Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5572: You really come from the top of the sky!

But when they were about to take Chen Feng back, they saw him shook his head.

"You go back first."

"I have to wait for a few people."

Sikonghao and others were puzzled by Chen Feng's words.

Who else will come at this time?

However, since Chen Feng was smiling and confident, they could probably guess.

This kid probably has some plans.

"In that case, let's go back first."

"This is not inside the Galaxy Sword Sect, you must be careful."

"People of the eight major forces may come to you for revenge."

Chen Feng smiled and waved his hands, sending them away.

At the same time, he thought to himself.

They have a headache if they don't come.

Soon, Chen Feng was the only one left on this small floating mountain.

Chen Feng was not idle either.

I walked around twice and arranged a little.

When the sky dimmed, the first figure finally appeared in the scope of the divine consciousness.

"You finally came."

Chen Feng smiled and looked at the incoming person, Zhong Li Yunqi.

Zhong Li Yunqi looked calm, looked at Chen Feng quietly, but his face was expressionless.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Zhong Li Yunqi quickly approached and came to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stood upright with his hands behind him, and asked with a smile.

"How's it going?"

Zhong Li Yunqi shook his head.

"Gong Licheng still has no whereabouts."

"I even suspect that he may not be in the Eastern Desolation Immortal Territory now."

A few days ago, Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yunqi reached a temporary cooperation.

Zhong Li Yunqi was responsible for finding Gong Licheng, and then pulling him back together to complete the task first.

But, who knows, all day.

He used a lot of secret methods and failed to find Gong Licheng's whereabouts.

Hearing this, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

But soon he recovered his composure.

But Zhong Li Yunqi suddenly changed the subject.

"Your strength seems to have made a big breakthrough."

"How did you do it in just one day?"

From the first sight of Chen Feng, he wanted to ask this question.

Chen Feng smiled.

"Got a baby."

Then, he smiled and looked in one direction again.

"Someone is here again."

After the voice fell, a few breathing time passed.

Three figures appeared in front of Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yunqi.

All three of them wore the costumes of disciples of the Burning Heaven Sect.

But his body exudes the breath from the top of the sky.

They are the third of the heavenly immortals who have sneaked into the eight great forces!

Because all three of them are burly and powerful, their breath attributes are biased towards fire attributes.

The headed person has scattered hair and knotted muscles.

He saw Chen Feng and said lightly.

"You really are from the top of the sky!"

However, after that, he quickly looked to the side of Zhong Li Yunqi.

Zhong Li Yunqi is different from them.

He didn't look like a disciple of the forces, so people at the top of the sky would recognize it at a glance.

This person is wearing Zhong Lishi's costume!

This is the member of Zhongli Family!

The headed person thought for a while, and started to introduce.

"I am the Bu Yunhai of the Nanji Team. These two are also members of our team, Wang Xu and Wu Wenkang."

"I've heard the name of Zhong Li's family for a long time. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary."

Zhong Li Yunqi had long been used to this, nodded slightly and said nothing.

However, Chen Feng looked at the three of them and smiled faintly.

"Finally waiting for you."

As soon as these words came out, Bu Yunhai's expressions changed, and they looked at Chen Feng together.

"I am here, just waiting for you people on the top of the sky to come over."

"Although you and I are opponents."

"But everyone's tasks should be similar, all to reverse the future of the Galaxy Sword Sect's siege."

Chen Feng's words are extremely provocative.

In addition, Zhong Li Yunqi's identity and status are superb.

In the eyes of these people, it is quite shocking.

The three of Bu Yunhai didn't speak temporarily, they just listened to Chen Feng quietly.

After a while, one after another, several people also appeared here.

They are all immortals who have come to the top of the sky.

Soon, nearly ten people gathered in front of Chen Feng.

Among these immortals, most are immortals in the sky.

Only a few are trial immortals, including Wu Wenkang, Wang Xu and Bu Yunhai.

Chen Feng took a few people to another floating mountain nearby.

Then the plan will be informed.

"Chen Feng, what do you mean by this!"

An immortal in the sky disguised as the **** of beast sect, with a bad expression and questioning.

Chen Feng said lightly.

"Don't understand?"

"Only let the eight major forces take a fatal blow and push the Galaxy Sword Sect to the top of the nine major forces."

"This task is considered complete."

As long as the next challenge, Chen Feng won again and again.

In the end, encirclement and suppression will inevitably be launched again.

Otherwise, just relying on Chen Feng to persuade most of the strong combat power of the eight major forces, this task will be completed.

But the gods dominate, and there is no reminder.

Someone quickly accepted this.

"But with people like us alone, the highest strength will not be stronger than you."

"How can eight first-grade immortals be hit hard?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people immediately agreed.

Chen Feng smiled slightly.

"Two methods."

"Let the Galaxy Sword Sect become a super-grade fairy gate."

"Or, let the eight major forces, like Dayan Immortal Gate, lose their background."

A heavenly immortal disguised as a disciple of the Dayan Immortal Clan, finally spoke at this time.

He told the story of the mysterious powerhouse's sneak attack on the Treasure Pavilion.

Many people are surprised at who the mysterious powerhouse is.

Only Zhong Li Yunqi glanced at Chen Feng thoughtfully.

In response, Chen Feng opened his arms and suppressed the voices of everyone.

"I know the mysterious strong man."

"It's also an immortal in the sky who participated in the trial mission this time."

He started to flicker.

Chen Feng quickly got some news amidst the all-talking discussions.

After the eight major forces returned, several leader elders and the strongest disciples quickly gathered together.

They are re-adjusting their plans.

At this moment, Bu Yunhai opened his mouth and looked at Chen Feng.

"Don't die in the challenge."

"As far as I know, Luo Yiyun, the strongest disciple of Divine Burning Heaven Sect, has enemies with you."

"At the beginning of the Broken Jade Conference, you killed his brother, Luo Jingfeng."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and seemed to dismiss him.

"Luo Yiyun, I remember."

Seeing him so confident, everyone stopped talking.

Chen Feng continued to tell his plan.

After half an hour, everyone quietly dispersed.

It's getting late.

Chen Feng went to see Mei Wuxia again.

Mei Wuxia was worried at this time.

When she saw Chen Feng, she couldn't wait to step forward and hug him.

"Brother Chen Feng, you are too courageous."

The great Xiu Luo Honglu was in her hands, and now Chen Feng had actually lost his greatest defense ability.

And he has to challenge the eight strongest disciples.

It was equivalent to focusing the artillery on him alone.

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