Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5454: clue!

Not only that, but Chen Feng looked behind the mysterious man.

The Desperate Golden Fan is also changing!

It exploded with a strong breath and seemed to be struggling hard.

The mysterious man slowly turned around, looked at the Golden Fan of Destruction, and smiled contemptuously.

"This kind of scrap iron can also be called a treasure."

"For this, he created such a secret before dying."

"Well, that's it for nonsense. You can go to death."

The next moment, the mysterious man turned his head back with his hand and looked at Chen Feng with a cold face.

He slowly raised his hand and hooked towards Chen Feng.


Within the extremely distant thunder pond, a thick thunder was caused by Shengsheng!

This is the strength of a mighty one!

Even if there is only a ray of spiritual consciousness left, even if many years have passed.

But it can still rain!

Chen Feng raised the broken knife, not daring to underestimate it.

"Fairy Mo Rin, still looking forward to help!"

This is his hole card, but at this moment he can only use it as a hard fight.

The old dragon soul really looked at him highly.

The strength of this person in front of him is far above the fourth cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm.

He even struggled to protect himself.


The moment Lei Guang rushed to Chen Feng, a figure suddenly disappeared.

I saw Chen Feng rushing to the mysterious person, and in an instant, he merged with Immortal Mo Rin.

At that moment, a strong breath erupted from his body.

The printing light flashed.

The roar of the ancient battlefield rushed over.

The smile on the mysterious man's face suddenly stagnated.

After that, he was forced to take a small step back by that knife!

He raised his eyebrows, seeming a little surprised.

"You ant is a bit capable, and it hurt me."

"But it also means that you successfully aroused my anger."


A more powerful violent breath came out!

He rushed to Chen Feng in an instant!


Chen Feng was unable to parry and was knocked into the air.

He vomited blood and his bones were broken.

In the body, the turbulent breath ran like a headless fly that had lost its direction.

It exacerbated his injury.

To make matters worse, for some reason, the world origin tree in Xinghai World suddenly remained motionless.

It seems...some fear?

"Could it be that I am going to die here today?"

Chen Feng was extremely unwilling.

Relatives and friends have never been resurrected, and many causes and effects have never ended.

Even his life experience is still unknown.

How can you die right now!

"I can't die!"

He had a hideous and contorted face, and he vomited a mouthful of blood viciously.

He looked up and fixed his eyes on the mysterious man.

At this moment, the power of his bloodline was ignited!

At this moment, the violent aura stopped abruptly.


The man suddenly stopped attacking, with a trace of surprise on his face.

Then, he appeared in front of Chen Feng in an instant.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed Chen Feng, and blasted a breath into his body at will.

Chen Feng couldn't even struggle.

"let me go!"

He scolded loudly, only feeling extremely humiliated.

But the person didn't care at all, and looked back and forth.

As soon as Chen Feng's blood origin was detected, the mysterious man was suddenly struck by lightning.

Withdraw all power instantly.

There was a look of fear on his face!

Such a reaction is really weird.

Chen Feng's heart shuddered.

Could it be that you know your own blood and life experience?


"I didn't expect to be here, I saw..."

"You are also a poor man."

Hearing these specious words, Chen Feng was excited.

He is more determined, and the person in front of him must know something.

"who are you?"

Chen Feng asked in a deep voice.

The surrounding area is quiet, and it is like two worlds with the burst of just now.

The mysterious man slowly informed him after a long silence.

"You can call me the old man in the wild forest."

"It's your little friend, what's your name?"

"Chen Feng."

The man nodded, and as expected, you are the forgotten person in the legend.

Chen Feng asked.

"Do you know who I am?"

He desperately wants to know his life experience.

Including the figure that looks like him seven or eight, including his...father.

Including the very fast fragment of memory that I accidentally saw.

At the age of three, he was imprisoned in a water prison.

There are layers of immortal cultivators around, all expressionless, watching him wailing in pain...

The strength of those people is extremely powerful!

It was so powerful that he didn't feel the strength of the opponent at the beginning.

He knows very well that even if he is now, facing those people, he can still only look up!

The stronger you are, the more you can realize the terribleness of those people!

However, the old man Huanglin looked at him with a calm expression.

"Little friends, don't be curious about these."

"You now don't have the strength to understand the truth."

"If I said it at the moment, it would have harmed you."

Chen Feng was extremely shocked.

Although the old man in the wild forest did not say any news.

However, this attitude is not a hint.

His life experience seems to have a lot to come!

For the first time, Chen Feng felt that the truth was so close to him.

"Then when do I have to wait to be eligible?"

The old man Huanglin thought for a moment, and then sighed.

"At least you have to wait for the Great Perfection of the Shifang Cave Heaven Realm."

"At that time, you will be qualified to pry into the truth."

Chen Feng suddenly set off a wave of waves in his heart.

The Great Perfection of Shifangdong Sky Mirror!

He hasn't even entered the Shifang Dongtian realm now!

Seeing Chen Feng seemed to be a little discouraged, the old man Huanglin suddenly thought of something and laughed.

He changed the conversation.

"If you can really live to the Great Perfection in the Shifang Cave, you can go to the Western Desolate Immortal Territory at that time."

Chen Feng immediately lit up.

Although only talented, the old man in the deserted forest is extremely irritable.

But since recognizing himself, he seemed... quite friendly.

"In the Western Desolate Immortal Territory, go to the Guixu Immortal Sect."

When he said this, the old man Huanglin looked a little subtle.

He seemed to think of something, and he laughed.

There is no longer the previous look of being aloof and despising sentient beings.

"Since you boy appeared here, maybe it's a chance."

"That's it, I will help you today, old man."

The next moment, the old man in Huanglin suddenly burst out with extremely bright light.

Chen Feng not only closed his eyes.

But, almost at the same time, he was terrified in shock.

The old man in the Wild Forest took the initiative to pour all his strength into his body!

"You are..."

He opened his eyes desperately.

Despite tears in his eyes, he looked forward in surprise.

The old man in the wild forest was laughing.

"I can see that you have the power of luck for a whole little thousand world."

"Not only that, there are too many fruits in your body."

"A lot of cause and effect can survive to the present, and the future is boundless."

Guanghua gradually dissipated.

Chen Feng once again saw the appearance of the old man in Huanglin.

At this moment, the old man in the desolate forest raised his head, penetrating the void and looking towards the distant sky.

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