Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5495: Yuxu Immortal Gate’s unherited inheritance!

That is a mysterious space independent of the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World.

If you guessed it correctly, inside, the entire East Wilderness has been searching for a long time, and the Yuxu Immortal Gate has no inheritance!

"At the beginning, I thought that this key could only be unlocked after reaching the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

"Unexpectedly, it wasn't until the Shifang Dongtian realm that I just qualified."

Chen Feng couldn't help but slap his tongue.

He noticed that there were still two pairs of eye-catching eyes around him, so he thought about it.

At the next moment, Chen Feng appeared on the flying boat.

"Sect Master Zhongli, do you know the no inheritance of Yuxu Immortal Gate?"

Zhong Liyaoqin's complexion changed slightly.

She did not expect that Chen Feng would appear again, and the first sentence would be this.

Seeing the man in front of him seemed quite anxious, Zhong Li Yaoqin nodded slightly.

"Of course I know."

"It's you, why are you talking about this suddenly?"

Chen Feng stared straight at her, and suddenly spoke.

"It's in my hand."

As soon as he said this, Rao Zhongli Yaoqin's complexion changed drastically.

Her beautiful eyes suddenly widened, looking at Chen Feng, her eyes suddenly drenched.

In an instant, Feizhou suddenly stopped in the void.

Zhong Li Yaoqin immediately waved his jade arm.

The supremely lingering sword energy instantly blocked all tens of miles around.

For a moment, Chen Feng's heart tightened, and when he flipped his hand, he was about to activate the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword and the Great Asura Luohong.

But, the next moment, Zhong Li Yaoqin's reaction stopped him from thinking about it.

"Are you crazy!"

After all this was done, the woman in front of her rarely showed a little gaffe.

Her voice went up a bit.

"No one has told you that such secrets must never be declared?"

Chen Feng's expression changed slightly when he heard Zhong Li Yaoqin's words.

Under the gaze of the woman in front of him, he realized a lot in an instant.

"Taiyi Immortal Sect, Ziwei Haotian Palace, and the pure Yang true fairyland powerhouses of the Wanling Longevity Sword School, could it be that I can't feel it because of this sentence?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin nodded vigorously.


"Otherwise, how can you think that the Eastern Desolate Immortal Territory is a first-rate immortal gate, how could it be wiped out a million years ago?"

"It's just for the uninheritance of Yuxu Immortal Sect."

Speaking of this, Zhong Li Yaoqin's face suddenly softened.

She sighed long and looked at Chen Feng with a complicated expression.

"You shouldn't tell me."

"There is no inheritance of the Yuxu Immortal Gate, and the entire Eastern Desolation Immortal Territory is enthusiastic."

"Anyone you think you can trust is likely to do this to you!"

When Chen Feng heard these words, he burst into laughter.

I saw him calmly looking at Zhongli Yaoqin, speaking with a certain degree of confidence.

"But you won't."

"Back then, the Yuxu Immortal Gate was tragically destroyed. Numerous sects, large and small, all rushed forward, looking to share a piece of the pie."

"But the Galaxy Sword Sect did not do this."

Zhong Li Yaoqin smiled slightly when he heard this.

She asked rhetorically.

"That was the decision of the entire Galaxy Sword Sect. What if I actually want to go in my heart?"

Chen Feng shook his head again.

"Back then, the Galaxy Sword Sect still had the final say in the Tianshu Sword Sect."

"Whether it is you or Zhong Li Changfeng, since you have made your choice, it will not change now."

Looking at Chen Feng's determined appearance, Zhong Li Yaoqin suddenly smiled with relief.

She hasn't laughed like this in a long time.

Even if Tianshu Jianzong returned to its former glory not long ago, she was just excited.

It's not as moving as it is today.

Chen Feng's understanding of her far exceeded her expectations.

Clear judgment, calm analysis, and then... is firm trust!

After a brief moment of emotion, Zhong Li Yaoqin quickly put away his emotions.

She squinted her eyes slightly.

"Since you have said so, just say it, what do you want me to do?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng was overjoyed.

It seemed that he was right.

Zhong Li Yaoqin is indeed a trustworthy and smart woman.

Now that he had said everything, Chen Feng didn't hide it.

"The non-heritage of Yuxu Immortal Gate was hidden by Dongji Qingxu God with his body as the key."

"Now, my cultivation is worthy of being able to unlock this key."

"This is a big deal, and I hope you can protect me."

As the cultivation level gradually improved, Chen Feng became more aware of what the jade virtual treasure mirror in his hand meant.

It is precisely because I understand that I dare not do the same as before, regardless.

There must be a strong enough to guard the law!

Otherwise, the taboos like those just now would be enough to cause a murder.

When Zhong Li Yaoqin heard this, he seemed to think of something, his face wrinkled slightly.

But she nodded anyway.

"I can set up a magic circle for you on the flying boat."

"But what you said without scruples just now, I am worried that if the remedy is not enough, it will bring you a murderous disaster."

"must be careful!"

In response, Chen Feng clasped his fists and bowed his hands to show his gratitude.

The next moment, Zhong Li Yaoqin waved.

Countless divine lights gushing from her body, changing positions in the void, and finally quickly condensing into a special magic circle.

Zhong Liyaoqin looked solemn and extremely serious.

She kept changing her hands, and divine light poured into it one after another from all directions.

The more Chen Feng looked, the more frightened.

He originally thought that Zhong Li Yaoqin's setting up a magic circle was just an ordinary isolation circle.

However, it seems that this is not the case.

A while ago, he had seen this kind of magic circle in Old Man Wu.

Hiding the magic circle!

Although the magic circle is considered to be a magic circle, it is actually composed of several magic circles.

The various magic circles interact with each other.

In this way, the effect of completely hiding the breath and isolating all the roads in the world is achieved!

"I didn't expect to explore the uninherited inheritance of Yuxu Immortal Gate, there are still such battles."

Chen Feng secretly smacked his tongue.

At the same time, he was also amazed at Zhong Li Yaoqin's magic circle attainments.

After the sky full of magic array was completed, Chen Feng stepped into it and sat down cross-legged.

The formation was opened immediately, and Chen Feng suddenly disappeared in place.

Said to disappear, but in fact it is just invisible.

After Zhong Li Yaoqin finished all this, his expression finally revealed a little complicated.

When the circle was urged, Chen Feng couldn't help but tighten.

At this moment, he was cut off from the thousands of avenues in the world of Xuanhuang.

This feeling is no stranger to him.

Every time when returning to the top of the sky, when the light cyan light beam falls on the body, it feels like this.

Chen Feng immediately took out the Jade Void Mirror and urged the cultivation base with all his strength.

A steady stream of star power rushed into the mirror along the palm.


An ancient roar like a monster, quickly exploded in his mind.

The sound wave was so great that even Chen Feng's complexion changed drastically.

In the next moment, a powerful suction force appeared in that Jade Void Mirror.

Chen Feng couldn't struggle at all and was directly inhaled.

Then, in the entire magic circle, only one dangling mirror remained.

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