Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5438: Want to take me away? Just rely on you?


Sitting cross-legged in front is indeed Si Konghao!

What surprised Chen Feng even more was that his body was actually releasing the breath of the third cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm!

Hearing the sound, Si Konghao turned his head and looked over.

His face suddenly showed surprise.

"How did you come?"

The next moment, Si Konghao stood up to welcome him.

Just as he was about to approach, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly changed.

The hand interrupted the knife and swiped it instantly.

"You are not Sikonghao!"

"who are you!"

Chen Feng's suspicion did not come out of thin air.

Therefore, when this knife was swung out, he almost used his full strength!

Too much to kill God!

The knife slashed hard.

Ling Ling's white light shot out, almost piercing the void.

The endless killing intent converged and condensed into a thread.

Fast as lightning, coming in an instant!

But the next moment, that shocking slash, was actually torn apart by a punch.

The powerful power of the second cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm has never hurt Sikonghao!

Chen Feng's face sank.

"Chen Feng, what do you mean?"

Si Konghao in front of him was still the big man.

He is eight feet long, with a waist wide of ten circumferences, and his eyes burst into light.

After defeating Chen Feng's shocking slash, he strode towards Chen Feng.

His expression was still angry.

"You and I have almost never met since the entrance examination."

"But I thought we should be friends."

Such a reaction is like a fake replacement.

If Chen Feng hadn't known everything in advance, I'm afraid he would have been blinded by the person in front of him.

It's a pity that he knew a few things before he stepped into the Forbidden Area of ​​the Back Mountain.

In this forbidden area, there is a person imprisoned.

That was learned through a peeping from Elder Murong's spiritual knowledge.

Just now, Chen Feng used the power of Immortal Mo Rin to defeat Elder Murong.

Before leaving, he quietly operated the heavens and the earth to reincarnate in heaven and earth.

Chen Feng is an extremely cautious person.

Since it is a forbidden area, it must be dangerous.

If he is capable, he naturally needs to know.

What is the danger he is about to face.

So he searched the mind of Elder Murong without hesitation.

So I learned a secret belonging to the Heavenly Power Sword Sect!

The back mountain of Tianquan Sword Sect stretched for hundreds of miles, but a piece of it was circled out and designated as a forbidden area.

The reason is that a criminal is imprisoned here——

The former Supreme Elder of the Sword Sect of Heavenly Power, Li Wenxuan!

Li Wenxuan is a great joy for the Galaxy Sword Sect.

It is also a disaster.

When he first entered the Galaxy Sword Sect, Li Wenxuan was just a disciple.

In the cognition of Elder Murong, Li Wenxuan was almost similar to Chen Feng.

A real genius!

As soon as he entered the Galaxy Sword Sect, his cultivation level skyrocketed for thousands of miles!

When the disciples in the same period were still suffering from the bottleneck of the Shifang Dongtian Realm, he had already been able to beat the dust.

Defeat the top ten true disciples and challenge countless elders.

In the end, he became the elder of Tianhe of the Tianquan Sword Sect under the circumstances.

Not long after, he became the Supreme Elder again!

At that time, the Tianshu Sword Sect was in decline.

Zhongli Changfeng disappeared.

The new lord Zhong Li Yaoqin started to fall into silence for some reason.

There are rumors that she was seriously injured.

It was at such a moment that the Heavenly Power Sword Sect suddenly appeared such a peerless genius.

For a time, the entire sect rose with the tide.

Soon it replaced the leading position of Tianshu Sword Sect!

However, it is precisely such a genius elder who is of great significance to the Heavenly Power Sword Sect.

But later, embarked on an evil road!

The Sect Master of Tianquan Sword Sect at that time united several elders to do it together.

That battle was almost broken.

In the end, they sealed and imprisoned Li Wenxuan here.

Never step out of this forbidden area forever!

At the same time, Tianquan Jianzong also expressly stipulated.

No one is allowed to enter the forbidden area without permission.

Otherwise, regardless of life or death, at your own risk!

For a long time, this forbidden area has indeed become a special feature of Heavenly Power Sword Sect.

Many disciples of Tianquan Sword Sect, if they offend someone who can't afford to offend.

It is very likely to be exiled by design.

Anyone who accidentally stepped into it has never come out.

It is conceivable that for so many years, the Li Wenxuan inside has never disappeared!


It is such a terrifying existence, imprisoned here.

Chen Feng entered all the way, but the surroundings were quiet.

There was no sound, and there were no signs of struggle or fighting.

The more it looked normal, the more alert Chen Feng was.

Then, he saw Si Konghao intact.

With Chen Feng's cautious and careful thinking, he felt something in his heart almost the moment he met.

The Sikonghao in front of him definitely has a problem!

"I know you are Li Wenxuan."

Chen Feng looked calm and looked at "Sikonghao".

The voice is extremely calm.

As soon as he said this, the anger on "Sikonghao"'s face disappeared instantly.

Instead, there was a look that didn't belong to Si Konghao at all.

Smile but not smile, like crazy.

When he spoke again, Chen Feng heard another voice from Si Konghao's mouth.

A voice that didn't belong to Si Konghao at all.

"You are not a disciple of the Heavenly Power Sword Sect, you actually know me."

"Boy, which Sword Sect are you from?"

Chen Feng held the broken knife tightly in his hand.

"Skyshu Sword Sect."


"In this kid's memory, you do have a connection with that day Shu Jianzong."

When Li Wenxuan mentioned Si Konghao, Chen Feng's expression sank again.

It seemed that Si Konghao was completely seized.

Can I just give up?

Although, Chen Feng's sense of Si Konghao was pretty good.

But it is not enough to avenge him.

But at this moment, Li Wenxuan stared at Chen Feng suddenly.

He said "Huh" in his mouth.

"Your physical body, and your blood..."

"So special!"

"It's like it was tailor-made for me!"

In an instant, Chen Feng's hairs stood up.

Li Wenxuan's gaze was like a cold, poisonous tongue, staring at him firmly.

His eyes did not hide the meaning of greed!

Chen Feng's eyes became deeper and deeper.

He snorted coldly.

"Why, with your current strength, you still want to take my house?"

Before the words fell, a violent hurricane rose to the ground.

It was accompanied by a wild laugh that almost pierced the eardrum.

Chen Feng only felt black before his eyes.

The next moment, Li Wenxuan's cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The tone is so big, it's kind of like an old man back then."

"Very well, I appreciate it."

"From now on, I will use your body to preach for you."

"Give up struggling..."

At the moment when the voice fell, Chen Feng only felt a buzz in his mind.

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