Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5348: Terrifying powerhouse! Three flower contract confrontation!

His head was covered by a tight bronze helmet, and he couldn't see his looks clearly.

I can only see that a pair of eyes is full of indifferent chill!

On the armor, there are countless pits and scratches, some of them are so deep that they are almost to be penetrated.

Chen Feng can even, the heroic and dangerous scene when those scratches caused.

It can be seen that this person has been on countless battlefields and experienced unimaginable battles!

There was a cold light in his cold eyes, and he was not yet close, and he was shocked by his full hostility and sharpness for several miles.

"What a strong aura!"

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, and said in his heart.

This person's cultivation is close to the Sixth Floor of the Xianyuan Realm, which is equivalent to approaching the second cave of the Shifang Cave.

If it is against this person, Chen Feng and the others are afraid that it will be difficult to defeat.

I don't know whether the person is an enemy or a friend, and it is unreasonable.

Just as Chen Feng and the others were guessing like this, the man surnamed Qu turned around and saw the incoming person, and his eyes lit up.

"Admiral Hanyifeng! Why did you come in person?"

The joy that can be heard, the excitement visible to the naked eye.

The original arrogant and arrogant face of the man surnamed Qu disappeared without a trace when he turned around.

Instead, he looked shy, nodding and bowing.

"It's General Hanyifeng!"

"We are saved!"

In the camp, many human monks who were repelled by Chen Feng and others immediately cheered.

They stepped back sideways one after another to make room for the people coming.

"Qu Lingya, I saw turbulence here all the way. What's the matter?"

The cold wind came to the front in the crowd.

He glanced at the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek man coldly, raised his head slightly, and asked slowly.

Hanyifeng is a general in this human monk camp.

He stopped beside Qu Lingya, and glanced at Chen Feng and others on the opposite side.

In the eyes, disdain is full of meaning!

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng, Fairy Yuheng, and Tiancan Beast Slave sighed together in their hearts.

Regardless of the reason, he couldn't help but put on a domineering posture when he came up.

This general is afraid of doing things unfairly!

Qu Lingya felt confident when she heard the Hanyifeng question proudly.

He immediately insisted: "Enlighten the general, just now these uninvited guests, completely ignored our orders, insisted on going forward."

"I waited for a reasonable response, but many brothers were brutally killed by them!"

Hearing these remarks, Chen Feng almost laughed angrily.

What an upside-down black and white!

He immediately took a step forward and asked sternly: "I'm waiting to come to take refuge, you can't help but say that you want to kill us, why can't we fight back?"

Qu Lingya immediately bowed his hand to the cold wind beside him.

"General, they brought the head of the Silver Star Demon Emperor. It is reasonable to suspect that the head was not legitimately obtained by them."

"Because of this, they jumped up and looked... rather guilty."

At the end, Qu Lingya turned her face to look at Xiang Chen Feng and others.

In the eyes, it is clearly proud and arrogant!

Others don't know it, but Qu Lingya understands it very well.

As a general, Han Yifeng is essentially the same as him.

It seems that today's head is destined to not belong to him.

But as long as he deliberately borrowed flowers to present the Buddha, and gave it to Hanyifeng in a full posture, the benefits would also be great.

Sure enough, after receiving Qu Lingya's hint, Han Yifeng looked at the head that was left aside.

His eyes darkened.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with this gift.

"Qu Lingya is very reasonable, what else do you have to explain?"

Chen Feng looked at him coldly.

Hanyifeng and Qu Lingya secretly pass the song, don’t think he can’t see that look

After all, it was nothing more than trying to take credit for the Silver Star Demon Emperor's life.

Chen Feng picked up his head again and turned to look at the people beside him.

"There is nothing to argue about. They don't welcome us. Let's go."

However, the voice was not over, and a cold, arrogant voice came from behind again.

"Who said you can go now?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was silence within ten miles.

The atmosphere suddenly became particularly solemn.

Some human monks who were close to the cold wind did not even dare to breathe.

For fear of accidentally annoying their generals.

The feet that Chen Feng stepped out were also taken back.

He turned around, stood facing the cold wind again, and took a step forward.

"We have tried our best to destroy the camp of the Silver Star Demon Emperor and chop off his head, just to join you and other camps sincerely as a certificate of fame."

"This sincerity, I think, is enough."

"Why do you wait with me and pretend to be confused?"

Chen Feng's face was as usual, his tone and attitude were neither humble nor overbearing, but he pointed out some things quite directly.

When Shi Lingxi heard these words, her heart shook immediately.


She exclaimed secretly, turned her head violently, and looked at Chen Feng, her expression becoming especially anxious.

"Chen Feng, stop talking!"

If you continue to say that, with Han Yifeng's arrogant temperament, they will definitely be murderous.

However, she has now signed a three-flower contract with Chen Feng!

If there is a fight, there is no doubt that she is also doomed!

Shi Lingxi immediately secretly transmitted to Chen Feng: "If you continue to say this, he will kill us!"

However, before the transmission was finished, she received Chen Feng's voice in her mind.

"Don't you understand? Since he appeared here, he has been killing us."

"The rhetoric just now was just superficial."

"Get ready now and do it together."

Chen Feng looked at the cold wind coldly.

For a moment, in the aura, the two were actually fighting against each other.

After receiving Chen Feng's explanation, Shi Lingxi hesitated for a moment, but was finally convinced.

She sighed deeply in her heart.

In fact, this matter itself may not have no room for reversal.

As long as Chen Feng is willing to be soft, nodding and bowing like Qu Lingya did a few good things, he might be able to enter the human camp smoothly.

But after this short time to get along with each other, Shi Lingxi basically knew it.

Chen Feng, it is impossible to bow your head!

He is arrogant and his heart is higher than the sky!

Therefore, for them, in the current situation, there is only one way out that is basically hopeless.

Kill the cold wind!

Since this general of the human race had already murdered them, there was nothing to be polite.

Chen Feng, Tiancun Beast Slave, Yu Heng Fairy and Shi Lingxi immediately used the Sanhua Contract to quickly communicate with each other.

"Unexpectedly, the Sanhua Gathering Array would actually be useful at this time."

Shi Lingxi sighed in her heart.

Fairy Yuheng on the side was calm at this time.

"In any case, there is at least a three-flower gathering array, and the overall strength of the four of us can be improved by 20%."

"If you can seize the opportunity, there is not necessarily a dead end."

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