Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5582: Six Ways of Reincarnation!

Just a little spiritualism is enough.

Chen Fengyang said: "Lu Xingwei, protect me!"

Before the words fell, Lu Xingwei walked up.



The earth shook suddenly.

Under the gaze of everyone, a golden Taoist rhyme quickly appeared under Chen Feng's feet.

The golden Daoyun quickly condensed into a ninety-nine-meter high, rounded platform.

I saw Chen Feng suddenly stretch out his hand.

"The flag is coming!"

The next moment, a big banner was slowly condensed in his hands.

Chen Feng directly inserted it in the center of the high platform!

The moment the banner was placed, golden light rose to the sky, reaching a height of a thousand meters.

The golden light was extremely strong, but it was filled with eerie and strange aura.

And in that high platform, all the golden light was injected into this golden light.

The golden light looks like a huge pillar in the eyes of everyone.

But in Chen Feng's eyes, it turned into countless things like Tao Yun.

Those "Dao Yun" are like long and dense silk threads, constantly spreading away.

In an instant, he nailed a radius of three hundred li all over.

It's like a giant tree of world origin, like a single tree into a forest, and like a giant net.

Covered hundreds of miles in a radius!

This is the benefit after comprehending the Great Way of Gods and Demons and the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen Jue.

Even without the aid of the yin and cold things, as long as you can grasp the rhyme of the Tao, you can still call the soul!

On the high platform, Chen Feng began to take strange and mysterious steps.

In an instant, that set of steps was completed.

Then, his arms raised.

A palm slapped on the high platform!

The green flames in the palms flickered out and spread to the entire high platform instantly.


The cyan flame rose fiercely, and stretched up the flagpole to a height of one thousand meters.

Then, it spread along the strands of silk.

Suddenly, hundreds of miles around was filled with blue flames.

In an instant, all the ghosts wandering in this area were attracted.

Above the sky, black smoke suddenly covered the sky.

That is countless ghosts!

Everyone raised their heads to look at the sky, and at a glance, the radius was as large as dozens of miles.

Black clouds continue to cover the high platform.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the layers of black clouds have already come directly above the high platform.

Then, he sat cross-legged and operated the method.

Compared with the extreme pain last time, Chen Feng's breath has changed rapidly now.

Within a moment, the whole person was faint and vague, with a bit of eerie and strange.

He stood up slowly, his eyes cold and quiet.

The figure is a bit stiff.

Then, he opened his fingers, and a little faint flame floated out.

The faint flame is pale, like a ghost fire.

The flame fell on Chu Ping's broken body.

At the next moment, Chen Feng took a strange step again.

The action is extremely exaggerated and absurd, but with unspeakable meaning of ancient barbarity.

There is solemnity in the weirdness, grandeur in the absurdity!

It's heart palpitating!

Just like the great Nuo dance of the ancient ancestors!

Green ghost fire, blazing.

In the midst of the fire, Chen Feng danced the great Nuo dance, calling out a desolate and distant call:

"Soul, come back!"

With just one sound, it is like shaking the world, rolling and reverberating under this sky!

In front of Chen Feng, Chu Pingsheng's body suddenly moved.


Lightning fell from the sky.

Even Thunder is a green faint.

And the dense ghosts were agitated.

Then, a ghost appeared in it, enveloped by the light of the thunder, slowly falling.

It fell on Chu Pingsheng's body.

The whole process was very smooth!

Chen Feng didn't even consume too much cultivation and energy.

He stepped forward, only to see Chu Pingsheng's ghost with a dull expression on his face.

Moreover, the light is dim and the breath is insufficient.

This means that his three souls are not complete!

Chen Feng was expressionless and waved to withdraw all the golden Dao Yun.

The next moment, the high platform disappeared, and countless black clouds disappeared.

The heaven and the earth regained tranquility.

This dim sky, as if nothing had ever happened.

Chen Feng came to Chu Pingsheng's ghost and smiled.

He wanted to catch even a ray of ghost.

However, because the response was too fast, the evocation was too timely.

At this moment, in Chu Ping's ghost, there is one soul and three souls!

However, only one soul and three souls are enough for Chen Feng to be sure.

There are people behind Chu Ping's life!

His soul dissipated too fast!

At the beginning, Bai Shanshui was able to recruit two souls and three souls after many days of death.

Chu Pingsheng was much stronger than Baishanshui in terms of strength and willpower.

How could it dissipate so quickly if no one was calling the soul behind?

Chen Feng couldn't help being thankful that he reacted quickly enough.

He grabbed Chu Ping's soul and soul in his hand.

As long as the soul does not return, no matter who is behind the person who wants to be resurrected, he will never want to fully resurrect Chu Pingsheng!

The whole process was seen by everyone.

Everyone was shocked.

This is the magic of soul calling!

Chen Feng was able to urge him with a wave of his hand, and brought back the soul of the person who had just been killed by himself!

Even Lu Xingwei couldn't help being silent.

Then, looking at Chen Feng, his gaze became firmer.

In the next moment, Chen Feng performed the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

The faint blue light lit up.

In an instant, the remaining memory fragments of Chu Ping's life were scraped clean.

At this moment, Chen Feng's expression suddenly changed.

His luck is not good or bad.

Among the remaining one soul and three souls, there happened to be the whereabouts of Gong Licheng.

It turned out that Gong Licheng first found Chu Pingsheng after entering the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World.

It was also because of Gong Licheng's words that Chu Pingsheng suddenly cut off contact with Lu Xingwei.

He, start acting alone!

And Gong Licheng went to... the Southern Wilderness Immortal Territory!

When Lu Xingwei saw Chen Feng's face changed drastically, he was a little worried.

He stepped forward two steps and asked.

"what happened?"

Chen Feng shook his head and didn't say anything yet.

When Gong Licheng approached Chu Pingsheng, he personally told him that he had been to this mysterious world.

It was also the last experience that made him hear of one thing.

The Southern Wilderness Immortal Territory seems to hide a special technique.

When Chen Feng heard this, he instantly guessed.

Almost nine out of ten is the second chapter of the Hundred Ghost Night Calling Souls, the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

At this moment, Gong Licheng had already gone to the Southern Wilderness.

He even put the tasks issued by the Lord of Heaven on it.

It seems that there are enough hole cards to offset the consequences of the failure of the trial mission.

Chen Feng's heart suddenly became anxious.

He is bound to win the second chapter of the Hundred Ghost Night Calling Souls concealed in the Southern Desolate Immortal Territory!

Never allow anyone to take the lead!

"It seems that I have to hurry up on the agenda."

Chen Feng is no better than Gong Licheng.

He didn't have enough hole cards to offset the consequences of failing the trial mission.

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