Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5392: Chen Feng's calculations!

In addition, the silver wolf saint is in the same line, and the wild war lion saint is in the same line, and the two clans have long been grudges.

The two of them are even more like rivals, and they are like fire and water.

Hearing this news, Chen Feng was overjoyed.

He suddenly thought about it and turned to look at everyone.

"Diversion! Let's find Ning Changfeng."

He changed his mind!

The mad war lion saint cannot be killed immediately.

But what if someone else wants to kill him?


One day later.

Somewhere at the foot of the mountain, the terrain stretches gently.

There is a large army of monsters camping here.

Here is the camp of the Yaozu Right Army!

The Yaozu camp is slightly different from the Terran monk camp.

Terran monks often have a Chinese military camp, surrounded by camps with different ten thousand captains and captains scattered around.

On the Yaozu side, the grouping phenomenon is more serious.

Even the distribution of the camps is piece by piece.

Among them, the demon camp in the outermost area, on top of each camp, there is a huge golden lion head.

This is the camp of the mad war lion saint!

The sky is full of red clouds, and the sun is about to set.

The mad war lion saint just returned from the commander in the right army.

This person is more than two meters tall, has a burly figure, and is extremely strong.

Although he had a human shape, his golden hair exploded like a lion.

Those golden eyes always carried a violent breath.

I saw him lift the curtain of the camp and walked in quickly.

"General, what instructions does the commander have?"

The subordinates who kept in the camp asked respectfully.

The mad war lion saint waved his hand casually, and then sat down on the seat covered with white wolf skin.

"It's not about Ning Changfeng."

Since Ning Changfeng took the initiative to ask Ying, he said that he would go to the Terran monk camp to ambush.

The mad war lion saint felt that this person may not be trusted.

Sure enough, he hasn't returned for many days.

Just now, even the commander-in-chief suspected Ning Changfeng's sincerity and secretly told him.

If Ning Changfeng does not return today, he will be deemed to be irresponsible and difficult to continue!

Just kill it!

The Lion Sage was thinking about **** Ning Changfeng in the future.


A report immediately sounded outside the camp.

"Report to the general that Ning Changfeng has returned with a group of prisoners of war and Tianyuan Little Demon!"

Hearing this, the mad war lion saint opened his eyes instantly.

"He actually brought the Tianyuan Little Demon back?"

The next moment, the mad war lion saint stood up from his seat and strode out of the camp.

I saw deep in the dense forest in the distance, Ning Changfeng really appeared!

And behind him, there is another group of people.

When Ning Changfeng saw the mad war lion saint, his expression was happy.

Soon, he took a group of people and waited and appeared in front of the mad war lion saint.

"Fortunately, I didn't insult my life, not only stealing Tianyuan Little Demon."

"Also wooed a group of human monks who were facing each other."

When Ning Changfeng saw the mad fighting lion saint, respectfully clasped his fists to report the situation.

Behind him, the group of human monks who "turned to each other" also stepped forward.

They clasped their fists together and greeted respectfully.

"I have seen the mad war lion saint general!"

These people are naturally Chen Feng everyone!

At this time, their posture was extremely upright, and there was no error at all.

And the mad war lion saint glanced at them, but didn't.

His eyes quickly fell on the Tianyuan Little Demon in the crowd.

Greed suddenly appeared in his eyes.

However, this look is very hidden!

Soon he even thought that no one saw it.

"it is good!"

"Ning Changfeng, you really didn't disappoint us."

"Today the commander-in-chief is still worried that you haven't returned for a long time, whether it is a false surrender."

"Unexpectedly, you actually completed the task!"

"It seems that your heart really is toward our monster race."

The mad war lion saint smiled and said.

For a time, there was a happy atmosphere outside the Yaozu Right Army camp.

Soon, Ning Changfeng and others were taken into the camp.

After listening to Ning Changfeng's brief introduction of Chen Feng and others, the mad war lion saint couldn't wait to inquire about the robbery of the Tianyuan Little Demon.

However, Ning Changfeng's complexion immediately sank.

He pondered for a moment, obviously having something to say.

The mad war lion holy is impatient, where can I wait?

"If you have something to say, what has happened to you after so much time this time?"

Ning Changfeng nodded.

"This time his subordinates led the order to the human monk camp, in fact, they should have returned to the camp long ago."

"But, who knows that other teams were killed in the middle!"

"There are human monks, and there are... monsters!"

"I clearly displayed my identity, and I am indeed a member of the Right Army."

"However, some monster races still have to act on us."

Ning Changfeng sighed.

"Thanks to Chen Feng and others for helping me."

"Otherwise, the general might not see me and the Tianyuan Little Demon today."

Hearing what Ning Changfeng said, the mad war lion saint only raised his eyebrows, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"There have always been differences within the Yaozu, which is normal."

At this time, Chen Feng, who was sitting aside, showed a look of surprise.

It looked like he was right about this news, very unexpected.

The mad war lion saint glanced at him.

A sneer of contempt flashed across his eyes.

"What's so surprising about this."

"Don't say anything else, just say that the commander of the Middle Route Army, there are many demon races who want to take a step ahead of us and steal the Tianyuan Little Demon."

Hearing this, Chen Feng and others seemed to be thinking of something.

They all looked at Ning Changfeng.

"The group of monster race teams we encountered seemed to belong to the Central Route Army."

"It's a wolf clan."


Hearing the rushing discussion of Chen Feng and others, the mad war lion saint suddenly thought of something.

In an instant, a stern and domineering aura spouted from his body.

The entire camp was immediately covered by a powerful force!

The mad war lion saint looked forward, as if piercing through the void, seeing a certain place.

"Silver Wolf Saint, your hand stretches out long enough."

After speaking, he retracted his gaze and looked at Chen Feng and others.

"Since you are Ning Changfeng's people, bringing back Tianyuan Little Demon this time is even more meritorious."

"Well, you will be Ning Changfeng's people from now on."

With that, the mad war lion saint ordered to go down and let Chen Feng and others choose a camp to settle down.

After everyone clasped their fists and left, the close subordinates behind the mad war lion saint spoke.

"General, do you really intend to reuse those people?"

The mad war lion saint immediately sneered.

"Why not use the thugs who sent them to the door?"

"It's not a pity to die anyway."

"That kid Ning Changfeng just gave them a few credits, so how can I drive people out."

Speaking of this, the mad war lion saint immediately showed disgust.

"I don't know what fascinating soup Ning Changfeng poured into the commander, so he can sit on an equal footing with me..."

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