Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5210: A gift from the mysterious creature Primordial Three-eyed Golden Crow!

The person here is Xia Haochu!

He quickly released his consciousness outwards, and quickly scanned the surroundings.

But nothing!

Xia Hao was unwilling to do so, and once again took out the Wanli Tracking Heart to determine the location of Chen Feng.

The breath of fellow disciple disappeared.

Moreover, the breath of Chen Feng in this direction also disappeared!

Looking at the motionless pointer in his hand, Xia Haochu's eyes were gloomy.

He pressed his lips tightly and said nothing, his anger accumulating to new heights.

At the same time, on a hidden island far away.

Chen Feng is hiding in it.

This small island is not big, only a few hundred meters in radius, but its geographical location can be described as unique.

There are huge islands on all sides, which are wrapped in them, presenting a concave shape similar to a basin.

On this endless ocean, there have been many miasma floating for a long time.

In other places, when the sea breeze blows, huge waves beat every day, and the miasma gathering will soon dissipate.

But the wind is hard to approach this small island and the waves are hard to shoot.

As a result, it was almost shrouded in heavy miasma, and it became increasingly non-existent among the clouds and mist.

Chen Feng also accidentally discovered this empty "treasure place".

At this moment, he is recovering his cultivation while reflecting on his previous hunting mode.

Through the eyes of the Golden Feather Crow, the power of Demon Heart was exploited too seriously.

"It is more suitable for long-term control by planting the control method of the devil's heart to control the puppet."

"Used for hunting is still too wasteful."

Chen Feng whispered to himself, quickly sorting out some confused thoughts.

Before thinking of hunting this way, surveillance is still secondary after all.

Mainly, it still has to rely on the devil's heart to contain the opponent, and then achieve the result of instant killing.

After all, the consumption of a demon heart's cultivation base cannot be ignored.

Under the exploitation of the Golden Feather Crow, the waste of power is very serious.

The direct result of this was that after he had hunted down four disciples of the True Beast Sect.

Not only the cultivation base consumes a great deal, but even the loss of mental power is considerable.

More worrying, there is one more point.

Just like dealing with the ugly red-haired man just now, because the power of the devil's heart has been severely exploited, the success rate of the key process of hunting is difficult to reach 100%.

Fortunately, this time he had retreated all over, but still let the signal bomb go out.

If you encounter a stronger opponent next time, I am afraid the success rate will drop even more!


Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that there must be another supernatural power of control."

After clarifying his thoughts, he shook his head, leaving those things behind for a while.

He turned his head and looked at the bloodthirsty corpse of the nine apes.

Although the true strength of this bloodthirsty nine contenders was not as amazing as it was at the beginning.

However, it can make the image of the red-haired ugly man assimilated into that way.

Therefore, when Chen Feng saw the image of the red-haired ugly man at the first glance, he thought that this bloodthirsty ape must have a special bloodline.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng didn't say a word, and directly operated the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.

Trying to distill the blood in this bloodthirsty ape.

However, after extracting all the blood vessels in its body, there was no sound of blood vessel rank in Chen Feng's mind.

This means that this bloodthirsty nine contending apes does not have any blood of gods and demons.

This makes him a little regretful.

However, it is not completely useless.

Chen Feng stepped back and began to absorb its blood.

Under the operation of the Supreme God Demon Transforming Dragon Art, those vigorous essence and blood will automatically flow into his Dantian world.

The blood of the third **** and devil that was originally entrenched in his body, the blood of the Taiyin Xuan Snake, originally only converged into a complete dragon head.

After absorbing the blood of the bloodthirsty nine apes, a new body appeared under the dragon’s head.

Chen Feng could feel immediately that his blood of the gods and demons had an obvious and powerful feeling.

After absorbing the essence and blood, he got up and patted his arms gently.

"Xiaojin, it's time to eat."

Before the words fell, a fat head came out of his arms.


Jin Sanye had long been staring at the bones of this bloodthirsty Nine Contest Apes, and when he heard Chen Feng's words, he didn't bother to care about the name.

It quickly emerged from Chen Feng's arms, like a bolt of lightning.

Instantly rushed to the bones on the side like a hill, and started eating!

Seeing Xiaojin's eyes flashing, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile faintly.

I have to say that Jin Sanye's speed is really fast.

This one hundred meters high, bloodthirsty corpse of the nine apes like a hill.

As a fat bird about two inches in size, it can be eaten dry in less than a cup of tea.

Not even a piece of bone left!

"This amount is not enough."

Jin Sanye had a chubby belly, and his eyes narrowed comfortably into a line, and he looked shiny again.

Before the voice fell, a full hiccup suddenly sounded.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed unceremoniously.

Jin Sanye's face flushed red, flapping wings to cover his eyes.

"We can't live up to my stomach."

At this moment, a huge voice suddenly exploded in Chen Feng's mind.

The sound came so unexpectedly that he almost didn't laugh and coughed violently.

Chen Feng could tell for the first time that this vast voice came from the top of the sky.

It declared with majesty and without any emotion: "Trial immortal, Chen Feng."

"You got a gift from the mysterious creature Primordial Three-eyed Golden Crow."

"Reward six supernatural powers."

Hearing the "reward" suddenly announced by the top of the sky, even though he was as calm as Chen Feng, his eyes widened slightly.

This reward came too suddenly!

Moreover, the six magical power sources, and the remaining four magical power sources before him, just make up ten!

Chen Feng turned his head abruptly and looked at San Ye Jin, almost overjoyed.

He didn't expect that this fat and gluttonous bird would have this ability!

What a treasure!

And, you know, the source of supernatural powers, but the treasure of the top of the sky!

This fat crow, it is obviously not the existence of the top of the sky!

Why can it communicate with the top of the sky?

Why don't you give it to yourself directly, something that only the top of the sky can have?

The more Chen Feng looked, the more he felt that Jin Sanye had countless secrets.

It's just that now is not the time to think about this.

Now that he has these ten magical power sources, he can immediately improve his cultivation magical powers.

At present, Chen Feng's repetitive reincarnation magic and Supreme Zhu Shenzhan have all been promoted to the third level!

Only the Buddha's Angry Lion Roar is still in the second level.

"How do we think your response is weird?"

Jin Sanye raised his head.

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