Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5545: God and Devil Puppet Technique!


The loud sound almost shook their faces pale.

This power must be at least the eighth hole of the Shifang Dongtian Realm!

Zhongli Yaoqin, this is...

Chen Feng suddenly thought of the seal in her body.

Could it be that before, the seal was loosened, and now it suddenly absorbed a large amount of water from the stars.

That seal was torn apart by the sudden power?

Outside of the great Xiu Luohong furnace, powerful air waves are still erupting.

Layer after layer.

It shook the great Xiu Luo Hong furnace and kept ringing the voice of Hong Zhong and Da Lu.

I don't know how long it took before the outside movement gradually dissipated and calmness was restored.

Chen Feng put away the large Xiu Luohong furnace and looked in the direction where Zhong Li Yaoqin was previously.

The huge pool was completely dry at this time!

Exposed one after another riverbed.

At this time, Zhongli Yaoqin stood in front of the only giant gate made of black iron.

Seeing Chen Feng approaching, Zhong Li Yaoqin turned his face slightly.

The ferocious murderous aura in her eyes suddenly drew away.

"Are you all right?"

Chen Feng shook his head and only asked her what was going on.

It can be seen that Zhong Li Yaoqin's own face is also ugly.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is as pale as paper.

However, the aura released from her body is indeed stronger than before.

After hearing Chen Feng's question, Zhong Li Yaoqin said lightly.

"My seal is getting looser."

"Just now, it has a crack that is not as big as a palm."

Hearing this, the Tiancun Beast Slave on the side couldn't help taking a breath.

With just such a crack, the power above the eighth hole of the Shifang Dongtian Realm could burst out.

If the seal is completely broken, how strong is the strength?

Only then did Zhong Li Yaoqin look around.

"Sorry, the water of stars in this pool..."

Before she finished speaking, Chen Feng interrupted what she wanted to say next.

"Don't worry about these, Tian Can just plundered a bull's power, and it doesn't need much."

"I don't have to worry even more."

As he said, he quickly walked to the mysterious iron gate that glowed with cold light.

The Tiancun Beast Slave immediately revolved with a cold breath.


This time, they entered the real treasure of True Person Qingyan without any hindrance.

An unusually strong spiritual energy rushed toward his face.

Chen Feng glanced casually, and he could see the mountains of heaven and earth treasures, high-end treasures and magical artifacts.

There are also many special elixirs and so on.

"You put it away first, I'll find the key of trial."

There used to be a huge bronze key in the ruins in the deserted ancient ruins.

That is the key to trial.

True Person Qingyan kept a handful there, and left the rest in the fairy mountain.

The purpose is nothing more than to quickly restore the cultivation base to its original state after the resurrection.

Even higher!

Now they are cheaper.

While collecting these treasures left by Real Person Qingyan, Chen Feng searched for the key of trial.

At this moment, he suddenly found a blood-red jade slip on one side.

"what is this?"

He grabbed the blood-red jade slip and probed his divine sense in.

Unexpectedly, this was actually "God Puppet Art"!

The supernatural power of the fifth grade of Hong!

Once it can be cultivated to the peak, even those who are strong in the fairyland of Lingxu can be caught and made into puppets.

Moreover, these puppets are all different from the previous ones.

They have a cultivation base comparable to that of the caster, and can practice and act normally.

It is hard to see that they are just puppets!

"It's almost like a clone."

To tell the difference, once the clone is destroyed, the body will be backlashed to a certain extent.

And if the puppet dies, the body will not have any influence!

Chen Feng suddenly reacted.

"It seems that the previous Kui Niu is like that."

After thinking about it, he put away this **** jade slip.

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Chen Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a calculated smile.

Soon, everything inside was evacuated by the three.

The key of trial was also successfully found.

Although there is only one, it is enough.

The three quickly left the underground palace, preparing to go back to Beidou Fudi.

However, just when the three of them were about to leave, Chen Feng suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin turned and looked at Chen Feng.

Only the expression on Chen Feng's face was quite subtle.

He looked at Zhong Li Yaoqin and Tianchou Beast Slave before him, and suddenly laughed.

"Since we are here, does it mean that we are the destined people of this Fourth Grade Immortal Mountain?"

I believe that with the strength of the top of the sky, if they are really missed, they will definitely not be allowed in.

The dark clouds and thunderstorms shrouded in the past were nothing but a test.

Hearing what Chen Feng said, both of them were taken aback.

Immediately, Tiancun Beast Slave reacted immediately.

He had seen the strength between the sky, and a thunder light could easily wipe out people.

He immediately shouted with bright eyes.

"It must be so!"

"Brother, let's look around quickly to see where we can control this fourth-grade fairy mountain."

Although Zhong Li Yaoqin didn't quite understand, he didn't object.

Chen Feng thought for a while, and began to find from the endless treasures plundered.

This fairy mountain was previously controlled by True Person Qingyan, presumably the core of that manipulation should be within his background.

However, he found an extra one-foot long, shaped like a tile, carved with sapphire to avoid death.

There are also five one-step climbing orders.

In addition, the core of this fairy mountain was not found.

"Could it be that the core is still somewhere else?"

Chen Feng continued to release his spiritual consciousness, and at the same time, he fully operated the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen Art.

Those colorless and invisible strands of Taoist rhyme quickly flooded between heaven and earth.

Surprisingly, these re-returned to the invisible Taoist rhyme, as soon as they came into contact with this void.

Suddenly there was a sense of intimacy.

To be precise, it should be for the power of the thousands of stars in this void.

Chen Feng's heart moved at will, and he simply tried to absorb the power of the stars in this fairy mountain.


Above the void, a terrifying vortex suddenly appeared.

The vortex was spinning frantically, getting bigger and bigger, and finally seemed to cover the entire sky.

Zhong Li Yaoqin and Tianchou Beast Slave were quite puzzled.

I wonder what Chen Feng intends to do?

"Big Brother, at this time... there is no need to absorb the power of the stars in this way, right?"

But that being said.

The Tiancun Beast Slave had blind confidence in Chen Feng.

He believed that everything Chen Feng did had his intentions in it.

Just wait and see.

Absorbed the power of the stars in the Big Dipper blessed land, condensing the stars.

He directly absorbed all the power of the stars in the entire Beidou blessed land.

At first, the body seemed to be torn apart, and it was extremely painful.

But now, he almost easily absorbed the power of these thousands of stars completely.

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