Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5568: God and Demon Lingxiao Jue, the second part!

The strongest, I'm afraid it is even above the seventh cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm!

At this time, Chen Feng only had the third cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm.

Although he can always burst out stronger than realm.

But it is still worrying.

However, Chen Feng smiled and glanced at the crowd, then calmed down.

"Don't worry, even if the strongest disciple of Longya Immortal Sect comes to fight, it won't be my opponent."

Afterwards, he looked at the Jiutian Buddhist Scripture Pavilion.

Chen Feng has never felt as urgent as he is now.

He needs a breakthrough!

It is necessary to practice the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen Jue as soon as possible and break through to the fairyland of Lingxu Land.

After all, for him, the opponent this time has never been the strongest disciple of the eight forces.

It's the eight masters!

The real powerhouse in the fairyland!

Just like before, let the eight major forces leave temporarily, the Lord of Heaven did not sound the reminder that the mission was completed.

This also made all the strong from the top of the sky realize a little.

I am afraid that only the eight major forces can be completely defeated, and the Galaxy Sword Sect will become the strongest fairy gate under the three top-ranked fairy gates!

This task is considered complete!

Chen Feng quickly went to the Jiutian Buddhist Scripture Pavilion.

This was the first time he saw the true appearance of Jiutian Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It is located behind the floating mountain where the gatekeeper is, like a mountain rising straight up into the sky.

The Nine Heavens Tongtian River is above it, and it diverges towards the five sword sects.

This is much more stylish than the Treasure Pavilion of Dayan Immortal Gate!

The carved and jade columns all have a primitive charm.

With the martial art token engraved with the word "infinite", Chen Feng easily entered it.

The Jiutian Buddhist Scripture Pavilion is divided into nine floors, and the first floor is a layer of heaven.

Every heavy day is extremely spacious.

All the treasures are placed on a grid of shelves, surrounded by a faint floating light.

This is a seal!

Only with enough sect mastery can it be unlocked.

When you come to the first floor, all the treasures stored here are rare.

The second layer is magical implements.

The third layer is pill.

The fourth layer is the magic circle.

Some exercises didn't appear until the fifth level began.

However, they are also more common exercises and supernatural powers.

Chen Feng went straight to the ninth floor, the ninth heaven!

Compared with the previous eight floors, this ninth heaven is no more than one mile in size.

There are only a few stone grids tens of meters square.

As soon as he entered, he instantly covered his divine consciousness.

Soon, Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

The next moment, his figure appeared in front of a stone grid.

When Chen Feng saw what was lying in this square stone grid, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Actually, it is the second chapter of "The God and Demon Lingxiao Jue"!

Hong-level second-grade magic!

"How could this be?"

Fortunately, there are some small prints below the stone grid to record the origin of these things.

Chen Feng took a closer look, and then his mind was even more shocked.

It turned out that the "God and Devil Lingxiao Jue" was one of the techniques that was highly sought after millions of years ago.

At that time, there were still many gods and demons refiners in the world of Xuanhuang.

But something happened later, which caused the Avenue of Gods and Demons to wither.

The popular exercises of the past are now buried by the years.

The first article of "God Demon Lingxiao Jue" was originally taken away by a disciple of Yuxu Immortal Sect.

Later, the Yuxu fairy gate was destroyed.

The Giant Spirit God Sect was fortunate to get the content of this first article.

And this second one has always been kept in the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Without saying anything, Chen Feng immediately raised the sect token.

As a ray of light flashed, the seal on the outside of the second jade slip was quietly resolved.

He grabbed the jade slip and left directly.

Tianshu Jianzong.

Chen Feng came to the place where he was secretly cast down, and then told Zhong Li Yaoqin.

If he has not regained consciousness after one day, he will be moved directly to the challenge.

Loaded with the hopes of the members of the Galaxy Sword Sect, Chen Feng entered and closed the door tightly.

He came to one spot and sat cross-legged.

Then, he turned his hand and took out an ancient clock!

This is an ancient bronze clock, twenty to thirty meters high.

On the ancient clock, there are numerous and complicated engraved texts.

Large areas of patina cover, adding a layer of vicissitudes of life.

If the people of Dayan Immortal Sect saw this ancient bell at this time, they would vomit three liters of blood.

This is the clock of time they are most proud of in Dayan Immortal Gate!

It is said that as long as this thing is activated.

Three months of cultivating inside, only one hour passed outside!

Chen Feng directly gave the treasure storehouse.

Among them, this one is the most useful.

He immediately used this extremely heavy ancient bronze clock to cover himself firmly.

As the light flowed, the clock of time began to sound a long bell.

One day of retreat, it began!

Inside the clock of time, Chen Feng immediately took out the jade slip, immersed in his spiritual consciousness.

"Shen Devil Lingxiao Jue" is divided into two chapters.

Adding the two pieces together, you can reach the third grade of Hong level!

The first one is to transform the gods and demons, remodel the flesh and blood, and temper them.

After reaching the third level of God and Demon tempering, you can begin to practice the second chapter.

The second chapter is also divided into three levels.

When the blood of the gods and demons is tempered to a certain level, it often reaches its limit.

If you want to make a breakthrough, it is difficult to make further progress on your own.

Then you need to absorb the blood of other gods and demons.

Fusion, to achieve a new upgrade of the blood of the gods and demons.

This is the first level of the second chapter, melting blood and nirvana!

"This is the same as the first volume of the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.

The first volume of the Supreme God Demon Transforming Dragon Art, the first layer of the Xuanhuang scroll, is also to absorb the blood of twelve gods and demons.

Then, refine this own body into a **** and demon oven!

If the two are equal, then this Divine Demon Lingxiao Secret Art probably has little significance in cultivation.

However, the second layer immediately made Chen Feng's eyes bright.

"New blood!"

When the blood of outsiders is absorbed to a certain extent, there is no more, what should I do?

The God and Demon Lingxiao Jue gave a whole new idea.

That is, to refine the second blood of the gods and demons!

If the first bloodline of the gods and demons is born, then the second bloodline of the gods and demons is artificial!

As long as the background is sufficient, you can increase your level without limit!

The benefits of such two bloodlines of gods and demons are far more than doubled!

Chen Feng couldn't help taking a breath.

Then, it was ecstasy!

He thought of more.

Since the second bloodline of the gods and demons can be refined, why can't the third and fourth lines be refined?

At that time, if it were absorbed and refined into one, wouldn't the level of the blood of the gods and demons be higher?

At that time, the furnace will be made into a tripod, reaching the second level of the first volume of the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.

His blood of the gods and demons is bound to be the strongest blood of the heavens and all realms!

The shock of the power of blood alone is enough to make countless opponents feel timid and bow their heads!

Chen Feng couldn't wait to watch.

Sure enough, the third layer is the fusion of blood.

Strengthened the power of blood.

So far, it can be regarded as opening the door of the Avenue of Gods and Demons!

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