voice at this time has already made everyone very happy.

However, Chen Feng still felt that it was not enough.

"It depends on Daojun Xingxian's sincerity to make peace."

Taoist Xingxian immediately furious in his eyes, almost gushing out.

"Chen Feng, don't go too far!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng sneered and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What about excessive?"

"Doesn't you say anything to ask for help from Dayan Immortal Gate!"

The word "begging for someone" hit Xingxian Daojun's heart hard.

He suddenly felt humiliated.

The fists were clenched and loosened several times, and finally he spit out two words with difficulty.

"Make peace."

"As long as you return my fairy gate background, I am willing to hand over this thing!"

With that, he flipped his hand and took out a piece of jade charm.

The jade talisman is white all over, like two yin and yang fish connecting end to end.

On the high platform, Luo Xingchen saw this thing, his pupils shrank slightly, his face suddenly changed.

"This is the fairy talisman of Dayan Immortal Gate!"

The elders were even more shocked.

The fairy talisman of Dayan Immortal Gate!

With this fairy talisman, you can command the entire Dayan fairy gate!

This is the most important token of every fairy gate!

For millions of years, only generations of sect masters can own it!

Unexpectedly, Daojun Xingxian was willing to use it as a bargaining chip.

Thanks to Chen Feng.

Don't force it, he won't be willing to give up this thing.

I saw Daojun Xingxian separated half of the yin and yang fish jade charms, waved and fell into Luo Xingchen's hands.

This means that he is willing to hand over half of the control of Dayan Immortal Gate!

From then on, Dayan Immortal Gate was considered a vassal to the Galaxy Sword Sect!

This is the sincerity Xingxian Daojun can show.

Chen Feng smiled slightly as he watched the fairy talisman fall into Luo Xingchen's hands.

"It seems that Dao Jun Xingxian still has some sincerity."

"In that case, I will return the immortal gate background."

Before he could say anything, he waved his hand.

The foundation of the Dayan Immortal Gate that he had wiped out at the beginning, was floating in the air.

Almost instantly crowded the entire main hall of the door!

The supreme breath gushes out all around.

The elders raised their heads together, shocked.

This is the accumulation of the Dayan Immortal Gate for millions of years!

Among them, there are some treasures plundered from Yuxu Immortal Gate millions of years ago.

They were replaced, and I am afraid that after getting it, they would not be willing to return.

And Chen Feng said that he would pay it back.

This kind of courage made them very admired.

However, there are naturally some resentful eyes.

Chen Feng has become accustomed to his own way in the Galaxy Sword Sect.

So many treasures should be handed over to the Galaxy Sword Sect!

But no matter how they reacted, Chen Feng didn't care.

The foundation of Dayan Immortal Gate is mainly closely related to the formation method they cultivated.

Even if it is given to the Galaxy Sword Sect, it may not be useful.

Xingxian Daojun waved his hand and took back the infinite background.

A big rock in my heart finally fell.

But at this moment, Chen Feng took out something again.

Surprisingly it is the clock of time.

Before Xingxian Daojun's complexion changed drastically, he acted, but listened to Chen Feng's words.

"I can pay you anything else, but this time clock is still useful for me."

"Anyway, I have used it once, and now this thing is of no use to your Dayan Immortal Sect."

Upon hearing this, Daojun Xingxian also noticed the strangeness of the clock of time.

The energy accumulated for millions of years has disappeared!

In an instant, his face was pale.

My heart is almost bleeding!

He finally understood why Chen Feng had improved so fast before!

However, the matter has reached this point and cannot be changed.

It's better to hand over the clock of time to him, and it can be a personal affection.

After all, their Dayan Immortal Gate has now become a subordinate Immortal Gate of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Taoist Xingxian took a deep breath.

"Little friend Chen Feng needs it, so please take it."

"Also ask Lord Luomen to put my disciples back."

Once he became a subordinate fairy gate of the Galaxy Sword Sect, Xingxian Daojun lost his face!

He was anxious to leave early.

However, as soon as he turned around, he heard Chen Feng suddenly speak.


Xingxian Daojun paused, and his heart was filled with nameless anger.

But he could only hold back his anger and turned around.

I saw Chen Feng smiling.

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