Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5370: reward!

Seeing the development of the situation so far, Han Yifeng's face is also extremely ugly.

You know, Gao Hongzhen and Qu Lingya are his left and right arms.

At the moment, Gao Hongzhen is dead.

He was fined three thousand elite!

And now, Chen Feng actually wants Qu Lingya to die!

In Han Yifeng's eyes, Chen Feng was undoubtedly targeting him.

But he couldn't come forward!

This is the end of the matter. If he speaks for Qu Lingya, he will not be able to save it, and he will even cause trouble to the upper body.

The only thing he can do is to remain silent.

Accept the pain of consecutive broken arms!

"General Cold..."

Looking at the drooping eyes of the cold wind, Qu Lingya's mood completely fell to the bottom.

He was abandoned by everyone!

Including the cold wind that has been flattering and pleasing!

At this moment, Qu Lingya only felt that she was a joke.

A total joke!

I thought that he helped Han Yifeng shirk all guilt, and for this reason, Han Yifeng could also save his life.

Unexpectedly, this will be the result.

He regretted it!

I regret it thoroughly!

From the beginning, he shouldn't have targeted Chen Feng!

It's not worthy of fawning, to please the dog thing Hanyifeng.


Qu Lingya laughed desperately, trembling all over.

The laughter was bleak.

Looking across the cold wind, all I saw was indifference.

There is even a hint of urgency!

Seeing Qu Lingya's reaction, Han Yifeng's heart was a little bad.

The next moment, Qu Lingya's face suddenly changed.

He stretched his hand to the cold wind and said loudly, "Today, I will definitely die."

"But before I die, I want to confess one thing."

"Gao Hongzhen and I are both Han Yifeng's men. Under his coercion, we had to carry all the charges for him."

"Including everything just now, it's all fake. It's all cold..."

Before he finished his words, he saw the cold wind suddenly raging, and his murderous aura suddenly rose!

He directly flipped his hand, pushed out a palm at Qu Lingya, and patted directly towards the sky.


Qu Lingya was immediately pierced into his heart and lungs, breaking his veins and flew out.

Death on the spot!

His corpse fell heavily, and he couldn't catch his eyes!

No one expected that the cold wind would suddenly kill him at this time.

This is obviously killing people.

But when a person dies, there is no evidence of death.

Han Yifeng's face was indifferent, glaring at Qu Lingya's corpse, shaking his sleeves and retracting his palms.

"Death is imminent, and I actually want to give it a go."

"I'm really blinded to reuse this kind of bastard!"

But even if he was like this, in the eyes of everyone, he was somewhat eager to cover up.

Chen Feng looked at the real Changyang again.

At this moment, seeing this gaze again, the real person Chang Yang sighed deeply.

It's already reached this point, but something went wrong again!

This time, he didn't even wait for Chen Feng to speak again, he kept his face cold and looked directly at the cold wind.

"Cold wind!"

With a roar, the cold wind shook all over.

The fear of imminent disaster, instantly spread and spread along the spine!

For a moment, Han Yifeng's feet were even numb.

He raised his volume and tried to explain.

"Boss, this matter really has nothing to do with me!"

"Even if I take 10,000 steps back, at least I am right with the coach and the entire human monk camp."

"The situation is precarious now, one more person will have more strength!"

"I hope the coach will think twice!"

The master of the five-story building of the dignified Xianyuan Realm, at this moment, placed his posture extremely low.

Such a preemptive strike is to punish him, and he has to weigh the meaning of these words.

At this time, the real Changyang had no intention of killing him again to appease Chen Feng.

He grimaced and resisted the great anger.

"Chen Feng!"

"Since you think there is no evidence for this matter, it's better to be like this."

"From now on, I will let the cold wind fall under your command."

"If he has a second heart, he can do it with you."

"So, do you have any objections?"

Hearing the icy wind of this, his complexion immediately became stiff, and his face was full of disbelief.

Actually let him fall under the command of a mere commander?


Han Yifeng looked at Chen Feng fiercely, staring at him firmly.

An unstoppable anger came from his body, from bottom to top, rushing out quickly, wanting to explode.

But when he was near the throat, he was forcibly suppressed by the cold wind!

He must not lose control!

They have endured the humiliation for so long, and they have achieved such a posture.

If you lose control at this time, you will fall short!

At the same time, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Being looked at by those eyes, Han Yifeng only felt embarrassed.

His face was even hotter, as if being slapped severely!

However, he could only gritted his teeth and hung down his proud head slowly and hard.

Seeing this, Madam Changyang finally felt a little more comfortable.

So he looked at Chen Feng and waited for an answer.

The real Changyang has already thought that if Chen Feng insists on not being forgiving, then he will shoot directly.

Between Chen Feng and Hanyifeng, he must choose Hanyifeng who is currently more powerful!

However, a word finally came from the opposite side.

"Thanks to the coach for his impartial handling."

Chen Feng finally accepted this treatment.

But I don't know why, whether it is the Changyang real person or the cold wind, his heart is particularly aggrieved.

Especially the cold wind!

Chen Feng's left and right arms were all cut off, and even his own hand was cut off by Chen Feng.

And now, not only could he not kill him, but he was punished under Chen Feng's command!

This hatred is not shared!

But it is not the time yet.

Hanyifeng lowered his eyes, pretending to be bowed to his ears.

But it will conquer the utter hatred to the extreme.

The real person Chang Yang exhaled a deep breath, and then he recovered his calm and looked at Chen Feng again.

"I will give you what you want."

"Let's talk about the rest."

"Since you brought back the head of the Tianyun Demon Emperor this time, I still have to reward you."

"I wonder what reward you want?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved.

However, he was still calm on the surface, without waves.

After thinking about it for a moment, he raised his eyes and looked at the real Changyang in front of him, clasping his fists.

"The coach acts impartially and presides over justice for me. Chen Feng is very grateful."

"As for the reward... it's better to hand over the corpses of those monster races to me."

The corpse of the monster?

This is the first time that Chang Yang has heard this kind of reward.

"What use do you want the corpse of the monster race?"

Is it possible that there is no secret on the corpses of those low-level monster races?

However, he just asked casually, and didn't mean to ask Chen Feng to give an explanation.

On the contrary, as long as those useless corpses of the Monster Race are easier for him.

The real Changyang waved his hand casually.

"Then you take it."

Chen Feng clasped his fists again, and then led the Tianchou Beast Slaves and others to leave the Central Military Camp in strides.

As soon as he left the Central Military Camp, Fairy Yuheng and others leaned forward.

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