Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5565: The Incident of Dayan Immortal Gate

It can be seen that these words are equivalent to pushing Chen Feng out.

She just wants to preserve the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Even Tuoba Hongxin, the sovereign of the Heavenly Sword Sect, couldn't help but slap his tongue.

This woman is really cold-blooded.

After using Chen Feng, he turned his face so quickly that he didn't recognize anyone.

At the beginning, they were thinking in their hearts that if Chen Feng was here at this time, they would push him out.

Who would have thought that it was her who really opened this mouth.

Si Konghao and others were angry.

Especially Si Konghao, how can he bear this violent temper?

However, Chen Feng stopped him before he spoke.

Zhou Gaoyang and others laughed, watching the Galaxy Sword Sect plunge into chaos.

Luo Xingchen was thoughtful.

He glanced at Zhongli Yaoqin and finally confirmed her meaning.

"Then do it."

"Zhou Gaoyang, you each send a disciple."

"Excess people, please return them."

However, upon hearing this, Zhou Gaoyang smiled and retorted.

"Fights between top disciples are extremely rare."

"It's better to let all the disciples see and see with their own eyes."

"Why rush for a while?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Galaxy Sword faction became angry again.

Who knows if they don't retreat, what else can they do!

But at this moment.


A high-pitched voice came quickly from a distance.

Who else will be here at this time?

The eight major forces and the Galaxy Sword Sect are all following their reputations.

I saw a figure in the distance.

The visitor was a young monk, dressed in a black and white robe.

From a distance, you can tell that this is an ordinary disciple from Dayan Immortal Clan.

Suddenly noisy amidst the Wuyangyang crowd.

Everyone whispered and talked.

Now that the eight major forces have joined forces to encircle and suppress the Galaxy Sword Sect, it can basically be said to have come out in full force.

There will not be many people left behind in the sect.

They are often disciples whose cultivation level is too low, as well as some elders and deacons who are sitting in town.

At this moment, what appeared in front of everyone was just an ordinary disciple of the Dayan Immortal Sect.

Just arrived at the fourth heaven of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

How could such a person come here to report for no reason.

Moreover, it still looks extremely urgent.

Even Daojun Xingxian, the master of Dayan Immortal Gate, frowned when he saw that the person was his own disciple.

It seems to be a bit embarrassing.

Li Hongliang, the lord of the Great Spirit God Sect, looked over.

He stood with his hands in his hands, with a joking smile on his face, half teasing and half mocking.

"Why, how many people have come out of Dayan Immortal Gate."

"Even so, let a disciple of the fourth heaven of the Star Soul Martial God Realm send a message?"

Many people just keep this sentence in their hearts.

Who would have thought that the Sect Master of the Divine Giant Spirit Sect actually ignored the alliance relationship at all.

I didn't forget to taunt the alliance at this time.

However, this is not surprising.

The Dayan Immortal Sect and the Giant Spirit God Sect had been unable to deal with each other decades ago.

Except for the Dragon Tooth Fairy Gate, the strength of the two is almost the same.

Everyone wants to suppress the other party.

Because of this, it is clear that there is something wrong with Dayan Immortal Gate.

Li Hongliang will naturally not miss the opportunity for taunting.

Daojun Xingxian looked rather ugly.

Hearing this, he hummed heavily, and the powerful breath came out unconsciously.

It's irritating.

He stared at Li Hongliang coldly, without saying a word.

Then, Xingxian Daojun turned his gaze to the disciple who came in a hurry.

"Why are you so flustered?"

Hearing such words from the master of his family, that disciple was rather conscientious.

He looked around.

It seems that I don't want to announce it in the public.

This reaction certainly caught everyone's attention.

Without a word, Daojun Xingxian turned his hand to form an isolation formation.

The light was shining, and the powerful aura instantly filled dozens of miles around.

Many people were amazed.

Only the sect master of the Dayan Immortal Gate, a strong man in the fairyland of Lingxu, can do it!

Condensed into a big array between your fingers!

Even Zhou Gaoyang, the master of Longya Immortal Gate, could not pass through the magic circle and heard Xin Mi.

In the great formation, the ordinary disciple finally got a bitter face.

"Sect Master, our treasure chest has been swept away!"

As soon as the words came out, even Daojun Xingxian immediately shrank his pupils and took a breath.

"how can that be!"

"There are so many big and small formations in the sect..."

He wanted to say that countless formations were laid out in the sect, only the people of Dayan Immortal Sect knew about it.

How could it be possible for outsiders to break in easily.

But when he thought of this, Dao Jun Xingxian reacted.

He shuddered and stared at the boy in front of him.

In the intense emotional ups and downs, a trace of breath leaked.

That ordinary immortal disciple was almost overwhelmed by his breath.

"You mean, the person who did it is my own person from Dayan Immortal Clan?"

The disciple was crying, and handed a jade talisman to his hands.

"This is a message from Elder Taiyang, who is in town, who asked me to send you a message."

"His old man wanted to come by himself, but he was afraid that the person was attacking the Dayan Immortal Gate and didn't dare to come."

"That's why the disciple came to deliver the letter."

Hearing this, Daojun Xingxian's face turned dark.

Although they came out this time, they are also confident.

After all, it is a First-Rank Immortal Sect force, and it is also considered to be among the best in the Eastern Desolate Immortal Territory.

Ordinary people who dare to pluck their beard?

Daojun Xingxian grabbed the jade symbol used by Dayan Immortal Gate for transmission.

The jade amulet was crushed and immediately lit up with a bright light.

Then, a phantom figure appeared in front of Taoist Xingxian in this light.

It's Elder Taiyang!

Elder Taiyang looked more haggard right now.

As soon as he came up, he thumped and knelt down, kowtow.

"I'm not waiting for the nursing, so the culprits sneak into my Dayan Immortal Gate, please punish the master!"

"However, before the punishment, the sect master is asked to send someone back to the sect as soon as possible."

Looking at this scene in front of him, Daojun Xingxian was almost a little weak.

The millions of years of their Dayan Immortal Clan's foundation, finally accumulated and reached their current status.

If the treasure chest is looted, it can almost be said that half of the Dayan Immortal Gate has been broken!

From now on, where can we be the nine powers alongside the other eight powers?

Even the Galaxy Sword Sect is better than them!

Taoist Xingxian felt wrong no matter what.

"All seven floors were stolen?"

He hopes to see the disciple shaking his head.

However, what responded to him was a drooping head.

"Only the treasures on the first floor were not taken away."

"The disciple immediately called the Elder Taiyang after discovering that there was a difference in the treasure house."

"After Elder Taiyang checked, he confirmed that most of the treasures from the second to seventh floors were stolen."

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