Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5593: This is my limit?

However, in the eyes of Qi Ling, this is the aura that a powerful warrior should have.

Chen Feng looked at the stairs of the Nine-Floor Buddha, his eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

Before, Qi Ling advised him not to step on the stairs.

If not, it is death!

Therefore, Chen Feng did not try.

At this time, Chen Feng was confident and wanted to give it a try.

It seems that Chen Feng's thoughts were sensed, and Qi Ling's voice came again.

"Haha, as soon as you break through, you want to try?"

"Well, since you have this confidence, you might as well try it once."

Chen Feng nodded and smiled slightly.

He turned and left, returned to the arch on the first floor, and re-entered the white jade staircase.

Looking at the steps, Chen Feng raised his foot and stepped up.

One after another, the pressure from Tao Yun suddenly swept across.

The rhyme of Taoism densely scattered throughout the Ninth Floor of the Buddha's Tutu suddenly exudes bursts of golden light and ripples.

Overwhelming pressure swept through.

However, Chen Feng's face is as usual!

He step by step, the rhythm is very stable.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the second floor.

The cultivation base broke through, and the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen tactics broke through, and Chen Feng's strength soared several times.

Now the stairs of the nine-story Buddha statue, at least the first few floors, could not give him too much pressure.

Chen Feng stepped onto the sixth floor of the ladder in one breath.

Seeing this scene, Qi Ling's voice came, and it was incredible.

"You kid, the progress during this period is terrifying."

"Unexpectedly, I can step onto the sixth floor in one breath."

Hearing this, Chen Feng paused and smiled, then looked up.

His face sank slightly.

Obviously it is only the sixth level, but now this ladder, it is extremely difficult to take a step.


The surrounding Dao Yun's light is even brighter, shattering and trembling, but it is like a roar.

The huge pressure from it, like a sacred mountain, could already make Chen Feng's body tremble slightly.

Chen Feng kept his mind in mind, and stepped forward without any hesitation.

Jin Sanye seemed to perceive Chen Feng's pain, and immediately screamed in his mind.

"You guys don't work hard!"

"If you continue to walk, the oppressive force of this Dao Yun will kill you!"

But Chen Feng turned a deaf ear.

He looked as usual, raised his foot, and slowly fell.


There was a shock from the entire nine-story Buddha!

Chen Feng's complexion was a little pale on this, but his gaze was still like a torch, with firm conviction.

"It hasn't reached the limit yet, and it can be improved."

In fact, Chen Feng was also very surprised.

He had planned to go to the ninth floor in one breath.

But the pressure of this step, each layer is multiple times superimposed.

Even if his current strength is already extremely strong, it is still difficult to advance on the sixth floor.

At this moment, the spirit of the instrument, at this time, has not spoken out.

It seems to know that although Chen Feng is suffering on the surface, in fact this is not his limit.

Chen Feng stepped up step by step!

His steps seemed heavy and slow, but they were extremely firm.



As Chen Feng approached the seventh floor, his bones heard bursts of sounds that were about to crumble.

The pressure of this rhyme is too terrifying!

Chen Feng has awakened the blood of the ancient gods and demons, his body is extremely powerful, but still suppressed.

He frowned fiercely.

Almost reaching the limit!

However, at this moment, it is only one step away from the seventh floor!

Chen Feng raised his foot, his whole body trembled, and his body seemed to collapse at any time.

"Ah! Give it to me!"

In the roar, that step, after all, stepped up!

The seventh floor of the nine-story Buddha!


When Chen Feng's footsteps fell, thousands of rhymes flashed together!

The huge pressure like a sacred mountain melted instantly.

Chen Feng eased a lot at once.

He looked at the eighth step.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed unwillingly, and he shouted.

"This is my limit?"

He originally thought that he could directly climb the ninth floor in one go.

Unexpectedly, it was still unsuccessful after all.

Chen Feng was a little disappointed.

Seeming to understand his frustration, a burst of laughter came from the dome.

"You kid, it's already very good."

"I have been suppressing the Ninth-Floor Buddha for so many years, and a talent like yours is extremely rare."

"Most people died when they stepped onto the first floor."

The Qi Ling's voice has not yet fallen, and the Dao Yun on the seventh floor suddenly emits bursts of light.

Before Chen Feng's eyes, a light curtain suddenly appeared, and scenes emerged.

That's all Tianjiao!

Even through the light curtain, the breath radiating from them is still extremely powerful.

Chen Feng was taken aback, and then he looked.

Some of those people are not much older than him, and they are extremely talented.

Some are powerful, and they are already the eighth hole in the Ten Fang Dongtian Realm!

However, they all stepped on the first floor of the nine-story Buddha statue.

Being invaded by Dao Yun, the foundation was not deep enough, and it exploded immediately.

Amidst the blood and blood, it is completely gone!

Even the most talented person can reach the third level at most, and it is already unbearable.

People like Chen Feng who came to the seventh floor in one breath, there was no one in the light curtain!

Chen Feng looked shocked, his heart was slightly shaken, and then he understood.

This device spirit specially showed him the scenes of tragedies that took place in the nine-story Buddha.

There is only one purpose, which is to prevent Chen Feng from being out of balance in Taoism.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng smiled slightly and bowed slightly.

"Thank you senior for your doubts, juniors have already understood."

"After that, when it is strong enough, I will continue to challenge the nine-story Buddha."

The voice of Qi Ling came slowly.

"If you can understand, that would be great."

"You have a strong talent, and Fuze is also considered to be profound. Sooner or later, you will be able to break through these nine layers of Buddha."

"There is no need to rush for a while."

Chen Feng nodded slightly, but his expression was a bit solemn.

He naturally wants the sooner the better!

It can break through the nine-layered Buddha statue and thoroughly master the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen Secret Art, before being able to break into the fairyland of Lingxu Land.

However, Chen Feng did not say much.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to train himself among the nine-layered Buddha.


In the nine-story floating tutu, there are constantly shaking!

Chen Feng went back and forth among several arches, his strength became more and more condensed.

Especially after breaking through the Shouyi Realm, Chen Feng's mastery of Dao Yun is even stronger than before.

Not even so, his physical body in this archway is still constantly being beaten.

However, with his free control of Dao Yun, the blood of the gods and demons seemed to be faintly stronger.

Chen Feng recovered a little faster.

Among the nine-story Buddha statue, Chen Feng's combat power continued to grow stronger.

However, not long after the breakthrough, Chen Feng can only continue to polish his foundation.

"I still lack time."

"It's a pity, although I have a clock on hand."

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