Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5522: Break in!

The three quickly approached the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires.

However, the closer the closer, the more restless Shura bloodline in Chen Feng's body.

His brows jumped quickly, and the Supreme God Demonized Dragon Art was actually running on its own.

In my mind, voices kept ringing.

"Nine-Rank inferior."

"Eight-Rank is superior."


"Seventh-Rank Superior Bloodline!"

Chen Feng's heart became colder as he listened.

Those disciples of the Demon Dao sect of Xuanhuang Zhongqian World are all demon cultivators.

Magic repair, after all, is also a monk.

It is impossible to contain a large amount of Shura blood!

There is only one explanation.

I am afraid that the entire Demon Sect has been controlled and replaced by the Great Demon of the Shura Realm.

If they hadn’t found it, I’m afraid it would take less than fifty years.

The fairyland of the Eastern Desolation will be reduced to a **** on earth!

He turned his head and looked at Zhongli Yaoqin.

The two exchanged glances quickly.

Soon they came to the main hall of the Demon Sect.

The main hall was located in the two eye sockets of the skull. Chen Feng tried to poke in, but found that it was unfathomable.

The surroundings are all dark temples, ancient and vicissitudes of life.

There was a lot of magic energy everywhere, even stronger than the aura of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Worthy of being the No. 1 Demon Sect in the Eastern Wilderness!

The three of them walked for a long time, looking all the way, and quickly found the clues.

All the disciples passing by wore black cloaks, and they couldn't see their figures and features.

The entire hall was gloomy, and only the space cracks in the distance continued to hear huge noises.

At this time, even Moko Luo looked slightly different.

Through Moxin, Chen Feng naturally understood his thoughts at the first time.

Before he came to Chen Feng for revenge, it wasn't so lifeless here.

The most important thing is-

A disciple of the Demon Sect of Wanyu, never wears a black cloak!

After all, they are the No. 1 Demon Sect in the Eastern Desolation!

For any disciple, being a disciple of the Demon Sect of All Desires is the supreme glory.

They can't wait to show the imprint of the Demon Sect on their forehead to everyone.

Why did you hide it on purpose?

"It seems that you also realize something is wrong."

Chen Feng's voice rang from Mo Ke Luo's mind.

Mokoro's face became increasingly ugly.

He immediately wanted to go over and opened the black cloaks of those people, but was stopped by Chen Feng.

"Why stop me?"

Mokoro was extremely upset at this time.

Chen Feng coldly reminded him.

"You better think about it, what will happen if you do this at this time."

"If I guess right, these people have been corrupted by the great demon of the Shura realm."

"Then have you thought about why they are still here?"

"Could it be that your father and your clan elders can't notice it?"

When Mokoro heard the words, his figure stagnated.

Although Chen Feng is always treacherous and cunning, he has to say that his remarks still make sense.

With the cultivation base of his father and others, he would not fail to detect it.

But if they noticed that these disciples were still here, it would be terrifying.

That means that what Chen Feng said earlier may have come true.

It's not that they swallowed the great demon of the Shura world.

But the great demon of the Shura realm, using the blood of Shura to completely erode them.

I am afraid that even the father and the elders in the clan...

When Chen Feng saw that he thought about these things clearly, he continued to remind.

"If your father and the elders in the clan have been corrupted, you will take action at this time and find the clues."

"Guess what they will do?"

Speaking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but sneered

"You don't really think that by then, your father will still think of bloodliness?"

Mokoro had to calm down.

What Chen Feng said is true.

He immediately raised his eyes, his eyes bursting with **** fierce light.

Then, he turned his head and stared at Chen Feng.

"You said you could help me, is that really serious?"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"It's not helping, but it's just getting what you need."

Mokoro nodded, immediately pretending to find nothing, and continued to rush forward.

They soon came to the side hall.

That was Mokoro's own bedroom, protected by a powerful formation.

That was the formation that my father and the elders in the clan laid together.

It is difficult for any one of them to break through.

As soon as Mokoro returned to the sleeping hall, he immediately opened the formation.

He was quite irritable at this time, turning his head and looking at Chen Feng.

"Now, what should we do?"

Chen Feng didn't panic and smiled slightly.

"First, we need to call a few disciples in."

Isn't it easy?

Mokoro waved his hand immediately.

Not long after, a few disciples filed in.

They also wore black cloaks and couldn't see clearly.

At the moment the formation closed, Chen Feng immediately stretched out his hand.

The powerful breath instantly suppressed several people, and they couldn't move at all!

Before the few people could struggle, they were torn off their cloaks.

In the next moment, Mokoro's expression changed abruptly.

I saw that the skin of those disciples was already covered by scales.

Their eyes have also become emerald green vertical pupils.

What's more, even a horn appeared on the head!

All are signs of the Shura Devil!

When Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin saw it, their hearts sank.

Unexpectedly, the Shura Demon has eroded to this point!

If they come later, I am afraid it will be too late.

Chen Feng immediately stepped forward, turning heaven and earth to overturn the reincarnation magic.

Soon, he learned some recent events from the minds of these ordinary disciples.

For example, there are several strange faces that have never been seen here.

The Sect Master of Wanyu Demon Sect personally announced that they are the new Supreme Elder.

The status is second only to the overlord himself!

For another example, behind the skull, the stable passage is still expanding.

The most important thing for these newly emerged elders is to consolidate the passage.

At the same time, people are constantly brainwashing.

The rhetoric is just as Mokoro said earlier.

Unify the two worlds!

"It's a good one to unify the two worlds."

Chen Feng's face was extremely cold.

He told Zhong Li Yaoqin and Mo Ke Luo about this.

Zhong Liyaoqin's face sank, and Mokoro began to feel restless.

In any case, this is his sect after all.

Being deceived to his own site, even his father arrived early to erode the ignorance.

This is not just a shame.

More fear!

They are the No. 1 Demon Sect in the Eastern Wilderness!

And he, but grew up under Zhongxing Pengyue since he was a child.

Even if he is rejected by the right way, his position in the Eastern Wilderness can still be said to be supreme.

Therefore, he is more proud than anyone!

But at this time, suddenly told him.

The sect had been exchanged for blood, and it was almost destroyed.

How does this make him choose?

Give up the struggle and sink together?

Then, has since become a **** in the Shura world?

Extremely ridiculous!

Mokoro became more irritable the more he thought about it.

He immediately wanted to kill all the disciples in front of him to vent his hatred.

However, this behavior was stopped by Chen Feng.

"Let me see if I can recover."

As soon as these words came out, Mokoro's heart suddenly raised a little hope.

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