Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5520: Demon Sect of All Desires!

It turns out that on the fourth floor of the Great Tower of Tibetan Scriptures, there are also various trial tasks that can be checked...

The great deserter explained.

"I can be sure that this trial task has not yet been completed."

"I am related to the ontology. Going this time is a test for you."

"Without delay, I will set up a teleportation formation."

"With the strength of my clone, the teleportation formation can only last for a month."

In other words, they need to destroy the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires within a month.

If the mission is not completed within a month, the teleportation array will disappear by itself, and the two can only return by themselves.

At that time, all opponents will besiege.

Chen Feng moved slightly in his heart, and after thanking the great deserter, he asked another question.

Wanyu Demon Sect, as a major demon school,

The background is almost the same as the eight powers.

It is impossible to destroy the door by two people alone!

What's more, the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires has long been hidden from the world.

Who knows how much has changed now.

Zhong Liyaoqin's face was ugly, and he spoke directly.

"The last time I saw Sect Master Moyesha, his cultivation has reached the eighth cave of the Ten Fang Dongtian realm."

"With this cultivation base, the two of me are going to die."

Chen Feng couldn't help but gasp.

The eighth cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm!

Not to mention Zhongli Yaoqin, he just broke through the Shifang Dongtian realm not long ago.

In terms of strength, he can kill the strong above the fifth hole.

But it stops here.

How to destroy the Demon Sect of All Desires?

The Great Desert Lord looked at the two of them frowning and laughed.

"In that case, I will at most give you another ray of divine thought."

"This spirit can help you use it three times."

"Each time, the strength of the ninth hole of the ten-square hole realm can be exploded."

"After three times, if you still fail to complete the task, the old man is helpless."

Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin looked at each other and nodded.

"The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge head. If there is no way, then it will make a way."

"Within half a month, the affair Demon Sect will definitely be razed to the ground!"

In the next moment, the Great Desolate Lord's hands are constantly changing and making various moves.

The whole body is covered with brilliance.

The center of his eyebrows lit up with three golden and cyan lights, which quickly flooded into the center of Chen Feng's eyebrows.

Then, light and shadow flickered in the hall.

The majestic breath gushes out!

A teleportation formation suddenly appeared in the center of the hall.

Chen Feng suddenly disappeared in the temple, and also disappeared in the Great Desolate Lord's Palace.


A sense of weightlessness hits rapidly, and the surrounding transmission channels continue to squeeze and pull the two of Chen Feng.

After a long time, there was a sudden gust of wind around him.

They have come to the hiding place of the Demon Sect of All Desires!

Chen Feng looked around.

Total darkness!

Everything you see is magic!

Thousands of miles ahead, a huge mountain of skulls stood floating in the air.

Above, a little shadow of the devil's palace.

Amidst the overwhelming devilish energy, it looked extremely cold and terrifying.

It's like purgatory on earth.

This is the Demon Sect of All Desires!

Within tens of thousands of miles, it is full of lifelessness!

Chen Feng felt the change of blood and breath instantly.

In the world of dantian, that Shura bloodline turned black all over, and began to turn over.

It seems to be sensitive!

The surrounding demonic energy kept invading, but it was easily absorbed by Chen Feng.

This surprised Zhong Li Yaoqin next to him.

"Your physique..."

Chen Feng thought for a while, and immediately urged the Supreme God to Demonize the Dragon Art.

The aura of Shura's blood was aroused and covered it under Chen Feng's guidance.

"We are only near the Demon Sect of All Desires."

"Don't act rashly, I'll find someone to inquire about the situation."

Zhong Li Yaoqin was quite surprised when he heard this.

"You still know people here?"

If it weren't for Chen Feng's knowledge, Zhong Li Yaoqin would have been extremely vigilant.

As we all know, the magic way and the right way are incompatible.

Anyone who has contact with people in the magic way will be regarded as a traitor!

Chen Feng seemed to see Zhong Li Yaoqin's worry and smiled slightly.

"How about you?"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Feng flipped his hands and took out the golden pagoda.

As soon as he saw this golden pagoda, Zhongli Yaoqin immediately reacted.

"You mean, Lord of the Night Demon?"

Chen Feng shook his head.

"It's the young master of the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires, Moko Luo."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Feng was not surprised to see Zhong Li Yaoqin's surprised expression.

The next moment, the two appeared on the first floor.

In the golden pagoda, the first floor is empty and desolate.

Except for Mokoro and Shaye Mozun, there was only a pool of dried blood.

This is the first time Zhongli Yaoqin has come here.

"This thing is what I got accidentally in the Shura world, it should be a treasure."

"It's just that I refine the first layer."

When Mo Ke Luo saw Chen Feng, his face was extremely ugly.

He was frantically angry and charged straight.

Has been locked in the golden pagoda for a long time.

There is no day and night here, and the time cannot be distinguished.

Being imprisoned in such a humiliating manner, as the young master of the Demon Sect of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, has Mo Ke Luo ever suffered such a humiliation?

So today, when Chen Feng appeared, all the anger had erupted.

"Chen Feng, I want you to die!"

The overwhelming demonic energy is surging, transforming one after another skull.

But no matter how they changed, they couldn't even get closer to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stood with his hands in his hands, joking in his eyes.

"Do you know where I am now?"

But at this time Mokoro had already ignored him, where could he hear half a word?

Chen Feng sighed, and immediately moved forward and waved a palm.

That palm seemed light and fluttering, but it rose strangely against the storm.

The light continued to flourish, and instantly became dazzling.

Almost stabbed Mokoro to shout in pain.


A crisp and loud slap knocked it out hundreds of meters instantly!

This slap finally made Moko Luo temporarily calm down.

Chen Feng came to him again.

"We are now near the Demon Sect of All Desires."

Finally, when he heard the four words of Demon Sect, Mokoro finally had a reaction.

His eyes were alert, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately stared at the two of Chen Feng.

Be vigilant, look up, think...

Finally turned into a crazy laugh!

"Hahaha... if there is a way to heaven, you don't want to go, and there is no way to hell, you have to go."

"You might as well get closer, my father will be able to sense my breath from you."

"At that time, how do you treat me, I will repay it a hundred times!"

Chen Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

He immediately ran the heavens and the earth with all his strength to reincarnate the heavens.

In the space of repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth, the third huge vertical pupil immediately spewed endless black light.

In an instant, the devil's heart was condensed.

Without saying anything, Chen Feng stared at Moko Luo and successfully implanted it in the depths of his spiritual world.

"I ask you, what are your conspiracies?"

As soon as these words came out, Mokoro's mind suddenly became a warning sign.

"Did he know something?"

"Why would he know?"

"Our sect has long been completely closed, unless it is a few elders who can go out..."

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