Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5529: Kill the demon servant!

It was quiet and silent, and there was no one.

Zhong Li Yaoqin was a little surprised not seeing Mo Ke Luo and Hao Qi Demon Lord.

She looked at Chen Feng with doubts.

However, Chen Feng's mouth was grinning open, revealing his signature smile.

"You don't trust them?"

Chen Feng looked over and met Zhong Li Yaoqin's gaze.

"Do you trust them?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin fell silent immediately.

Chen Feng said again.

"Look carefully at the circle of devil bones around you."

"These devil bones are not sitting corpses at all!"

"They are not dead at all!"

Before the words fell, the entire underground magic hall suddenly made a loud noise.

The black devil bones sitting cross-legged on the thrones of the skulls all raised their heads.

Looking at the two of Chen Feng from the black hole.

A huge killing intent suddenly broke out.

Only then did Zhong Li Yaoqin suddenly react.

"This is not a sect master of the past, but... the eighteen demon servants of the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Demons!"

Mokoro is very smart.

He already knew that Chen Feng could understand his thoughts.

Therefore, when he came to this underground magic temple, he was always empty.

In this regard, Chen Feng has indeed been calculated.

However, he still underestimated Chen Feng.

When the only entrance was blocked, Chen Feng instinctively felt a little bad.

He went to look at Moko Luo again, and soon found out the clues.

Mokoro has been in a state of self-suggestion.

This will cause his thinking to become extremely simple, and his reaction will be much slower.

"...I'm just going to count it."

There must be a special way of communication between Mokoro and Haoqi Mojun.

You can even avoid the spiritual world directly.

After realizing this, Chen Feng quickly realized something was wrong.

When I think about it again, I understand everything.

Everything that Haoqi Demon Lord said before is true.

He was really arrogant, he didn't want to surrender to the old demon Xu Jun, and he kept his original fame and sank.

At the same time, he really intends to make a comeback.

It's just that with Chen Feng's flesh!

This conjecture was confirmed after he quietly implanted another demon heart into the spirit world of Haoqi Demon Lord.

But now is not the time to think about those.

The surrounding devilish energy continued to erupt, and the eighteen demon servants slew all the way.

This is one of the most powerful cards of the Demon Sect.

Each of the eighteen demon servants has the strength above the sixth hole in the ten-square cave.

Even more terrifying is that their spiritual world is one!

There are more than the seventh cave of the Ten-square cave realm!

Once defeated by their mental attacks, the physical body will quickly become in a state of no ownership.

Then you can be taken advantage of.

Haoqi Demon Lord predicted that after he was stripped of his blood, his cultivation would be ineffective.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng would suddenly take out the gold pagoda.

So before entering the Golden Pagoda, a sneak attack has been arranged.


Countless voices were mixed together and roared.

The Eighteen Demon Servant quickly stopped the two and surrounded them round and round.

For a time, magic sounds continued to flow from all directions.

The devilish energy was pressing, and Zhong Li Yaoqin immediately felt that his whole body's cultivation base was running slowly.

She and Chen Feng shot together.

The two turned their backs to their backs, and they were about to explode to the extreme.

But seeing the Eighteen Demon Servant getting closer, the two of them were struggling more and more.

Especially Zhongli Yaoqin.

The influence of devilish energy on her is too great.

If I don’t go out, I’m afraid I’ll die here today.

Chen Feng suddenly made up his mind.

He looked at Zhongli Yaoqin.

"I have a practice in the Shura world, which I used to deceive the old demon Xu Jun."

"Perhaps, that is the only chance we can escape."

Zhong Li Yaoqin's complexion changed slightly, and he looked over.

Seems to be waiting for him to continue.

Chen Feng looked at her.

"I have the blood of Shura in my body. Once I use this method, it will show the image of Shura."

Hearing this, Zhongli Yaoqin suddenly shocked.

In an instant, Zhong Li Yaoqin reacted to everything.

No wonder that Old Demon Xu Jun is so steadfast.

It turned out to be because of this.

However, seeing that the eighteen demon servants around are about to rush to kill, there is no extra time to think.

The next moment, Chen Feng only heard a rant.

"Inverse chaos Yin and Yang!"


Shura bloodline suddenly manifested!

The dozens of stars suddenly lit up in the star sea world burst out with a steady stream of power.

As soon as those forces appeared, they rushed forward like a flood.

Between the lightning and flint, Chen Feng began to gush out monstrous devilish energy all over his body.

Almost the power of the whole body has been concentrated into these Shura devil qi.

Then, his cold eyes lit up in the dark devilish air.


The devilish energy invaded the surrounding eighteen demon servants instantly!

The violent aura and coercion around him disappeared almost instantly.

The situation suddenly reversed.

Although the eighteen demon servants have no flesh and blood, their black demon bones all turned into death in an instant!

And those "magic energy" that spewed out were all eroded by Chen Feng's magic energy.


Screams sounded one after another.

Those dead spirits began to corrode the remaining souls.

They began to struggle and wailing, but their souls were locked in their skeletons.

Chen Feng's body began to change constantly.

In a blink of an eye, the height has soared to five meters or ten meters.

The complexion turned green, and the scales instantly covered.

The eyes turned into blue vertical pupils, the forehead had horns, and the whole person looked terrifying with green faces and fangs.

He roared, but his body was faint.

But, the only thing to be thankful for is that those eighteen demon servants were vulnerable to the Great Asura Funeral Art.

Worthy of being a ninth-rank Hong-level magical skill!

Chen Feng supported his body, gritted his teeth and began to absorb the primordial spirits trapped in the skeleton.


A large amount of Shura devilish energy suddenly burst.

A steady stream of pouring into Chen Feng's body.

Soon, Chen Feng clearly felt that the Shura bloodline in his body began to grow stronger again.

"Five-grade inferior."

When this word rang in his mind, Chen Feng couldn't help but

There was a smile.

He stood proudly in the center of the underground magic hall, constantly exhaling demon energy.

Then, gradually began to return to the original state.

This great Shura burial art is truly extraordinary.

Not only can it make up for a certain Shura bloodline, but it can even refine and absorb all the souls.

At this time Chen Feng, even his physical strength was a little stronger.

Zhong Li Yaoqin watched this scene from beginning to end, her beautiful eyes flickering.

If it weren't for Chen Feng to inform in advance, I am afraid she would really misunderstand.

In fact, even with the advance notice, when she saw Chen Feng's appearance, she still couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Is it possible for a human cultivator to appear innocent as a Demon of Shura?

Chen Feng had already received magical powers at this time.

The surrounding devil bones fell to the ground, almost all turned into powder.

He turned to look at Zhongli Yaoqin.

"let's go."

Zhong Li Yaoqin temporarily retracted his mind and nodded to Chen Feng.

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