Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5432: plan! Lead Zhongli Yaoqin to the top of the sky!

Looking down, looking at the two of Chen Feng in the audience.

"Zhong Li, why are you here too?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin has never been a happy person.

In many cases, she was extremely indifferent and didn't care much about anything.

Facing the doormaster's inquiry, she pointed at Chen Feng.

"You ask him."

Chen Feng immediately took a step forward, looking directly at Luo Xingchen.

There is no timidity on his face!

This made Luo Xingchen even more admired for him.

Although he was far away, he knew exactly what had happened to the Tianshu Sword Sect.

After Chen Feng's return this time, his strength really improved by leaps and bounds.

This kid can surprise him every time.

"The master called me to come, and the disciple knew what he meant."

"It must be for the Great Desolate Lord's Palace, right?"

Luo Xingchen nodded slightly.


"Today, the Desolate General of the Great Desolate Lord's Palace, Zhai Changzun, visited in person."

"Delivered to me the verbal message of the Great Desert Master."

Luo Xingchen couldn't help but recall the scene not long ago.

At that time, Zhai Changzun was standing where Chen Feng was now.

Listening to his words, the great deserter seems to...

A little urgent?

Dignified overlord of the Eastern Wilderness, eager to see Chen Feng?

This made him a little surprised.

This is also the reason why Chen Feng came here.

After hearing this, Chen Feng nodded calmly.

"Disciple got it."

Then, he changed suddenly.

"But before that, the disciple has something to ask the sect master."

Luo Xingchen raised his eyebrows, looking interested.

"Oh? Just ask me to listen."

He wanted to see what medicine was sold in Chen Feng's gourd.

Luo Xingchen could see the reaction of Chen Feng just now.

Regarding the news from the Great Desert Lord, Chen Feng looked completely calm.

There is no sign of excitement at all.

This kid is calm.

Chen Feng was neither overbearing nor overbearing, and once again looked at Luo Xingchen.

He opened his mouth and asked.

"The disciple wants to know, when will Tianshu Sword Sect return to the Floating Mountain, the highest point of the Galaxy Sword Sect?"

"When can we stand side by side with the other four sword sects!"

If at this time, there are other disciples watching here, they will definitely be shocked by Chen Feng's words.

Chen Feng was facing, but the master!

The strongest existence of the Galaxy Sword Sect!

Even the Sect Masters of the Five Great Sword Sects have to respect him three points on weekdays.

If you ask questions so unceremoniously, aren't you afraid of being angry?

Even Zhong Li Yaoqin couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she heard this, and looked at Chen Feng.

Since the Tianshu Sword Sect was weak, they were removed from the nearest place of the Nine Heavens Tongtian River.

Since then, the spiritual energy of the Tianshu Sword Sect has been thinner by three points than the other four Sword Sects.

It is even worse!

This is her heart knot for a long time.

But I never thought that today, Chen Feng asked out in public.

Luo Xingchen laughed in a low voice.

"You are focused on Tianshu Sword Sect."

He was not angry, even frankly told.

"If you want to return to the highest floating mountain, you can absorb the power of the Nine Heavens Tongtian River to the greatest extent."

"Three requirements are required."

Luo Xingchen said, he looked at Zhongli Yaoqin on the stage.

"The first is that the suzerain needs to have sufficient strength."

Chen Feng's heart moved slightly.

At this point, it seems that there is no problem.

"What about the second?"

Before Luo Xingchen could speak, Zhong Li Yaoqin on the side gave a light introduction.

"Second, there must be at least three of the Sword Sect's head teachers and elders, and the strength must reach the Shifang Dongtian realm."

"And the third one is the disciple of the sword sect, who will win the next sect competition!"

"Only when these three requirements are met at the same time can people be convinced."

Upon hearing the next two requests, Chen Feng suddenly understood the difficulty of returning.

However, he thought for a while and nodded quickly.

"no problem."

With such a refreshing appearance, even Zhong Li Yaoqin couldn't help being surprised.

Luo Xingchen smiled and looked at him.

"Boy, so confident?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly.

"I believe I can solve all problems."

Confident enough!

Luo Xingchen nodded again and again, and looked at Chen Feng with a little appreciation.

However, what they don't know is.

There is another main reason why Chen Feng responded so readily.

He understands very well.

If it fails to allow the Tianshu Sword Sect to rise completely, return to the first sect of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

It is impossible for Zhong Li Yaoqin to let go of all this and go to the top of the sky with him.

The reason why he wanted to do this was not just for the Heavenshu Sword Sect.

At this moment, Zhong Li Yaoqin also obviously felt something wrong.

She looked at Chen Feng and opened her mouth lightly.

"Why do you do this?"

In her opinion, Chen Feng is not the kind of person who is dedicated to Tianshu Jianzong.

His ambitions are even greater.

Chen Feng said frankly without concealing it.

"I hope that after Tianshu Sword Sect returns to No. 1, Sect Master, you can go to the Great Desolate Lord Divine Mansion with me."

As soon as these words came out, even Luo Xingchen on the high seat changed his expression slightly.

Zhong Li Yaoqin frowned even more.

"I'm afraid you think too much."

"Although I don't know your plan, not everyone can enter the Great Desolate Lord's Palace."

In this regard, Chen Feng just smiled.

"He will let you go."

After that, he looked at Luo Xingchen again.

"When is the next Zongmen Grand Competition?"

Luo Xingchen replied.

"next month."

Chen Feng nodded.

"Then after completing the Zongmen Grand Competition next month, we will set off to the Great Desolate Lord's Palace."

His words seemed unremarkable.

However, it is very interesting to take a closer look.

Luo Xingchen chatted with a smile.

"You seem to have confidence in the next sect competition?"

Chen Feng nodded of course.

"There is still a month to prepare."

"With me, Tianshu Sword Sect will definitely be number one."

Hearing this, even a person as indifferent as Zhong Li Yaoqin's expression changed slightly.

She couldn't help but reminded her.

"Zongmen Grand Competition, there is no entry time limit."

"Except for those disciples who have already been out of the teacher, all true disciples can participate."

The implication of this remark is to let Chen Feng know that he should not speak big words.

Who knows, Chen Feng just nodded.

"I know."

Then it was gone.

Luo Xingchen seemed to be amused, couldn't help clapping and laughing.

"Very good! Young people should have such courage."

"One month later, I look forward to Tianshu Sword Sect's victory in the Zongmen Grand Competition and win first place."

Chen Feng clasped his fists and prepared to leave.

Just as they were about to leave, a voice suddenly came from above the high platform.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you something."

Luo Xingchen suddenly changed his expression and touched his nose.

It seemed embarrassing.

Chen Feng looked at him puzzledly, waiting for his question.

"Your kid... are you interested in my stupid girl?"

Chen Feng was also dumbfounded when he said this.

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