Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5310: Soak up the aura of the ocean! Amazing seedlings!

Even closer to the magic circle, the more you can feel the power of that terrifying life.

This strength even surpassed the large Xiu Luohong furnace he had just received.

And that gold pagoda that cannot be opened for some reason at present.

Obviously, that magic circle can prevent the leakage of vitality to a certain extent, and has a spiritual gathering effect.

But the leaked heaven and earth aura still reached this terrifying scale.

It can be seen that it is extremely special!

It can even be said that this place, which I don't know if it can be called the sea, is itself full of extremely rich aura of heaven and earth!

At first in Shen Yanghui's mind, Chen Feng had no idea about this shameful piece of wood.

At that time, he only felt that since this piece of wood was in Shen Yanghui's memory, it was the most important treasure.

Then he wants to get this treasure!

Until now, he realized that this is really a remarkable treasure.

"What a good baby?"

Jin Sanye's voice also rang in his mind again.

Then, there was movement in Chen Feng's arms again.

A plump, three-eyed bird poked its head out, squinted comfortably, and took a deep breath.

"What a powerful heaven and earth aura!"

Then, Jin Sanye opened his eyes and saw the piece of wood floating in the center of the front array at a glance.

But its line of sight did not stay in that circle, but instead looked around.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Sanye's entire face was red, and he was extremely excited.

"You guy is good enough to find Ocean Heart!"

"Ocean Heart?"

Chen Feng was a little confused for a while, and looked at the wooden block ahead.

I don't know if Jin Sanye was talking about this piece of wood or something else.

"It's not that thing, it's the place where we are standing now, called Heart of the Ocean."

Jin Sanye explained.

"What the **** is Heart of Ocean?"

Chen Feng looked down at Jin Sanye.

Jin Sanye jumped out comfortably, and happily somersaulted in the rich aura of heaven and earth.

The feathers all over his body fluttered twice before taking back his gaze.

Looking up, Ye Feng lost a look.

Seeing that Chen Feng was asking questions sincerely, he explained patiently: "The heart of the ocean is the mysterious zone deep in the ocean."

"There is such a saying that the entire ocean is like a human body."

"There are skeletons, meridians, acupuncture points and nodes."

"And every heart of the ocean is like a node of the human body."

"The ocean we live in in the Eastern Wilderness is too big."

"The heart of the ocean here can directly mobilize the power of the ocean in a radius of ten million miles."

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help taking a breath.

Looking again at the wooden block in the blue sea in front of him.

Chen Feng didn't even know what to say.

What kind of treasure is this?

Actually want to put it in the heart of the ocean, which has the power of the ocean for thousands of miles, and set up a magic circle to nurture it!

The small piece of wood that seemed to be shameful at first now became extraordinary.

However, now is not the time to sigh.

Chen Feng returned to the market this time by killing Shenyang Hui and reaping many benefits.

Naturally, there is no time and patience to wait for what happens to this piece of wood next.

If he doesn't leave anymore, the law enforcement team that he stopped outside may be about to arrive.

Taking advantage of the fact that the cultivation base has not regressed, and the efficacy of the Golden Pill is still maintained without breaking.

Chen Feng immediately flew to the front of the circle.

He stretched out a palm and pressed it on the circle in front of him.

The warm white light in his hands instantly lit up here like daylight.

Shen Yanghui is a slacker.

Chen Feng seriously suspected that the magic circles that can be seen everywhere in Guixu Sea Market are basically his ideas.

As long as there is enough aura to motivate, it can run on its own.

Including this gathering spirit circle.

When the circle was urged, the void seemed to shake suddenly.

There was an endless breath of life from all directions, the rich aura that was originally in the air.

At this moment, they are all swarming in the direction of the magic circle!

The power of the ocean, which can be mobilized by the heart of the ocean, swarms in mighty tens of thousands of miles.

On the most surface layer of Guixu Sea Market, there were many practitioners who lingered in various stalls.

Suddenly, as if sensing something, they all looked towards the outside of the crater.

"Do you feel..."

Someone looked at the companion beside him, with a hint of doubt on his face.

However, when they saw each other's expressions, they were obviously exactly the same as themselves.

The sea seemed to be just now, the invisible earthquake trembled!

Some practitioners reacted extremely quickly.

Flew directly beyond the crater, overlooking the sea below from a high altitude.

Then, their faces all changed, and they looked into the distance in disbelief.

A tiny wave generated from below them, as it spread outwards, it quickly expanded from a ripple to a wave flower!

Then, it spread out again and became a wave.

Until this wave gets higher and higher and spreads to the sea level!

As if, there is already a silver white thread!

This is the tsunami!

Beyond the sea level, I am afraid I will suffer!

"What the **** happened? Did something change below?"

At the top of the Guixu Sea Market, many cultivators were anxious and quite frightened.

As for Chen Feng, who caused all this, his eyes were straightened at this moment.

He stood in the middle of the heart of the ocean, watching the magic circle in front of him concentrate the endless aura of heaven and earth in the wooden block of fist.

Then, in a bright light.

A tender green sprout grew out of that plain piece of wood!

When this tender green bud appeared.

The power of the ocean and the aura of heaven and earth that were almost full of the magic circle disappeared in an instant!

All were swallowed up by this sharp bud!

At the same time, the shoots slowly grow and branch at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the arrangement of the Spirit Gathering Array suddenly shattered!

A verdant sapling replaced the previously inconspicuous block of wood.

Its roots are crystal clear, shaking slightly in the air.

A thin seedling is upward, with a drop of water.

Just like the dew in the morning, the seedling is embellished to make this seedling more lovely and vibrant.

Chen Feng looked down at San Ye Jin who was hiding in his arms again: "What is this?"

It doesn't look much different from ordinary young saplings, but the variety is not visible at all.

However, when looking at it, there is a feeling that even the soul has to be absorbed.

The height of this seedling is only the size of a palm, and it is a circle larger than the wooden block with the previous fist size.

But for some reason, the more I stared at it, the more Chen Feng felt that he was so small in front of this seedling!

Obviously, Jin Sanye would definitely feel the same way.

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