Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5217: Cousin, why did you find such a trash?

After being surprised, the Que Yuanzhou brothers thought about it again.

"With the strength of the Chen Feng brothers, it doesn't seem impossible."

"I think it is indeed very possible."



In this way, the four of them walked and talked, and soon came to a huge square on the hill.

"The front is the place dedicated to welcoming guests in the Great Desert Lord's Mansion."

Jiang Yunxi introduced.

"Great Desert Lord's Mansion?"

This time, the Que Yuanzhou brothers also knew and helped Chen Feng to introduce: "The host of this broken jade conference is the Great Eastern Wilderness Mansion."

"This great wilderness lord is the supreme lord of the entire Eastern Desolation."

Hearing this news, Chen Feng was a little interested.

It was the first time he had heard of the supreme ruler of the entire Eastern Desolation.

"Is this recognized? The Great Desert Lord's Mansion is also here?"

Jiang Yunxi shook his head: "About the Great Desolate Lord and Great Desolate Lord's Mansion, all I know is nothing but scales."

"It's just that this great wilderness owner seems to be the strongest in the Eastern Desolation, and some people say that he is the true master of the Eastern Desolation."

"But he seems to rarely appear. Even people from the Great Desert Lord Mansion rarely appear in front of everyone."

She pointed her finger at the square ahead.

"Only in some important occasions like the Broken Jade Conference, their names will be mentioned."

Chen Feng looked forward. There were a lot of people on the square.

The young disciples of various sects were all gathered in groups.

Or chat and laugh, or sparks everywhere.

Just as Chen Feng and the four were about to walk over, they suddenly heard the voice of a middle-aged man from the front right.

"Cousin, here you are."

At the same time that this voice sounded, Chen Feng noticed that Jiang Yunxi, who was standing next to him, suddenly suppressed a smile.

Even, took three points of sullenness.

Everyone looked at the sound source.

A middle-aged man of medium build walked slowly towards them.

The man was wearing a dark red long-sleeved robe with intricate patterns on it.

It looks like it should be a sign of a fairy gate.

This person came with his hand with his hand indifferent, only Jiang Yunxi in his eyes.

He completely regarded Chen Feng next to him and the Que Yuanzhou brothers in front of them as air.

At a glance, Chen Feng knew that this person was extremely arrogant and a ruthless person.

Jiang Yunxi's gaze towards the people who came up was not light nor light: "It turned out to be Mu Feng's cousin from Cangyu Immortal Clan."

Cangyu fairy gate!

Chen Feng was somewhat impressed when he heard the name of this sect.

This Cangyu fairy gate has extremely high requirements for beginner disciples, and those who are not talented and proud will not accept it.

And the Gao Mufeng in front of him did have some strength.

Gao Mufeng stood on the higher steps, looking down at the four Jiang Yunxi in front of him.

A strange smile appeared on his face.

"Cousin, you didn't want to marry me when you died, but now you are flirting with such a trash around."

"I'm very disappointed with you."


Chen Feng didn't react for a while.

It's been a long time since this title has been detained on his head. It has been a long time since it has been a long time ago, but it has some merit.

As for the Gao Mufeng in front of him calling him so, Chen Feng didn't feel irritated.

On the contrary, Jiang Yunxi's face straightened up immediately, her eyebrows frowned, and she scolded in a deep voice:

"Put your mouth clean!"

When the Que Yuanzhou brothers stood between Gao Mufeng and Jiang Yunxi, their expressions changed slightly.

The two of them turned their heads to look at Chen Feng next to Jiang Yunxi.

Chen Feng's eyes indicated that it's okay, and then looked at Jiang Yunxi: "You take the liberty to interrupt, who is this?"

Jiang Yunxi resisted his anger and quickly communicated with him.

"Ashamed to say, this person is named Gao Mufeng, my cousin."

"He is extremely talented, he entered Cangyu Immortal Cultivation ten years ago."

"At the time, my family wanted him to marry me, but... I didn't like him and refused in every way."

Chen Feng probably understands.

Jiang Yunxi's bloodline is amazing and he has an extraordinary talent.

This made the Jiang family, who was not a famous family, regarded her as a treasure.

But he didn't treat her as an ordinary daughter anymore.

She was used as a bargaining chip for the marriage in an attempt to climb the Gao family.

Looking at the jealousy in Gao Mufeng's eyes, it should have been the Gao family who took the initiative to propose this wish.

Who would have expected that Jiang Yunxi could not follow him!

This not only compromised the face of Jiang and Gao's family, but also made Gao Mufeng lose face.

Also, Jiang Yunxi is indeed a woman who is shocked by blood, talent, strength and appearance.

There are countless disciples who fall in love with the Galaxy Sword Sect alone.

Chen Feng reached out and took Jiang Yunxi's hand.

Even Jiang Yunxi himself was at a loss for this sudden move.

After he recovered, he couldn't help but withdraw his jade hand shyly.

"Master Chen, don't make trouble."

This scene is dazzling in Gao Mufeng's eyes!

What annoyed him most was not the moment Chen Feng held hands, but Jiang Yunxi's reaction.

The smiley eyes and the whispering gesture was exactly what he couldn't dream of in the first place!

The anger surged and grew stronger in my heart.

Gao Mufeng finally gave Chen Feng a look, which was full of contempt and contempt.

"Cousin, do you know what you are doing!"

"With a trash greasy, you shamelessly, the Jiang family still has shame!"

That aloft, arrogant attitude.

If you ignore the jealousy and anger in his eyes, others will really believe his true meaning.

As he stopped here, someone soon noticed Gao Mufeng and walked over with a smile.

"Master Gao! I didn't expect you to come to participate in this broken jade conference."

Several disciples of other sects quickly gathered around, clasping their fists and arching their hands, full of compliments.

"As soon as Mr. Gao came, the crown of the Jade Smashing Conference seemed to have no suspense."

"I heard that Young Master Gao was not only a true disciple of Cangyu Immortal Clan at his young age."

"Even earlier, step into the ninth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm! The talent is amazing and terrifying!"

The Broken Jade Conference, as everyone knows, all the disciples of all sects who came to participate in the competition were within 30 years of introductory.

There are also many sects like the Galaxy Sword Sect, which only sent out disciples within ten years of their introduction.

If it is said, the purpose of the Galaxy Sword Sect is to find an excuse after failure.

Then, Cangyu Immortal Gate is really confident.

And Cangyu Immortal Clan's greatest confidence at the moment is Gao Mufeng who appears in front of Chen Feng's four!

Just ten years after entering, he can break through to the ninth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm and become a true disciple of the Cangyu Immortal Sect in one fell swoop.

This kind of strength, looking at the entire Broken Jade Conference, is also rare, one in a million!

Looking at the flattering and compliments around him, Gao Mufeng became more and more proud.

He slanted his eyes again with a trace of laziness, looking down at Jiang Yunxi and waiting.

"Cousin, you and my family are already close, and you know what I want."

"In this Broken Jade Conference, except for the first laurel, my goal is you."

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