Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5524: Shura blood! breakthrough!

Chen Feng could see clearly through Mokoro's vision.

The so-called Elder Xu Jun is indeed a great Asura!

Moreover, it is definitely the level of the devil!

The powerful mental shock controlled Mokoro's spiritual world almost instantly.

"The Demon Sect of All Desires has new rules."

"No outsiders are allowed to come in, otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

Between the lightning and flint, Mokoro's life is hanging by a thread.

He could almost feel that in the next moment, he would be split into countless pieces by this gaze.

At this moment, Haoqi Demon swiftly flashed forward and stopped Elder Xu Jun.

"Elder Xu Jun!"

"He is my son after all!"

At this moment, Mokoro returned rationally.

He suddenly turned his head and looked on the high platform, staring at his father.

Inwardly, very happy!

Father has not been completely controlled!

Looking at the majestic and solemn expression of Haoqi Demon Lord, Elder Xu Jun seemed to be scrupulous.

He withdrew his raised hand, and also withdrew the endless demonic energy.

A smile reappeared on his face.

"After all, the ignorant is not guilty, so forget it this time."


The next moment, Elder Xu Jun suddenly looked out of the hall.

His voice was extremely loud, and he rolled out.

"Come on, go to the young master's bedroom and take down the two uninvited guests immediately!"

Chen Feng's expression suddenly changed when he said this.

Within a radius of tens of miles, all the disciples of the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires heard this order.

At the same time, they put aside the matter in their hands, exploded with magic energy, and rushed quickly.

Mokoro's face changed slightly, and he wanted to say something.

But at this time, Chen Feng's voice rang in his mind.

"Immediately lift the palace formation, I can deal with it."


The Supreme God Demonized Dragon Art was fully operational.

Almost instantly, the disciples of the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires who rushed into the sleeping hall first disappeared.

At the same time, Chen Feng immediately called Jin Sanye.

"Wrap it on us."

In the next moment, those fragmentary Asura demon souls also poured into Chen Feng's body.

Engulfed by the three masters of Jin!

Chen Feng turned and looked at Zhongli Yaoqin.

"You are not good at demon energy, go to my urn to avoid it."

Zhong Li Yaoqin was a little worried.

"Then can you handle it?"

But Chen Feng smiled, with endless confidence on his face.

"This little thing doesn't bother me."

In an instant, Zhongli Yaoqin disappeared in the bedroom.

Without her, Chen Feng was more relaxed.

The Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art has been turned to the extreme.

All the people who rushed into the sleeping hall fell down in an instant, and even a wailing was too late.

After a while, dark black smoke was floating in the entire bedroom.

And within a radius of tens of miles, there are no disciples of the Demon Sect of All Desires!

Chen Feng frantically absorbed those Shura bloodlines.

These blood vessels are thin and scattered.

It can be as many as possible into that Shura bloodline, but it has raised the Shura bloodline by several levels!

At this time, the lower-ranking Asura bloodline had been upgraded to the upper-ranking seventh-rank!

Thousands of Shura bloodlines gathered together to form such a battle.

In the main hall in the distance, the elder Xu Jun finally changed his face.

His complexion was rather ugly, and his green eyes suddenly shrank.

In the next moment, he looked back coldly and looked at Haoqi Demon Lord.

"Your son, you can do it yourself."

Before the words came to an end, Elder Xu Jun suddenly unfolded the fleshy wings behind him.

In the huge main hall, a powerful hurricane rose out of thin air.

In an instant, the Shura Demon Venerable disappeared in the hall.

Rush to Chen Feng with speed!

In an instant, Chen Feng made a decisive decision.

"Great Asura burial magic, the first level, against chaos Yin and Yang!"


In the side hall, a loud noise suddenly erupted.

Chen Feng could feel that every piece of flesh and blood in his body was changing.

The blue scales instantly covered it.

The body is steadily taller, breaking through to a height of five meters!

There was a sharp pain around his forehead.

The next moment, the magic horn appeared!

This made him couldn't help but roar.


In the star sea world, more than ten stars burst out of vast power.

But in an instant, it was exhausted!

At this moment, Chen Feng only felt that he had endless power.

He dare to fight even if he faces the person of the seventh cave in the Ten Fang Dongtian realm!

The blood of Shura was constantly trembling.

Chen Feng opened his mouth and absorbed all the black magic energy in the entire bedroom.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already green.

Elder Xu Jun arrived in a blink of an eye.

The green eyes flicked.

A punch!

The door of the sleeping hall was suddenly blasted to pieces.

The endless demonic energy rushed over.

Elder Xu Jun's complexion changed abruptly, and his murderous aura instantly dissipated.

"you are……"

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Feng's punch came.

He had to reach out to block it.


Elder Xu Jun stagnated, and was forced to take two steps backwards by this fist.

A dignified man in the Eighth Cave of the Shifang Cave.

He was actually pushed back by the power of the Seventh Cave Heaven in the Shifang Cave Heaven Realm by two steps!

This is incredible!

A hint of surprise flashed in Elder Xu Jun's eyes.

He suddenly looked forward.

"This is... the supreme magic power of the Shura world!"

"Dare to ask who is ahead?"

There was silence all around, and there was no sound.

Except for the creaking sound from a distance, the place can be described as the drop of needles.

But, at this time, a footstep suddenly sounded.



Then, a hurricane came out of thin air.

In the next moment, only a tall and burly Asura Demon appeared in front of Elder Xu Jun.

Its fleshy wings are even larger, with a full spread of ten meters.

Muscle knots, blue-faced fangs.

Although his cultivation base was not as good as him, for some reason, Elder Xu Jun instinctively surged in awe.

That was... the fear of blood!

The blood of the Great Demon Shura in front of him is one level higher than that of Elder Xu Jun!

He immediately knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"Down, Old Demon Xu Jun."

"I wonder who your son is?"

Chen Feng slowly lowered his head, looking at the old demon Xu Jun who bowed his head in front of him, and felt calm.

It seemed that he had bluffed the Shura Demon Lord in front of him.

"Who I am, you don't deserve to know."

The thick and rough voice sounded from Chen Feng's mouth.

He approached step by step.

With every step taken, the figure shrinks by one point.

All the signs of the Shura demon on his body retreated one point.

When he stood in front of Old Demon Xu Jun, he seemed to have returned to his original appearance.

Elder Xu Jun was stunned!

"I have heard that some powerful blood vessels can change their appearance freely."

"I saw it today, it really is!"

Chen Feng stood with his hands in his hands, his face full of shame.

All of this was already in his expectation.

It turned out that before setting off to enter the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires, Chen Feng also interrogated the Sha Ye Mo Zun.

Because of this, all of this is now in his plan.

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