Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5548: Zhong Li Family Killed!

Now that Chen Feng made such an appearance, it can almost be said that the Beidou team had a major exchange of blood.

Venerable Guhong hasn't heard anything for a long time.

Previously, Yuheng Fairy, Ruokuliu, and Xieying were the core teams.

So now, Chen Feng is the core.

Even Fairy Yuheng can only rank second.

In the face of such a result, if Kuliu and others dare to have any opinions?

They have already accepted this fact.

At this moment, there was another commotion among the crowd.

"Chu Ping is here."

Chen Feng heard the words and looked up.

Seeing that many onlookers appeared in Chu Ping's life, they all gave way.

Chu Pingsheng still looks handsome and sharp.

In the crowd, it is like the most shining star.

However, now there are some voices that sounded at all times.

"At the beginning, Chu Pingsheng was known as the first person on top of the sky in a hundred years."

"It seems that this title is about to abdicate and become virtuous."

After hearing this, Chen Feng only remembered.

Indeed, Chu Pingsheng is considered to be the one who has advanced the fastest among all the new immortals who have entered the top of the sky in the past two decades.

From the mere eight-star Wudi has been advancing violently, to the second cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm.

Among all the people present, Chen Feng was the only one who could be compared.

When Chu Ping was born in the third heaven of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, he found his own path.

Chu Ping sneered coldly as if he heard the sounds around him.

He looked at Chen Feng, still full of confidence.

"You are really strong, but you will still die in my hands."

In this regard, Chen Feng looked indifferent.

Now he has got the key of trial.

No longer have to worry about Chu Pingsheng starting with Mei Wuxia.

He gave Chu Pingsheng a cold glance.

"If I were you, I wouldn't continue to want to provoke me to anger now."

"Because, the more you bark, the more I will kill you like a dog in the next task."

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Chen Feng is too crazy!

After all, Chu Pingsheng was also a strong man in the second cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm.

Moreover, behind him there is an entire building with clothes.

How dare he Chen Feng be so arrogant?

Chu Pingsheng saw that Chen Feng was still like this, his eyes grew colder.

"Then wait and see."

Just as he was about to leave, a bitter killing intent suddenly lit up in the void.


Many sect children immediately regressed.

Just because this murderous aura is too powerful.

There is actually the power of the fifth cave in the Shifang Dongtian realm!

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

As we all know, no private fight is allowed on the top of the sky.

But this murderous aura was extremely harsh, with a clear goal, and went straight to Zhong Li Yaoqin.

The identity of the visitor should never be underestimated!


Between the sparks and flints, Chen Feng turned his hand and took out the large repair Luo Hong furnace.

Blocked in front of Zhongli Yaoqin!

Everyone looked at the direction where the murderous aura came.

I saw a figure far away in the void.

The man was handsome and tall, wearing a crown of heaven on his head, and extremely majestic.

The appearance is somewhat similar to Zhongli Changfeng.

The clothes on his body are even more clear at a glance-the child of Zhong Li's family!

Many monks started talking.

"It's actually from Zhong Li's family!"

"Could it be, when did Chen Feng offend Zhong Li's family?"

"No, that person seems to be targeting the woman next to Chen Feng."

"Which one of Chen Feng's companions have you seen in trouble, he will stand by?"

Even Chu Pingsheng's lips curled up and smiled slightly.

He looked at Chen Feng and sneered unceremoniously.

"It seems that you really make trouble everywhere."

"Even the people of Zhong's departed family dare to offend, it's really impatient to live"

It seems that upon hearing this, the person who came from a distance suddenly stopped in shape.

"Brother Chen?"

The crowd onlookers were shocked when he said this.

I saw the person approaching.

In order to wait for Chen Feng to speak, the Celestial Beast Slave next to him was one step ahead.

"Zhong Li Yuntian? Why are you here."

Although Zhongli Family's family is also on the top of the sky, it is remotely located.

In the depths of Yipin Xianshan.

On weekdays, he never appeared in front of these sects below.

Although he is extremely arrogant and arrogant, people do have capital.

No one thought that members of Zhongli's family would appear here.

And unexpectedly, the relationship with Chen Feng seems to be good?

The person here is Zhongli Yuntian!

I saw him holding a long sword and quickly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

He hesitantly looked at Zhongli Yaoqin next to him.

"Brother Chen, how can you be with this..."

Before he finished his words, Chen Feng stopped him.

"This is not a place to talk. Go ahead and talk."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Zhongli Yaoqin on the side, his eyes beckoning her to stay calm.

Chen Feng is naturally clear about the grievances between Zhongli's family and Zhongli Yaoqin.

However, Zhongli Yuntian may not be.

I saw him coming so angry, presumably he was instructed by the family to come and kill Zhongli Yaoqin.

Chen Feng looked at everyone.

"When I have something to talk about, you guys will not send them away."

He clasped his fists and arched his hands, then took Zhong Li Yuntian and Zhong Li Yaoqin, and turned back to the brand-new Beidou blessed land behind him.

"what happened?"

Seeing Chen Feng again, Zhong Li Yuntian couldn't help but feel shocked.

Since the last trial mission, he has returned to the family and began to retreat.

Along the way, the repair is extremely smooth.

It skyrocketed directly to the fifth cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm!

Such an increase in speed was also fortunate enough for him to successfully squeeze into Zhong Liweize's eyes.

When he came, he was still thinking about how Chen Feng brothers are now.

But I didn't expect to meet again so soon.

Zhongli Yaoqin on the side also looked at Chen Feng.

There was a hint of doubt on his face.

"Do you know that person from Zhongli Family?"

Chen Feng nodded.

"In the previous trial mission, I didn't know each other without fighting."

"Introduction, his name is Zhongli Yuntian."

Speaking, Chen Feng looked at Zhongli Yuntian.

"Why, did Zhong Li and Weize send you out to kill her?"

Zhong Li Yuntian was dumbfounded.

Even Zhong Li Yaoqin was quite puzzled at this time.

She looked at Zhongli Yuntian, a little instinctive in her indifference.

If it weren't for Chen Feng here, the two would have fought directly.

Even the regulations on the top of the sky didn't take it seriously.

Chen Feng looked at Zhong Li Yuntian, sinking his face, and said quietly.

"Your ancestor Zhongli Changfeng is her father."

Zhong Li Yuntian nodded.

"The ancestor said, the ancestor once left another heir."

"It's just that this heir is not recognized by my Zhongli family."

"The ancestor also said that once she returns to the top of the sky, she will surely cause trouble."

Hearing these words, Zhong Li Yaoqin couldn't help but burst into murder.

In the cold eyes, there is full of silence.

"What a reverse black and white!"

Chen Feng looked at Zhong Li Yuntian, staring straight at him.

"What I want to tell you next may subvert your usual perception."

Immediately afterwards, he told Zhong Li Yuntian.

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