Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5441: After so long in retreat, you should return!

Plus Chen Feng who is against the sky!

For a time, many people even think.

This time the Zongmen Grand Competition, there is no need to even compare.

"Who can stop this?"

Everyone watched Chen Feng and the two leave, and they couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

The Galaxy Sword Sect, I am afraid it is about to change dramatically!

It is possible that from now on, it is possible that the number one is no longer the Sword Sect of Heavenly Power.

Rather, Tianshu Sword Sect!

After everyone left.

Murong Han had a hideous face and gritted his teeth.

He turned around and went directly to the sect hall of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect.


On the high platform, the Sect Master of Tianquan Sword Sect is standing with his back opposite.

As soon as he heard Murong Han's voice, the stalwart figure moved slightly.

"I already know things."

The gloomy sneer slowly echoed in the spacious Zongmen Hall.

"Want to rise?"

"It depends on whether they have that fate!"

He turned sideways and looked at Murong Han.

"You go to Yan Zimo."

"I have been in retreat for so long, it's time to return."

The news of Chen Feng's digging the wall openly spread like wildfire.

Tianshu Sword Sect, after a long absence, became lively.

Que Yuanzhou and others arrived one after another.

However, not only the four of them came.

At this moment, there was a loud voice in the Zongmen Hall.

The few elders stopped at the door, and more and more disciples moved forward, staring at each other.

"Good deeds, elders."

"I want to join the Tianshu Sword Sect."

"Yes! Just as Junior Brother Sikonghao said, we are also hurt by it."

"Kaiyang Jianzong, in fact, there are such situations."

"Sword Sect of Tianji too!"


For a time, many other Sword Sect disciples pleaded.

And at the moment in the Zongmen Hall.

Zhong Li Yaoqin stood at the highest position of the hall, faintly looking at the familiar faces below the hall.

"Sect Master, although I have been away from Tianshu Sword Sect for a long time, I am still the elder of Tianshu Sword Sect."

"Please also take back us."

Compared with the immature voices outside the hall, the inside of the hall seemed much vicissitudes of life.

All they wore were different star robes.

Among them, there is no shortage of Elder Tianhe!

At that time, Tianshu Jianzong fell, and Zhongli Yaoqin fell silent.

Many of them left and were even dismissed.

But now, no one can stop the rise of Tianshu Sword Sect!

Some people who have left want to return.

However, the real intention they want to come back is only they know it in their hearts.

So long years have passed.

Zhong Liyaoqin's face was indifferent, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Not only the elders in front of me, but also the disciples outside, there must be people with different intentions.

Some of them, pretending to join, are actually embarrassing.

There are also people who just want to take advantage of the rise of the Tianshu Sword Sect and allocate more resources.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who really want to join.

At this moment, five figures came from outside the Zongmen Hall.

"Sect Master, the next sect competition, do you think this team can do it?"

Chen Feng's voice was calm and cold.

Echoing in the empty Zongmen Hall.

For a while, the elders all turned back one after another.

Even Zhong Li Yaoqin's complexion changed slightly when he saw the four people behind Chen Feng.

A look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

When the main hall was separated, she never thought that Chen Feng would be so mad.

I actually went to the major sword sects and dug some good seedlings...

Zhong Li Yaoqin's gaze swept across several people one by one.

These disciples are better than the other!

Brother Que Yuanzhou, although his cultivation is not the strongest, he is a god-level alchemist after all.

Not to mention Yin Haoran.

The entire Galaxy Sword Sect, who doesn't know the name of his sword idiot?

However, the most surprising thing is still Sikonghao.

After Yue Xinlan came back, she had already informed everything that had happened in the Forbidden Land of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect.

Zhong Li Yaoqin can think of it casually.

In the forbidden area, something happened.

Unexpectedly, the boy Li Wenxuan, who was all the rage back then, would actually fall into the hands of Chen Feng.

Only do wedding dresses!

She has many thoughts and emotions in her heart.

Looking at Chen Feng's black and white eyes, Zhong Li Yaoqin recovered.

"The Zongmen Grand Competition, if the five of you are on it, it is naturally impossible to get the bottom."

"But it's not that simple to get the top spot."

Upon hearing this, the five people including Chen Feng were shocked.

The next moment, I saw Zhongli Yaoqin speaking slowly.

"Because, what you are going to face this time, it must be the Ten Great Disciples."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt astonished.


This time their Tianshu Sword Sect was full of energy, and they were determined to win first place.

The remaining four sword sects will inevitably stop them.

The top ten true disciples will all end!

Chen Feng thought of several figures he had seen before, and his brows suddenly locked.

He looked up at Zhongli Yaoqin.

"Apart from the few who I saw last time, who else is the Ten Great Disciples?"

There is no need for the Sect Master to speak in person on this question.

Several elders opened their mouths and introduced them.

The ten true disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect, Chen Feng has seen Gu Tianke, Qiu Luolan, Xue Jingchen, Ji Lingxiao, Guang Wanluo, and Qin Baichuan who was killed by him.

"In addition, above Gu Tianke, who ranks second, there is still one person from Tianquan Sword Sect."

"This person is Yan Zimo."

As for Qin Baichuan, who ranked seventh, there are three more.

They are Xiahou Tanyu of Tianji Sword Sect, and Liu Mingyan of Tianxuan Sword Sect.

And Kaiyang Jianzong Qi Jun Hao.

"How strong are they?"

Chen Feng asked.

Yin Haoran answered the question.

"The first six cultivation bases are all above the second cave of the Shifang Cave."

"Xiahou Qinyu and Liu Mingyan both broke through to the Shifangdongtian realm not long ago."

"As for Yan Zimo, before the last retreat, he was already the second peak of the Tenfang Cave Heaven."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng turned to ask again.

"How long has he been in retreat?"

Everyone looked at him together.

For a moment, the hall was silent, and the needle fell audibly.

Just listen to Yin Haoran's answer.

"Eighty years."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng's heart suddenly sank.

Obviously, this Yan Zimo will definitely be his strongest opponent in the next Zongmen Grand Competition.

Not only that.

Among the four people behind him, except for Si Konghao.

The other three people couldn't fight against any of the ten true biography disciples.

It's impossible for the top ten true disciples to be in the same team.

However, it is still a great threat!

The Que Yuanzhou brothers laughed, but they were not discouraged.

"It seems that within this month, we have to improve our strength as soon as possible."

Si Konghao on the side also suddenly spoke.

"I also need to firm up my cultivation."

At the moment, his cultivation is still left by Li Wenxuan after all.

It takes a lot of running-in if you want to fully understand and use it for yourself.

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