Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5557: The whereabouts of the Gods and Demons Refining Avenue exercises!

He was shocked, looking at Chen Feng's face, he couldn't believe it.

"You... are you Chen Feng?"

"But your breath..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the appearance and breath of the person in front of me, and suddenly began to change.

In the end, he became just like him!

The same black and white robe, the same whisk.

Even the look on his face when he was frightened was exactly the same!

Including the breath, it is even more fake!

Even Mei Wuxia, who was on the side, covered her small mouth in surprise.

Chen Feng smiled against Shi Wenwei's face.

"Since your eight major forces are so rampant."

"Then if I don't do something, it would be really polite."

The next moment, an extremely terrifying aura burst out from his body in an instant.

The powerful pressure immediately changed the real Shi Wenwei's face.

"How could it be you!"

How could it be possible to cause such a terrifying coercion so quickly!

The powerhouse of the eighth cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm, I'm afraid it is nothing more than that!

However, his surprise can only end here.

Blood burst into the sky.

Chen Feng turned around and looked at Mei Wuxia.

"It's all here, why don't we go to Dayan Immortal Gate as a guest first."

Chen Feng laughed, and ransacked everything on Wen Wei's body.

Then, he took Mei Wuxia to Dayan Immortal Gate.

Dayan Immortal Gate ranks among the top three among the nine forces in the Eastern Wilderness.

Its area is even larger than that of the Galaxy Sword Sect!

There are hundreds of thousands of miles away!

From top to bottom, they are all large and small floating mountains.

The lower the cultivation level the disciple, the more they can only live on the lower floating mountain.

Before the Gate of the Galaxy Sword Sect, there is a huge lake like the sea.

There was blue waves rippling, and aura lingered.

There are a lot of spirit beasts and fairy fish swimming under the lake, so it looks like a fairy.

And the end of the huge lake is the Nine Heavens Tongtian River!

When Chen Feng first saw the vast scale of the Galaxy Sword Sect, he was quite shocked.

But after seeing the Dayan Immortal Gate, he realized that there is a mountain beyond the mountain, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Here, there is also a waterfall that is no different from the Jiuxiao Tongtian River.

It's just that this huge river is wider.

Looking around, almost occupied the entire line of sight.

More ingeniously, there are countless floating mountains scattered from bottom to top on both sides of this great river.

Between those floating mountains, there are bridges and corridors connected by clouds.

Xianlin Yehe flew into it.

Clouds and mists swirl around.

There are also countless waterfalls of different sizes falling vertically.

In addition, the black and white yin and yang gossip pictures can be seen everywhere.

Compared with the picturesque and fairyland of the Galaxy Sword School, this place is more majestic.

Chen Feng completely transformed his breath into the time elder.

So he took Mei Wuxia into it, without any obstacle.

Even the guardian formation did not notice that it was unusual.

Although at this time, it was getting late.

But in this kind of fairy gate, who needs a rest?

It happened that Chen Feng came all the way and almost never saw any disciples of the school.

The only ones, as soon as they saw him from a distance, they all stopped and saluted respectfully.

"Meet the elders."

Chen Feng pretended to be a gesture, waved his hand and flew up quickly.

According to the news in Shi Wenwei's mind.

The Dayan Immortal Gate can be described as an all-out dispatch this time.

Except for the new entry disciples with the lowest level of cultivation, as well as some handyman disciples and deacons.

The rest of the strong, almost all went to the Galaxy Sword Sect!

"It seems that they really made up their minds to destroy the Galaxy Sword Sect."

The more people that go there, the more people will have to carve up the background and benefits after the Galaxy Sword Sect is destroyed.

No wonder Dayan Immortal Gate is so confident.

As everyone knows, Dayan Immortal Gate is best at formation.

If it weren't from Dayan Immortal Gate, the uninvited guest wanted to sneak into it.

Then here will fall from the fairyland to hell.

At every step, it is possible to step on a killing array.

Besides, there is the most impressive guardian formation here!

I heard that there was a powerful person who wanted to sneak into it.

Up and down the Dayan Immortal Gate, almost no one raised his eyelids.

Everyone was watching with cold eyes.

Watching that person was strangled in a large and complicated formation.

Since then, no one has dared to trespass the Dayan Immortal Gate easily!

But this is the most difficult level, but it was easily solved by Chen Feng.

The mask of the succubus was prepared just for this.

In this way, Chen Feng soon appeared on the highest floating mountains.

According to Shi Wenwei's memory.

The smaller one on the left is the Treasure Pavilion.

There is a seven-story pagoda, which is similar in purpose to the Buddhist scripture towers on the top of the sky.

What's stored in it is all the heritage of the Dayan Immortal Gate over the years.

As a prestigious elder, Shi Wenwei can use most treasures.

He went to it without saying a word.

The deacon at the door was also very polite to him.

Who could have imagined that the elder Shi who returned in a hurry had already changed his shell.

As soon as Chen Feng entered it, he immediately began to search.

Originally there was a Supreme Elder here, but at this time he also went to the Galaxy Sword Sect.

They are too confident.

I thought that in Dayan Immortal Gate, no one would dare to be presumptuous.

In this way, half an hour later, Chen Feng strode away from the treasure chest.

From beginning to end, except for the lowest level that was not searched, the remaining floors were almost completely wiped out!

If someone comes in again and sees this empty treasure chest, they will probably faint directly.

Mei Wuxia waited outside for a while.

Seeing him come out, he smiled and greeted him.

"Where shall we go next?"

Chen Feng confirmed each other's trial mission with her.

The tasks of the two are similar.

Perhaps because Mei Wuxia is not an immortal in the sky.

Her trial task is of average difficulty.

In addition to killing the three immortals, you only need to kill one elder of the dragon tooth immortal gate.

That person is now cultivated as the ninth cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm.

Compared to Chen Feng, this task is almost a breeze.

"Go, go to the next place."

Anyway, on the way from the Dayan Immortal Gate to the Galaxy Sword Sect, it happened to be separated from the Giant Spirit Shenzong and the Dragon Tooth Immortal Gate.

It can be said to go smoothly.

Then there is no problem with hand-in-hand.

Chen Feng came and left in a hurry.

Until daybreak, no one in Dayan Immortal Gate had noticed that something was wrong.

At this time, Chen Feng was already hundreds of thousands of miles away from Dayan Immortal Gate with Mei Wuxia.

Almost soon arrived at the Giant Spirit God Sect.

The east lights up and the fish belly is white.

Chen Feng's appearance has also changed from Shi Wenwei to the consistent costume of the Giant Spirit God Sect.

Mei Wuxia looked at him curiously.

"Brother Chen Feng, how exactly did this happen?"

Chen Feng smiled.

"Interested? I will give you one when I have time."

Having said this, he suddenly looked down, as if thinking of something.

However, he said nothing.

Thanks to Taishang Yuqing’s Jiushou True Art, it originally took several days to reach the Giant Spirit God Sect.

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