Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5450: Different!

After getting rid of the trailing monk, the five of them gathered their breath and swooped down.

Just when he was less than a kilometer away from the ground, Chen Feng suddenly felt shocked.

The fragments of the artifact that had been silent for a long time suddenly changed!

Although it was only a slight movement, it was enough to surprise Chen Feng.

Sure enough, there are Qibao in the Dragon Tomb Mountain Range!

The artifact fragment is alive.

Once upon hearing Qibao's name, Chen Feng could feel its excitement.

And this time, the excitement is even worse!

Qibao is really attractive to it!

Not only that, but the Lingbao Gourd gifted by the Que Yuanzhou brothers also changed.

A purple-gold divine light lit up.

In the next moment, Chen Feng looked far to the southwest.

It is the location of the lost dragon head!

"Let's go over there!"

Chen Feng gave an order, and the five quickly rushed over.

The lost Longshou Peak is hundreds of miles in radius.

From a distance, although it seems that the head is separated, the appearance of the dragon head is full of evil spirits.

The angry look looks like a real dragon head at first glance.

The closer to it, the more Chen Feng can sense the connection between Qibao.

Getting stronger!

"What is this place?"

"Why do we feel comfortable all over."

The third master Jin in his arms suddenly made a sound in his mind.

Chen Feng explained quickly.

Jin Sanye became excited when he heard this.

"Look at the appearance of the dragon's mouth wide open, it must be the entrance to the Dragon Tomb Secret Realm!"

"Fast forward, old man Chiying, let's solve it."

The next moment, Jin Sanye shook his head.

He swiped his wings a few times quickly, and the golden feathers on his body flashed with golden light.

Que Yuanzhou and the others around, only felt that Chen Feng's body flashed with golden light.

Then, their eyes widened in surprise.

Chen Fengren was still in front of them, but his breath began to leave.

"how did you do that?"

They asked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng asked Jin Sanye the same.


Jin Sanye smiled slyly in his mind.

"You guy's cultivation base has been improved, so don't we also follow suit."

"Look at it, this is our newly recovered ability."

Under the guidance of Jin Sanye, Chen Feng finally saw the doorway clearly.

The golden feathers still turned into crows.

But in the past, they all turned into golden crows.

Then let those golden crows scatter away with Chen Feng's breath.

In order to mislead the follower.

But now, the transformed crow not only hides itself.

There is no need to absorb Chen Feng's blood to contaminate the breath.

As the host of Jin Sanye, he can directly use it to disrupt audiovisual.

After learning of this, Chen Feng suddenly sighed in relief.

He turned around and briefly informed the four of them.

"That's great!"

Knowing that the ancestor of the red eagle was temporarily led to another place, everyone reacted exactly the same as Chen Feng.

Unanimously relieved.


"I don't know if there is danger ahead, if the road behind is also blocked, it is simply..."

"Then we don't have to think about the sect competition anymore."

Que Yuanzhou and others looked at each other and smiled.

Now, they can still tease each other.

"Okay, let's go in."

As Chen Feng said, he planned to speed up and quickly find the mysterious treasure.

Everyone nodded and quickly sank in the direction of the giant "dragon head".

Soon, he entered the dense forest.

Others may not know, but a few of them know it very well.

The Que Yuanzhou brothers once gifted Chen Feng, one of the seven treasures, the psychic gourd.

With that purple-gold psychic gourd, He Chou couldn't find the remaining treasures!

Chen Feng looked confident.

He followed the induction given by the psychic gourd and the artifact fragments, all the way forward.

But somehow, things seem to be wrong.

A whole hour passed.

At their speed, it stands to reason that the entire Dragon Head Mountain should have walked out long ago.

But they didn't!

They are still in the lush dense forest.

The surrounding environment has been changing.

Regarding the feeling of the strange treasure, it also always appeared in the front state.

But still missing the destination!

"Any problem?"

Si Konghao behind him couldn't help but ask.

Que Yuanzhou brothers responded accordingly.

"It feels like I've entered a phantom array and has been spinning around in place."

At this moment, Yin Haoran, the most silent among the crowd, suddenly spoke.

"The last time I came to experience the Longzhong Mountain Range, I heard a saying."

"The entrance to the real Dragon Tomb secret realm seems to be tested."

"I want to come now, it should be here."

Hearing this, Chen Feng stood up, his eyes drenched, and his heart moved.

The next moment, a bright white light lit up in his hand.

One palm forward, swing out at will.

Sixty to seventy percent of his power was used.

The expected loud noise did not come.

However, that dazzling palm wind suddenly appeared after himself.

Suddenly disappeared and appeared again.

The process of disappearing and reappearing is always repeated.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"There is a magic array here!"

There is no doubt about this.

They were trapped in a huge phantom array, spinning around here from beginning to end.

Didn't make a step forward at all!

"There are nothing more than two techniques to crack the magic array."

"One, find out the predicament and break it skillfully."

"The second is to break open."

Everyone looked around for a long time in the same place, and they never found the eyes of this phantom array!

If it hadn't been for Chen Feng's hand, they would not even notice the slightest abnormality.

Yin Haoran was silent, and suddenly took out the long sword behind him.

It seems that the second method is going to be used.

The supreme sword energy suddenly became the brightest light in the world.

Even Chen Feng and the other four had to avoid their sharp edges for the time being in the face of sword-cutting murderous intent and sword intent.

This sword broke through the sky!

In the next moment, a bad premonition quickly climbed behind everyone's heads.

"not good!"

It’s too late to finish.


A loud noise followed.

That sword seemed to hit the magical array solidly.

However, it seems to be worse.


The entire phantom array seemed to be finally aroused at this moment.

A loud noise suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

After that, they saw the entire formation.


From afar, it's endless!

But at the same time, the magic array has also changed.

The fierce murderous aura permeated the big formation.

"Is this also one of the tests of the entrance to the secret realm?"

Que Yuanyi screamed out loud.

At this moment, the five of Chen Feng suddenly felt lingering fears.

Fortunately, Jin Sanye had led away the Red Eagle ancestor.

Otherwise, it is a dead end now.

The phantom array was not lifted, but instead activated the killing array.

There is no way to heaven, no way to earth.

Except for being destroyed, there is no other result.

"No, there is a problem here."

Si Konghao said suddenly.

He turned to look at Chen Feng and others.

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