Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5559: This is... my memory?

The body that had originally walked into the sect suddenly turned.

He caught up with Luo Chengzhi, the elder Luo.

Although there are more disciples and elders left behind in the Divine Giant Spirit Sect than the Dayan Immortal Sect.

But compared to the past, it is extremely rare.

Before long, there was a "Qu Kangsheng" missing from the door of the Great Spirit Shenzong.

Only "Luo Chengzhi" held his posture and entered quietly.

At this time, the elder Luo had already been replaced by Chen Feng.

He uses the same technique to search for his soul.

Then, finally got information about the whereabouts of one of the Seven Treasures within the Divine Giant Spirit Sect.

It is a pity that the **** wind witch true banner is also in the team going to the Galaxy Sword Sect!

It is also controlled by an elder with extraordinary cultivation.

It takes a lot of thought to get this thing.

Chen Feng temporarily left those thoughts behind and quickly went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of the Giant Spirit God Sect.

This time, there are still some disciples in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

There are also dedicated deacons and elders.

You can't just evacuate it like Dayan Immortal Gate!

After he took out the token that symbolized his identity, he came to the top without any hindrance.

Soon I found the high-level exercises on the Avenue of Gods and Demons.

The first chapter of "Ling Xiao Jue"!

Hong class first product!

It's just the first one, and it has reached the first grade of the Hong level!

Chen Feng's breathing couldn't help but hurried.

He quickly printed the content of the first article into his mind.

The first chapter of "The God and Demon Lingxiao Jue" has three levels in total!

The first level is Dahua God and Demon.

Start with the blood of the awakening gods and demons, and stimulate the use of the blood of awakening.

As we all know, the blood of the gods and demons is different from ordinary people.

Ordinary people and others can often display 70% to 80% of their blood.

However, the gods and demon body refiners displayed the same level of strength, but only developed two to thirty percent of their blood.

Because of this, only through the corresponding exercises can the power of silence in the bleeding vein be brought into play.

And this power can often reach ten times the original!

When the first major transformation of the gods and demons is completed, the gods and demons can awaken the blood in the body.

Inspire and apply it to the war on weekdays.

At this point, you can begin to practice the second level, reshaping your flesh and blood!

When the blood in the body has been developed to a certain extent, the flesh can no longer withstand the blood of higher intensity.

At this time, a process of neither breaking nor standing is needed.

Every inch of skin and every bone must be remodeled all over the body.

This process will be very difficult.

And it's extremely painful!

Even, including in the spiritual world, there will be earth-shaking changes.

But as long as this step can be completed, the power of the **** and demon body refiner will be more than tenfold!

From then on, the third stage, the tempering of gods and demons can be performed!

At this moment, the physical body can bear the power of more blood.

By then, the power of the blood of the gods and demons may not be enough to fill the entire body.

Because of this, we must begin to refine and upgrade the blood of the gods and demons!

This is the threefold content of the first chapter of "God and Demon Lingxiao Jue".

If these three levels can be completed, the power of the **** and demon body refiner will be dozens of times higher than before!

Even the bloodline level will be improved.

Chen Feng left the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion without saying a word.

There are still many masters in the Giant Spirit God Sect.

It is not so easy to destroy.

Now that this is known, it is better to spend time on self-improvement.

At this moment, in Mei Wuxia's spiritual world.

That concealed light and shadow mark has begun to faintly fluctuate.

Chu Ping's people are already looking for her.

Chen Feng was still unimpeded all the way and left the Giant Spirit God Sect smoothly.

The two rushed down.

Soon came to an unmanned floating island.

Chen Feng briefly arranged the formation, and then handed over Luo Hong furnace to Mei Wuxia!

"If there is an abnormal change, immediately urge Luo Hong Furnace to overhaul."

"I will sense it immediately."

Mei Wuxia nodded.

"Don't worry, Brother Chen Feng."

"I will definitely protect the law for you."

Chen Feng nodded.

Then he sat cross-legged, his eyes closed tightly, and his spirit immediately revolved at high speed.

In fact, Chen Feng is not sure whether he has the blood of gods and demons.

At first, he had no choice but to enter Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation.

A huge voice came from the testimony, telling him that he was suspected of having the blood of ancient gods and demons.

After that, he got the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.

All these tell him that there is blood of gods and demons in his body.

But what kind of bloodline of ancient gods and demons is it?

Chen Feng doesn't know anything!

He closed his eyes tightly, and quickly began to operate according to the mental method in the "God and Demon Lingxiao Jue".


The next moment, the blood flow in his body began to flow faster.

Breathing became more and more rapid.

Muscles and muscles bulged all over.

Even the body temperature began to soar rapidly.

At the same time, a very powerful breath came out of him.

Mei Wuxia, who was not far away, felt this powerful breath.

Can not help but exclaim again and again.

"Brother Chen Feng's bloodliness is really strong!"

At this time, the blood in the body began to boil.

Chen Feng even began to emit white air all over.

These blood vessels, running at high speed in his body, soon formed a small week.

At this moment, the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art in his body suddenly started to operate on its own.

"what happened?"

Chen Feng's heart shuddered, but immediately returned to peace.

The bloodline that had just boiled to the point of bursting apart, under the stimulation of the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art, began to calm down.

However, at the same time, the speed of operation remains unchanged.

Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness was constantly immersed in his own blood and deepened.

I don't know how long it has been sinking.

Suddenly, under the stimulation of the golden mental power, he only felt an unprecedented tremendous power!

That power is like a sleeping lion.

Quietly hidden in the deepest part of the blood.

But even so, the trace of breath it releases is enough to be daunting!

"This is my blood of ancient gods and demons?"

Chen Feng couldn't help but get excited.

In the next moment, he did not hesitate to turn "The Gods and Demons" to the extreme.


When that power is excited.

There seemed to be a deep and long drum in the morning and evening.

In an instant, Chen Feng forgot the time and everything around him.

In front of his closed eyes, there was blood red!

At the same time, some extremely broken memory fragments suddenly passed quickly through his mind!

Those pictures are really passing too fast!

Chen Feng didn't even have time to see even one picture!

The only thing he could hear was the scream of a boy.

And, the great pain almost engraved in the blood!

And grief!

"This is... my memory?"

At this moment, Chen Feng only felt his heart beating violently, almost exploding.

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