Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5492: The evil night demon is coming!

So, ten days later.

Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin quietly left Tianshu Jianzong.

The two of them boarded the same flying boat, swiftly walking through the void.

For Chen Feng's obsession with letting her go, Zhong Liyaoqin's eyes were dark.

She seemed to feel something, and vaguely guessed what was written.

But, nothing said.

A few days later.

A flying boat gallops in the vast sky.

Below, there is a vast ocean with no end in sight.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and concentrated on the deck.

With Zhongli Yaoqin, he doesn't need to be cautious everywhere.

Although he is not as strong as Zhong Li Yaoqin, he can still detect a little trace.

Today's Zhongli Yaoqin has a very high cultivation base!

"It seems that with her, this journey will be much easier."

Chen Feng secretly said in his heart.

Although nearly a month has passed since the Zongmen Grand Competition, his victory in the team competition that day also cost him.

Immortal Mo Rin fell into a deep sleep!

I don't know when it will wake up.

In those two days, Immortal Mo Rin expended too much energy for the five of Chen Feng.

Had it not been for the Bihai Ziluocao, he would have been wiped out!

After the five people fully awakened, Immortal Mo Rin fell into a coma all over his body.

At this moment, he was crawling beside Bihai Ziluocao, his breath was extremely weak.

The last branch lightly brushed on him, continuously inputting aura for him.

Looking at the sleeping fairy Mo Rin, Chen Feng gave the highest respect.

If he hadn't been generous to help, he wouldn't have been today!

Tianshu Sword Sect may not get the first place, and therefore lost the opportunity to return to the top.

If Zhong Li Yaoqin doesn't leave with him because of this, Chen Feng will be completely wiped out by the dominion of heaven as soon as half a year arrives!

Such kindness will be remembered by Chen Feng!

The wind was howling.

On the flying boat, it was extremely quiet.

Zhong Li Yaoqin changed into a red dress and looked forward, without any emotion on his face.

The boundless world, below is the ever-changing scenery.

The ears are the wind of hunting.

The Great Desolate Lord's Palace is tens of thousands of miles away from the Galaxy Sword Sect!

It takes a long time to just use the flying boat.

Zhong Li Yaoqin suddenly retracted his gaze and turned to look at Chen Feng.

"How did you do it in the team game that day?"

She asked out after all.

If it is said that Chen Feng alone wakes up early, it may be called an extraordinary gift.

Although it is extraordinarily unbelievable, because it is him, it seems that it can be accepted by everyone.

However, five people in a row awakened one after another, so some other means must be used.

Especially the talents of Que Yuanzhou and others, many people are aware of.

In the Galaxy Sword Sect, although they can be said to be quite talented, they are far from the level of heaven-defying!

This point, in the Galaxy Sword, any elder or sect master with sufficient strength can react.

It could only be Chen Feng, the first to wake up, what did he do!

Zhong Li Yaoqin thought for a long time, but finally did not hold back.

She wanted to know what the truth was.

If it can be done in the same way, can more powerful people be born?

Tianshu Sword Sect is in the new stage and urgently needs a large number of powerful disciples to maintain the dignity of Sword Sect.

Deep meditation is an excellent way.

Because of this, the formation used to conspiracy against Chen Feng's five people in the past is still retained.

That complex of houses has now been transformed into a retreat for all the disciples.

But if the time for deep meditation can be greatly shortened.

Just like Que Yuanzhou and the others, that soon, the disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect would no longer dare to look down on them!

However, Chen Feng just laughed and said nothing.

He did not intend to tell the traces of Immortal Mo Rin.

Moreover, to do that, you need to master the power of time.

If Tianshu Sword Sect wants to become stronger, he still has to fight steadily, step by step.

Seeing Chen Feng had no intention of telling him, Zhong Li Yaoqin did not force it.

She changed the subject instead.

"After the four of them meditated, their cultivation levels all skyrocketed."

"Why don't you?"

Today Chen Feng has stayed in the twelfth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm for a long time.

Absorbed a lot of Longyuan, repaired the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword.

Now he has completed a round of deep meditation.

He still stayed at the peak of the twelfth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Zhong Li Yaoqin's eyes were puzzled.

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng smiled.

"My physique is a little special, it is not convenient to break through in crowded places."

This is the truth.

When he broke through the tenth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, three sky thunders had already appeared.

Since then, he has realized.

His own Thunder Tribulation is completely different from ordinary monks!

Not only is the momentum greater, but the turbulence is also destined to be more terrifying.

During this trip, he had planned to make a breakthrough on the way.

It's safe to have Zhongli Yaoqin guarding the law.

Zhong Li Yaoqin wanted to say something. Suddenly, her complexion changed abruptly, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly directed towards the front, bursting out endless light.

"Who is hiding here!"

With a stern shout, she burst out with a strong sword light, dazzling.

In an instant, above the clouds not far away, there was a muffled hum.

Chen Feng immediately shrank his pupils.

What a strong concealment!

Had it not been for Zhong Li Yaoqin's sudden move, he hadn't even noticed an ambush!

However, when he saw the appearance of the ambusher clearly, the flying boat stopped instantly.

Zhongli Yaoqin and Chen Feng were shocked at the same time.

The one who stopped the way was actually a demon!

The man was three meters long, and he was covered by a special black robe.

He has blue fangs and horns on top of his head, and his whole body is constantly erupting with billowing magic energy.

The powerful breath is approaching Chen Feng!

There is actually the fifth cave in the Shifang Dongtian realm!

In an instant, Chen Feng only felt like a mountain topping, his bones crackling with a series of explosions.

The muscles were tight, he gritted his teeth and kept still!

Failing to complete the dismounting power, the demon sovereign seemed quite dissatisfied.

His eyes with big copper bells stared at Chen Feng.

He opened his mouth, and the twisted tongue swiftly flung it like a snake.

That Demon Venerable is indeed the Sha Ye Demon Venerable from the Shura Realm!

He passed through the gap in space and finally came to the world of Xuanhuang Zhongqian.

"Finally found you!"

"Hand over the treasures of my Asura world!"

Sha Ye Mozun coldly said cruel words, but his body was extremely alert to the woman beside him.

He could hardly feel the cultivation strength of the woman in the red dress.

This shows that with his strength, he can be crushed to death at will!

Venerable Sha Ye Mo couldn't help cursing inwardly.

But, on the surface, he sneered.

"I came from afar, thinking what kind of character you are."

"Unexpectedly, you are actually a trash hiding behind a woman and dare not put a fart!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng looked down at Zhongli Yaoqin.

"you go first."

Zhong Li Yaoqin looked at him and suddenly realized Chen Feng's plan.

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