Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5230: provocative!

Just as the disciples here filed in, Chen Feng also happened to go out and found the desolate guard who had led them.

"You drove away all the disciples of your sect. Now there are only four people left. Two of them don't meet the selection rules for participating disciples?"

The unsmiling, serious Desolate Guard, the solemnity on his face collapsed at this moment.

It's not that there have been all kinds of talents with unique personality at the Broken Jade Conference.

But something like Chen Feng has never happened before!

As soon as he arrived at the scene, everyone knew that he killed the brother of Yuan Changfeng, one of the six princes.

Abandoned Jiang family, a concubine of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

In less than a few hours, he actually drove away the other disciples of his own school!

But this person is currently standing in front of him, asking seriously.

"Yes, what I want to ask is that we two Galaxy Sword Sects have two other disciples."

"Although it has been more than ten years, but it is not a true disciple, can I participate in this broken jade conference?"

Chen Feng's face was calm, as if asking how the weather is today, sparse and ordinary.

"In this case, I need to report to God General Zhai."

"You go back, and when there are results, I will come to tell you."

The desolate guard said, and left in a hurry.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng and others to get the results from Zhai Changzun.


Hearing this result, the Que Yuanzhou brothers were quite excited.

Today's development is something they never expected before.

Originally, they were only planning to find opportunities. When the other participating disciples competed, they looked for opportunities outside the court.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng arranged them directly into the entry list.

Chen Feng thanked Huang Shenwei and sent the man out.

However, I don't know if it was his illusion, just after watching the Desolate God Guard leave.

Just when he was about to return to his footing, there seemed to be a consciousness sweeping his side quickly.

But when Chen Feng immediately went back to investigate, everything seemed like his illusion.

Nothing at all.

In this way, one night passed, quiet and silent, nothing happened.

The second day.

The eastern dynasty was not exposed, and the sky was white.

Compared to the quiet and unmanned Xiaoxian Mountain, the surrounding mountains on the continent-scale floating in the sky are already full of voices.

The Broken Jade Conference, even if it officially opened today!

Chen Feng, Jiang Yunxi, Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi also came to the competition venue early.

When they came here yesterday, they just glanced at the huge fairy mountain officially used for the competition.

Then, I went directly to the Xiaoxian Mountain next to where the guests rested.

Therefore, when he stepped onto the top of the towering mountain today, Chen Feng looked down at the vast competition venue and couldn't help but slap his tongue.

"It's a great event in the Eastern Wilderness, this scale is too magnificent."

That is quite magnificent!

In the past, all kinds of competitions were at most just a huge square.

But this time, everyone is standing on the high mountains on all sides.

The gongs and drums are noisy, and the voice is full.

The people who came to watch from all over the Eastern Wilderness had almost filled up all the hills on all sides!

In the fairy mist, many figures are even hard to distinguish.

Among these tens of thousands of people, many participating teams have already crossed the mountains.

Enter the huge trial field surrounded by the middle.

Jiang Yunxi seemed to be able to see what Chen Feng was thinking in her heart, and she curled her eyebrows and laughed softly:

"As far as the nine major forces are concerned, the Broken Jade Conference is just one of many competitions, and there is nothing to pay attention to."

"However, for other forces, especially many sect forces around the host venue."

"The Broken Jade Conference is regarded as a grand event and is of great importance."

Que Yuanzhou nodded: "Yes, I also heard that there are some disciples who are not qualified to participate."

"Even before the start of the competition, they will actively challenge those participating disciples who they feel are not qualified."

"If you can get good results in the Broken Jade Conference, it will be a great honor for some not too big sects."

Chen Feng nodded.

He looked down at the competition field, and many teams had already gathered.

"Let's go."

The four quickly crossed the mountain as the "stand" and came to the competition field.

As everyone knows, the Jade Smashing Conference is a contest between all the young disciples.

According to the comprehensive strength of different schools, the number of disciples allocated to each school is not the same.

The stronger the sect, the more disciples can participate, and vice versa.

Therefore, when the four Chen Feng came to the competition field, they attracted a lot of attention.

"I am not wrong, right!"

Someone yelled deliberately on the spot, which immediately attracted the attention of many contestants and onlookers.

"Are you the representatives of the Galaxy Sword Faction?"

"Only the four of you?"

A gorgeously dressed young man with a pinch of white hair on his forehead jumped off the mountain on the spot.

He came directly to Chen Feng and the four of them, pacing around them, with a rather arrogant attitude.

Among the four, Chen Feng was naturally in the leading position.

But because of this, many eyes were projected from the surroundings, and after seeing Chen Feng, their eyes became complicated and weird.

Especially some of the participating teams who are already standing on the competition field, their eyes are more straightforward.

Contempt, mocking, ridicule, indifference...

Of course Chen Feng knew why they were like this.

Although yesterday’s incident was quite a big deal, it was only one night after all. Even if it spread out, it is far more than everyone knows.

What's more, many people, even though they are on the scene, may not understand the cause and effect, let alone the identity of Chen Feng.

Therefore, to more people, Chen Feng is just an ordinary cultivator at the peak of the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

That's it!

But everyone can tell that such an "ordinary disciple with mediocre aptitude" has taken the lead.

Many people also subconsciously feel that the remaining three of the Galaxy Sword Sect are not as good as one.

"I said, why are the four of you in the Galaxy Sword Sect this time?"

"Is it possible that the Galaxy Sword Sect has fallen to such a shabby level?"

Several participating disciples not far away sneered unceremoniously.

Jiang Yunxi looked sideways, her eyebrows frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes frowned: "Four people can beat you."

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a mocking laughter.

It seemed that everyone felt a joke.

"Hahahaha... it makes people laugh out loud."

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