Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5464: Who said I was dead?

How did Yin Haoran bear this?

Just among the sparks, Chen Feng suddenly made a decision.

In an instant, he stepped forward, and stood in front of Yin Haoran alone.

The next moment, the cold light flashed.

The sky was pierced by a purple thunder, bursting out dazzling light!

Stabbed everyone with blood and tears in his eyes!



The sky is roaring, roaring!

It's like a doomsday scene.

And amid the deafening and loud thunder, a scream could be faintly heard.

"Chen Feng!"

However, under the two terrifying thunders, Yin Haoran's exclaim seemed so insignificant.

In the air, the raging energy tore through countless spatial cracks.

Those purple electric currents are intertwined with it.

Overwhelming energy rages out!

A huge storm suddenly spread from where Chen Feng was.

It even swept in front of the monks who watched a thousand miles outside!

This time the sky thunder was even more powerful than the double thunder robbery that Chen Feng had seen before.

The damage caused is even more unimaginable.

An atmosphere of despair filled everyone's hearts at this time.

This heavenly thunder has already exceeded the peak of the second cave of the Shifang Cave.

Chen Feng and they simply can't hold it!

Relatively speaking, the laughter of the red eagle ancestor in the distance became louder and louder.

"Chen Feng, you are dead! A big heart!"

The void is trembling crazily!

But this time, after a whole whole number of breathing time passed, the people slowly recovered their five senses.

As soon as he recovered, everyone couldn't wait to look in the direction where Chen Feng was.

At the moment when the two devastating sky thunders fell, everyone actually saw that scene.

Chen Feng actually stood in front of Yin Haoran!

At that moment, they were all shocked.

At the last moment, they keenly caught the sound of broken bones.

Just hearing it made them cold all over.

Click! Click!

The broken bones must be turned into powder.

Can you connect it back again?

After these two terrifying sky thunders fell, the endless horror and deep purple thunder cloud dissipated.

If the tide is low, wash the world quickly.

The dark clouds dispersed, and the moon was shining brightly.

Hundreds of miles below, there are large expanses of scorched earth.

Accompanying it is a strong burnt smell.

This tragic appearance silently talked about what had happened here.

On the high mountains below, there are already cracks everywhere.

The Longwei Mountain has been chopped into wasteland by these three thunder tribulations!

The two elites of the Red Eagle family are even more dead!

Those two terrifying sky thunders also slashed on their heads.

"Chen Feng! Yin Haoran!"

"Are you all right?"

Sikonghao rushed to the scorched earth.

He was extremely frightened, and for the first time felt how worried and concerned it was.

Before that, Sikong Hao was alone.

He is arrogant and self-confident, and he has never thought that on the road of cultivating immortals, he can have companions go hand in hand.

But this time, he saw a different feeling in Chen Feng.


He suddenly turned his head and stared at the ancestor of the red eagle fiercely.

Under the attention of everyone, he said loudly.

"If Chen Feng has two shortcomings, I will let your entire family bury him!"

"I, Si Konghao, do what we say!"

The red eagle ancestor in the distance gave a cold smile.

"Boy, you are not as good as Chen Feng, so why dare to yell at the old man?"

Having said that, for Si Konghao in front of him, the ancestor of Red Eagle was still quite jealous.

However, as long as the thought of Chen Feng has been blasted by the sky thunder, there is no bones left.

He couldn't help but feel good.

At this moment, a weak voice suddenly sounded.

"Who said... I'm dead?"

Although the words sang like a mosquito, they did not know why, and they reached everyone's ears clearly.

At this moment, the world is silent!

Everyone looked at the charred wasteland.

Even Si Konghao turned around blankly.


A scorched hand came out with difficulty from a piece of scorched earth.

In the next moment, two familiar breaths came out suddenly!

It was Chen Feng and Yin Haoran!

"It's Chen Feng!"

"He didn't die!"

"Isn't it, it won't die like this? Is it completely on the body?"

The audience is boiling!

In their opinion, this is simply a miracle!

The three powerhouses of the Ten-square Cave Sky Realm were all smashed by those three sky thunders.

But Chen Feng and Yin Haoran survived!

At this time, Si Konghao's heart could hardly contain ecstasy.

He rushed to the scorched earth for the first time.

At this time, Chen Feng two were more embarrassed than the other.

There is almost no place in Chen Feng's body.

His bones were broken and his breath was weak.

It was like a lingering candle in the cold wind, and it was blown out.

Behind him, Yin Haoran looked much better.

Yin Haoran was the most moved at this moment.

It was precisely because Chen Feng stepped in front of him at the last moment.

Carried most of the sky thunder for his life.

Otherwise, with his strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape.

"Chen Feng, I owe you my life."

"From now on, I will never say anything about what you want me to do."

Yin Haoran has been devoted to kendo all his life, for a generation of sword fanatics.

To make him so moved, Chen Feng alone.

"Cough...cough cough."

Chen Feng looked rather embarrassed, ragged, and staggered.

However, there was still a familiar smile on his face.

"What are you talking about."

"Brothers don't need to be serious."

The next moment, he moved his lips extremely slightly.

The expressions of Si Konghao and Sikonghao who surrounded him changed slightly.

At this time, the ancestor of the red eagle was stuck in the void.

He originally thought that sacrificing three elite families would be enough to kill Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng still survived!

"How can I really kill him?"

For some reason, at this moment, a trace of fear passed through the heart of the Red Eagle ancestor.

Is he really wrong?

From the beginning, shouldn't he regard Chen Feng as an ant that can be easily crushed?


At the next moment, the ancestor of the red eagle suddenly condensed his eyes.

He recovered in an instant.

Anyway, everything has happened.

Moreover, Chen Feng got the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword that was transformed into the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword.

This means that he took over the cause and effect between the Red Eagle Ancestor and the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

The two of them will finally fight!

After confirming this, the ancestor of the red eagle immediately looked gloomy.

Although Chen Feng was not dead, he was seriously injured and dying.

Right now, it is the best time to completely crush him!

In the next instant, the Red Eagle ancestor spread out his wings and swooped in the direction of Chen Feng's trio.

"Since God doesn't accept you, the old man will go on your way personally!"

Chi Ying ancestor Jie Jie laughed, unreservedly preparing to give a fatal blow.

However, it is not waiting for him to rush to the front.

Si Konghao suddenly turned his head and stared at him.

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