Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5531: Devour the blood of Shura!

He raised his eyes and looked at Zhongli Yaoqin in the distance.

"Have you heard the voice of the Lord of Heaven?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin also nodded.

Hearing this voice, the big rock in their hearts finally let go.

The great deserter told them the clues, but there was no guarantee that this task is still there today.

Until now, the Lord of Heaven finally gave them a reassurance.

As long as the passage behind him is completely destroyed, the Shura bloodline of all the members of the Demon Sect of All Desires is absorbed.

This task will be completed in all likelihood!

Chen Feng stood proudly in the void, the ink was flying, and the whole body exploded with a more powerful aura.

The Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art was almost turned to the extreme.

The blood of Shura in the body was constantly surging.

Keep getting longer and bigger.

In the blink of an eye, it is already tens of thousands of meters long!

It's just that the more you get to the back, the slower your bloodline upgrades.

But, at this moment, an accident happened.

When the Asura bloodline was upgraded to the inferior grade 4, the entire Asura bloodline began to explode.

It has a strong consciousness of devouring.

Directly rushed out of the Dantian world, turned into a black dragon, and rushed into Chen Feng's limbs!

Chen Feng's spiritual world was stunned.

He secretly said.

"not good!"

However, Mo Long roared and rammed straight into his body.


In an instant, Chen Feng's figure began to soar.

The complexion suddenly turned blue and was instantly covered by scales.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already turned into a green vertical pupil.

Even the teeth began to skyrocket, and in a blink of an eye they were full of fangs.

In less than a few breaths, Chen Feng has become a Demon of Shura ten meters tall!

As for the members of the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Demons, nearly half of them have not completely drawn their blood!

In the distance, Zhongli Yaoqin's breathing became stagnant.

She couldn't tell that Chen Feng's state seemed not quite right.

But the voice of the Lord of Heaven just rang in his ears.

If you stop at this time, I don't know if you will miss a great opportunity.

However, Chen Feng had already made a decision before she could make a decision.


He raised the sky and roared.

The Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art moves more quickly.

In the body, the blood of Shura quickly rushed into the limbs, trying to swallow his original blood.

Pain all over!

Rao was a man of iron and steel like Chen Feng, and he could hardly help screaming at this time.

However, he still did not stop.

At this moment, the blood in Chen Feng's body began to boil!

His breathing began to become rapid, and his whole body kept getting hot.

A red golden light burst out from his body!

The light goes straight to the world!

Illuminate this piece of pitch black like day!

At this moment, within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, all the Asura demon and monks stopped all together.

They all felt the extremely powerful blood pressure suppressed.

It was this suppression that almost made them want to kneel down and surrender immediately.

The elders sent by the three top-level first-grade sword sects were all surprised at this time.

"what happened?"

"Whose blood is so strong?"

As soon as these words came out, a name suddenly appeared in their minds.

Chen Feng!

This makes them even more shocked.

Sure enough, as the elders said, Chen Feng's cultivation strength has increased too fast!

If he cannot be obliterated in time, I am afraid there will be no chance again in the future!

They looked at each other, and finally revealed their biggest hole cards.

At this time, the old Demon Xu Jun was equally frightened.

Because, he felt a fourth-grade inferior Shura bloodline!

Fourth grade inferior!

How terrifying is the original body of that young man!

For a time, he could hardly move.

Even with the strength of the eighth hole of the Shifang Dongtian realm, it is difficult to burst out the greatest strength because of its suppression.


Facing the siege of the monks in front of him, he suddenly felt fear.

"I'm not going to die here, am I?"

Just as Old Demon Xu Jun was frightened, another roar came from the direction of the altar.

The shocking and tearing sound echoed constantly in the sky.

I can still hear it vaguely, that is Chen Feng!

At this moment, Chen Feng was almost on fire.

He could feel that his blood was boiling.

The supreme blood flowing in his limbs and hundreds of skeletons, at this moment, is like a sleeping giant lion, slowly waking up.

Chen Fengmo was flying frantically, his eyes were bloodshot, and two bursts of blood shot out.

It doesn't look prestigious.

The billowing black magic mist is still pouring into his body.

The blood of Shura is still getting stronger.

Chen Feng could even hear the roaring and neighing noises in every corner of his body.

"Chen Feng, stop!"

In the darkness, Zhong Li Yaoqin kept shouting.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she could see that something was wrong with Chen Feng at this moment.

That Shura bloodline seemed to want to go against the guest and swallow his own bloodline!

If we continue to absorb it like this, the consequences will be disastrous!

However, Chen Feng did not stop.

Seeing that completing the task is within easy reach, he is willing to take a gamble.

"I want to see if your Shura bloodline is stronger, or my bloodline is stronger!"

With his roar, the sky and the earth danced wildly.

A light suddenly appeared from Chen Feng's body.

Zhong Li Yaoqin took a look from a distance, and immediately took a breath.

"It's actually..."

Chen Feng knew nothing about all this.

The violent power kept flowing in every corner of his body.

The blood boiled completely, and a powerful force burst out of his bones, suddenly appeared.

With the appearance of this power, the bloodline of Asura that had been clamoring ceaselessly was immediately suppressed.

There is no room for resistance.

The endless magic mist still flows continuously and crazily into his body.

Chen Feng has fallen into a very special state.

Everything around seems to be forbidden.

He could clearly perceive the surging of blood flow and pulse beating in his body.

And this time, there is a kind of supreme majesty.

In a trance, he kept muttering.

"I have... Supreme blood."

The sound was as thin as a mosquito at first, but it became louder and weird.

In the end, he became like Hong Zhong Dalu, constantly echoing under the sky!

The body seemed to be torn apart, it was extremely painful!

However, the Supreme Bloodline is always as solid as a rock.

No matter how strong that Shura bloodline becomes, it will not move like a mountain!

"The Supreme Bloodline, terrifying!"


All the black magic mist between heaven and earth poured into Chen Feng's body.

But this time, all the Shura bloodlines in the body were actually swallowed by Shengsheng!

The remaining Shura bloodlines seemed to have some sense, and finally did not dare to recreate it, and honestly returned to the Dantian world.

A voice rang in his mind.

"Fourth grade is medium."

The Supreme God Demonized Dragon must stop functioning, and the conclusion is made.

Chen Feng's appearance began to gradually recover.

He suddenly opened his eyes, turned around and looked at the huge space passage behind him.

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