Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5517: A mission spanning fifty years!

"As far as I know, there is a super-grade immortal gate in the Xihuang Xianyu, named Guixu Xianzong."

Hearing this, the Great Desert Master looked quite surprised.

"You actually know Guixu Xianzong?"

Chen Feng nodded, but didn't explain more.

That is the Xianzong he will go to in the future.

Only by going there can he learn the truth about his identity.

However, there is no need to say this for now.

The great deserter nodded.

"Don't say it's the Western Wilderness Immortal Territory, even the Northern Wilderness Immortal Territory is staring at us."

"The reason is the mountain where we are now."

This is the end of the story, and the Great Desolate Lord also simply speaks out.

It turned out that every world would only have such a huge mountain, connected to the top of the sky.

In the Western Desolate Immortal Territory, after a strong man accidentally learned about it, he spread the matter out.

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help being surprised.

"Will the Lord of Heaven send someone to erase the traces?"

At the beginning, Qin Baichuan was killed within half an hour because he was aware of the existence of the top of the sky.

The Great Desert Lord shook his head.

"One step late."

"The immortal who was sent was killed instead."

"But because of the immortal sent, the man knew that the secret could not be kept for long, so he publicized it."

"Heaven dominates, after all, it is still inconvenient to obliterate several super-grade immortals..."

Chen Feng understands.

The Great Desolate Lord is the angel of the sky sent by the Lord of Heaven to guard this huge mountain.

To protect this huge mountain, you must protect the Eastern Wilderness.

The moment when all of this was confessed.

Suddenly, a huge voice exploded in Chen Feng's mind.

"The Celestial Celestial Apprentice, Chen Feng, has accepted the task: Help the Celestial Envoy to guard the Celestial Peak!"

"Task name: Prevent the strong from the Western Wild Immortal Territory from forcing the top of the sky!"

"Quest content: The three super-class immortal gates in the Western Wild Immortal Territory, learned that the top of the sky exists, and want to cross the domain and force to break into the top of the sky."

"Task requirements: cooperate with the angel of the sky and others, stop all intruders."

"Time limit for task completion: fifty years!"

"Task Reward: Qualifications to enter the fourth floor of the Great Tower of Tibetan Scriptures of the Heavens etc."

"Punishment for mission failure: obliterate!"

Chen Feng was stunned in place, but it was not particularly surprising.

After all, it was not the first time he had experienced such a pitfall.

The letter from Zhongli Changfeng last time was even worse than this one.

This time, at least the task reward made him breathe quickly.

Qualifications for the fourth floor of the giant tower of Tibetan Buddhist scriptures!

Since entering the top of the sky, he has hardly seen a few people entering the third floor or above!

It seems that he has done this task!

Chen Feng immediately raised his head and looked at the great deserter.

"How will you train me?"

Seeing Chen Feng agreeing so happily, the clone of Great Desert Lord was quite surprised.

He looked at Chen Feng and immediately laughed.

"Good good!"

He even said three good words and made no secret of his appreciation for Chen Feng in his eyes.

"At the Broken Jade Conference, since I let you come here for three years, that is three years."

"In the past three years, I will teach all of my inheritance."

"Every day, you will experience life and death battles!"

Chen Feng was slightly surprised and blurted out.

"Is it with you?"

Even though there was only a clone in front of him, Chen Feng understood it very well.

With his current strength, he couldn't stop a move at all!

The clone of the Great Desert Lord smiled and said.

"It can be me, or any Desolate Guardian."

"Anyway, when the three-year period expires, you have to defeat everyone in our house one by one!"

Chen Feng nodded.

"I understand."

"If this is the case, then I will first lead Zhongli Yaoqin into the top of the sky, and then come down to retreat."

For some reason, Chen Feng always had a faint feeling of anxiety in his heart.

As long as he failed to lead Zhongli Yaoqin into the top of the sky, he couldn't let his heart down.

During the previous test in the third level, for some reason, the illusion also changed.

Originally, Chen Feng only wanted to pass this picture to Zhong Li Yaoqin.

But he didn't want to be when Zhong Li Yaoqin saw the illusion in front of him, everything afterwards became uncontrollable.

The hostess didn't notice it.

But this matter, after all, is about the life of the hero.

What's more, the reward for completing the advanced battlefield mission of endless killing has also been temporarily detained.

Zhong Li Yaoqin on the side looked over and thanked him softly.

Naturally, there is no problem with the great deserter.

He raised his eyes and looked outside the hall, and opened his mouth to call Zhai Changzun.

"Let Zhai Changzun take you up."

"Go up, there will be a sharp wind."

"With him, you can go and return quickly."

Chen Feng nodded.

He experienced it once, and naturally understood.

As the terrifying wind blows, countless cracks will continue to appear in the surrounding space.

These are all shattered by the wind!

Not only did the space cracks be scraped out, but the space was directly broken into pieces!

Even now, Chen Feng's physical strength is no longer what it used to be.

But he was not sure whether he could survive in a few hours or even longer.

Not long after, Zhai Changzun left the Great Desolate Lord's Palace with the two of them.

Suddenly a golden light radiated all over him.

Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin couldn't be more familiar with this light.

The barrier above the lotus platform was also like this.

Chen Feng was a little curious.

"Senior Zhai Changzun, how far is your cultivation level now?"

Previously, in the face of so many top-level first-grade immortal masters besieging and killing, he was able to kill a chicken.


No matter how Chen Feng probed, it was difficult to determine his true cultivation level.

Zhai Changzun glanced at him lightly, without answering.

Chen Feng shrugged, then was taken, and rushed into the wind in an instant.

With a golden light curtain shrouded in it, those winds naturally couldn't break through.

This time I came to the top of the sky giant peak, even faster than the last time I took the light of the red golden crane!

Breaking through the last layer of Gang Feng, Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin fell on the top of the mountain!

"This is the illusion you created for me."

Zhong Li Yaoqin looked forward to the sidewalk.

She stared forward obsessively, at the huge arch.

The arch is as high as 10,000 meters, but it is extremely unpretentious.

It seems to be artificially carved, but it feels simple and natural.

Said it is an arch, it is like a huge stone pillar being bent over and placed here!

Simple and rough, but full of ancient desolation!

Every time Chen Feng saw this huge arch, his heart trembled.

He always felt that this door had been dreamed of countless times.

It seems that this door is very familiar to him.

I am familiar with it, it is basically a part of my life once!

However, at this moment, Zhong Li Yaoqin's voice suddenly came to his ears.

"The breath here, I seem to have dreamed of it."

When Chen Feng heard the words, he turned his head to look.

I saw Zhong Li Yaoqin's idiotic eyes, she was lost!

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