Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5367: Anti-kill!

And those are completely unbearable for them!

They didn't dare to recreate it, even the cynicism that they had originally thought of, they gave up temporarily.

Several people were soon taken to the Chinese Army's Great Account.

Opening the camp tent, the real Changyang was sitting on the first seat of the central army camp tent, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Changyang real person, Chen Feng and others have been brought here, please give instructions."

The cold wind respectfully rushed to Changyang to report.

Then, the real Chang Yang in the first seat responded and put down the reading in his hand.

At this time, the real Chang Yang was expressionless, after a faint glance at Chen Feng and others, he asked faintly.

"What is going on with you this time exploring the road?"

While speaking, a faint air of coercion gradually formed in the Chinese army camp.

With this coercive aura, Qu Lingya and Hanyifeng immediately felt confident again.

The two straightened their backs again.

Before Chen Feng could speak, they answered first.

"Marshal, I sent someone to find out. When Chen Feng led his troops to meet the monster army, he was a deserter."

"It is precisely because of this that Gao Hongzhen's death was caused!"

The more the cold wind is said, the more it is filled with righteous indignation.

"In the beginning, we suspected that he might be a spy of the monster race."

"It has only been five days, and our human camp has lost a general because of him."

"I also hope the coach can observe!"


Chen Feng stood silently, listening to Qu Lingya and Han Yifeng's framing and insults on him.

On the contrary, Fairy Yuheng and the others on the side were very angry at this inverted rhetoric.

Above the first seat, Chang Yang’s face became increasingly gloomy.

When the two accusations were over, he stared at the silent Chen Feng coldly.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Chen Feng finally moved when he heard the words of the real Changyang.

He raised his head and calmly met Chang Yang's gaze.


With that said, Chen Feng took a straight step forward.

"However, before I say it, you might as well look at one thing first."

He stretched out his hand to motion everyone to look at the corner.

From beginning to end, Shen Siqin stood there silently.

When the real person Chang Yang saw him, his eyes immediately eased a lot.

In the eyes of everyone, Shen Siqin stretched out his hand and crushed a piece of jade.

The crushed jade immediately burst out with a burst of light.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the tent of the Chinese military camp clearly saw a scene.

In the picture, Gao Hongzhen is instructing Shen Siqin.

Everyone heard his words more clearly.

Order Shen Siqin to let Chen Feng and others die outside no matter what method he uses.

Then, Shen Siqin appeared struggling.

He looked at the real Changyang, clasped his fists and lowered his head: "When the matter is up to now, if I don't tell the truth, I am really ashamed of the trust in the coach!"

"Chen Feng and the others have done nothing wrong from beginning to end."

"Gao Hongzhen's death is not so much implicated, it is better to say that he took the blame."

"He asked me to figure out a way to use the hands of the monster clan army to calculate Chen Feng and everyone."

Compared with the words of Hanyifeng, obviously, this kind of jade that can store the picture is considered as conclusive evidence.

The real Changyang was very surprised on the spot, and stood up abruptly.

He stared at that scene for a long time, then looked at Shen Siqin with a complicated expression.

"Why didn't you say it before? Why did you say it again?"

Shen Siqin lowered his head extremely annoyed, and his tone was a bit bitter.

"With the cold wind, how dare I tell the truth?"

"After all... he has always been my backer."

Hearing this, everyone in the entire Chinese military camp changed their faces.

Han Yifeng's face suddenly became so cold that it was hard to see the extreme.

Real Chang Yang's face was even more surprised.

He looked at the cold wind, and seeing that he hadn't refuted, his eyes finally gradually turned into disappointment.

No one thought that with Shen Siqin alone, the situation would immediately reversed!

In the tent of the Chinese military barracks, it was so quiet that needles fell.

Real Changyang's face was gloomy.

He looked at the cold wind coldly, his anger intensified.

Unexpectedly, I would be so deceived, I almost caused the loyal general to be wronged, and the traitor took the lead!

Seeing Changyang's indifferent eyes, Han Yifeng suddenly felt cold.

A murderous aura has locked him!

If you don't do anything, and quickly calm the anger of the real Changyang, he will undoubtedly die today!

Thinking of this, the cold wind suddenly felt like falling into an ice cellar.

Do not!

He can't die!

In any case, he must not die!

The cold wind shivered immediately, and almost softened his legs and knelt down.

"The coach! It's not me... There must be a misunderstanding!"

"Shen Si must have misunderstood me."

In panic, his eyes fell on Qu Lingya who was aside, and his eyes lit up.

The secret conversations he had with Shen Siqin before were all passed through Qu Lingya.

For him, the current form may not be irreversible.

Just push everything onto Qu Lingya's head...

Thinking of this, Han Yifeng was delighted, but on the surface he suddenly thought of what kind of appearance.

He turned his head abruptly and stared at Qu Lingya on his side.


A slap was slapped directly on Qu Lingya's face.

In an instant, half of Qu Lingya's face was swollen and tall, purple and black!

More blood fell from the corner of his mouth.

"The last name is wrong! You are so bold!"

"I treat you very well on weekdays. I didn't expect you to slap your nose on your face and dare to stab me!"

"I ask you, did you threaten Shen Siqin in my name?"

Han Yifeng's cold eyes stared at Qu Lingya, waiting for him to react.

Seeing Hanyifeng's reaction, Qu Lingya's heart was instantly cold.

Others may not know, but he knows very well.

Han Yifeng intends to push all charges on him!

At this time, if he took those charges, he might have avoided death.

But if you refuse, you will definitely die!

The hints and threats in Han Yifeng's eyes had already carried a trace of murderous aura.

It seemed that if he dared to deny it, he would desperately kill his mouth!

There was silence in the middle camp.

Everyone stared at Qu Lingya, waiting for him to express his attitude.

Under the bitterness, he was entangled with heaven and man in his heart.

In the end, he lowered his head resignedly.


He responded in a low voice.

Seeing Qu Lingya's reaction, everyone present had mixed reactions.

The real Chang Yang had a complicated expression, but his extremely gloomy expression finally eased a bit.

However, the corners of Chen Feng's lips curled up slightly, seemingly smiling.

He did not speak, but looked at the cold wind in extreme cold.

Seeing that Qu Lingya took all the faults, the cold wind at the moment was greatly relieved.

However, at this moment, his suspicion was not completely cleared.

This scene must continue to be full!

Therefore, Hanyifeng immediately became more angry, and his breath fluctuated greatly.

He took two steps forward and tightened Qu Lingya's collar tightly.

"I do not treat you badly on weekdays, why are you so trapped in me!"

Qu Lingya's entire body was suddenly lifted up.

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