Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5435: Dig the foot of the wall

"As long as you have the ability, all the disciples of the Four Great Sword Sects can dig over."

Hearing this, Chen Feng immediately clasped his fists.

"Thank you Elder Wu."

He turned around and left.

As soon as Chen Feng broke into Elder Wu's residence, the news spread.

Many people came after hearing the news.

It didn't take long for them to see Chen Feng in the floating mountain of Elder Wu.

"It really is him!"

For a while, the nearby people crowded and discussed.

"Where is he going?"

"It seems to be going to open Yang Jianzong."

"By the way, why did he find Elder Wu?"

Everyone was chattering, and the discussion was in full swing.

However, none of them will result.

In the end, they followed Chen Feng and came to Kaiyang Jianzong.

The Floating Mountain where Kaiyang Sword Sect is located is directly below the Floating Mountain such as the Sect Master and Elder Wu.

It is also very close to the Jiuxiao Tongtian River.

The Milky Way hangs upside down, and the aura is so strong that it almost gushes out.

The pavilions above, the carved columns and jade masonry are all three points more refined than the Tianshu Jianzong!

Cranes flew up and down.

White smoke hovered around.

What a beautiful scenery.

As soon as Chen Feng stepped into Kaiyang Jianzong, he released his spiritual consciousness.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing in Kaiyang Jianzong?"

As soon as Kaiyang Jianzong's disciples saw Chen Feng, they quickly surrounded him.

His face was alert.

Chen Feng was straightforward.

"Where is Brother Que Yuanzhou?"

Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi were disciples of Kaiyang Jianzong.

However, because the two were practicing the way of alchemy, they didn't have a deep relationship with Kaiyang Jianzong.

Upon hearing Chen Feng's words, the disciples in front of them were relieved.

It seems to be fortunate that he is not going to make a big fuss about Kaiyang Jianzong.

After the Broken Jade Conference, the entire Galaxy Sword Sect did not know that Chen Feng had a good relationship with the Que Yuanzhou brothers.

"Brother Chen Feng, why are you free to come to us?"

"Is there something wrong?"

It's a coincidence that the brothers Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi happened to pass by.

When I saw Chen Feng, he flew over with a big smile.

Seeing this, the disciples watching from behind felt boring.

"I thought I was going to make trouble."

Many people turned their heads and left.

However, Chen Feng's next sentence successfully stopped everyone.

"It's really something, I want to invite you to join the Heavenly Scroll Sword Sect."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked at the same time.

Especially those disciples of Kaiyang Sword Sect who just breathed a sigh of relief!

"what happened?"

Brother Que Yuanzhou immediately put aside his smile and asked seriously the reason.

They could see that Chen Feng was not joking.

"Yes, why suddenly let us go to Tianshu Sword Sect?"

Chen Feng didn't hide it, shrugged.

"I want to return the Tianshu Sword Sect to the highest point and stand shoulder to shoulder with the other four sword sects."

"The master said that three conditions must be met."

"One of them is to win the Zongmen Grand Competition next month."

He spoke very lightly, with a sparse and ordinary tone.

But everyone behind him took a breath of air.

They stared at each other and stared at each other.

At the same time, a thought came into my mind——

Is it because of this that he just rushed to the elder Wu's residence?

Chen Feng's appearance does not seem to be joking!

The Que Yuanzhou brothers also exchanged glances.

"Brother Chen Feng, you are really..."

"Always impressive!"

The two couldn't help sighing.

Seeing their appearance, the disciples of Kaiyang Sword Sect on the side suddenly felt a bad feeling.

"Two brothers, you won't..."

"no problem."

Before the words were over, the two of them gave an answer readily.

Que Yuanyi looked at Chen Feng with a smile.

"The Sword Sect of Tianshu can produce talents like you, and we also want to breathe in your aura."


Chen Feng was determined in his heart and smiled on his face.

Brother Que Yuanzhou was already a god-level alchemist, and Kaiyang Sword Sect could not give them more help in alchemy.

And swordsmanship is taught everywhere.

Because of this, he came here first.

Honestly dig the wall!

Air-conditioning sounded one after another behind him.

The juniors of Changyang Jianzong were even more panicked.

However, before more Kaiyang Sword Sect disciples arrived, Que Yuanzhou spoke again.

"Zongmen Dabi also knows the rules."

"Sword Sect Tianshu is still short of people, right?"

Chen Feng nodded.

"I'm still going to the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect."

After hearing these words, the female disciples of the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect behind them changed their expressions immediately.

They didn't even have time to shock.

Instinct drove them to turn around immediately.

Rush back to the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect!

"Don't let Chen Feng poach Junior Sister Jiang Yunxi away!"

Who doesn't know, the relationship between Chen Feng and Jiang Yunxi is ambiguous!

To go to the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect, undoubtedly to recruit her!

Chen Feng came to Kaiyang Jianzong without saying hello, turned around and left.

Many disciples of Kaiyang Jianzong didn't even react.

When he arrived, Chen Feng had already rushed to Heavenly Jade Sword Sect.

However, when he came to the Floating Mountain where the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect was located, the situation was different.

The female disciples of the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect in light-colored long skirts each hold a sword in their hands.

Qingcheng's pretty face was now resentful and decisive.

"Chen Feng, you better know each other."

"We will never let Jiang Yunxi leave with you!"

Chen Feng looked at the ten handsome disciples in front of him, and he couldn't laugh or cry suddenly in his heart.

"You misunderstood."

"I didn't come to find Jiang Yunxi."

Jiang Yunxi's bloodline is special, once close to him, it will be stimulated.

After the endless slaughter advanced battlefield missions, Chen Feng's bloodline is even stronger.

Right now, it was too late for him to avoid Jiang Yunxi.

How could she be allowed to join Tianshu Sword Sect?

What's more, the elders of the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect are very kind to Jiang Yunxi, and they can't wait to give them all.

Even if he invites, Jiang Yunxi will definitely refuse.

However, apparently no one believed his words.

The nuns who blocked the way were even more disdainful.

"Apart from Jiang Yunxi, who else in the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect will follow you?"

At this moment, Chen Feng's gaze passed over them, and his expression was happy.

"Yin Haoran, long time no see."

"Do you want to join Tianshu Sword Sect?"

Everyone was shocked immediately.

He... really didn't come to dig Jiang Yunxi?

Yin Haoran came with a sword with a solemn face.

As soon as they saw him, the female cultivators of the Sword Sect of the Sky Jade changed their expressions.

Why did they forget!

As a man, Yin Haoran has been in an awkward position ever since he came to the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect.

There are differences between men and women. Although he is a sword idiot, it is not convenient for him to fight with women and practice swords.

Although the suzerain has always had the intention to change.

However, it is very difficult to implement.

At this time, Chen Feng came to solicit, for Yin Haoran, it was undoubtedly a great temptation!


Sure enough, Yin Haoran nodded and agreed.

Everyone was shocked again!

"It's not... the last one!"

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