Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5196: Refining inner alchemy! The sixth peak!

The tail of the snake fell feebly, and there were few scales left on his body, and they were all dull.

Chen Feng raised the broken knife in his hand again and swung it down.


The King Snake raised his head for the last time!

It seemed that it was a glimmer of light, and suddenly a surging and primitive aura glowed from his body.

At that moment, a seven-inch inverse scale shot out!

Passing through everyone's sight, quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Chen Feng's reaction was already considered fast, and he tried to intercept it immediately, but it was still too late.

The inky black scale had already disappeared, and I don't know whether it sent any message to the unknown existence.

After a wailing, the King Snake finally dropped his head and gradually lost his breath.

"It's done!"

Looking at the huge corpse of the Taikoo Sun-seeker King Snake in front of him, Chen Feng's heartbeat accelerated.

The brothers Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi behind him looked at the corpse and still had an unreal feeling.

"We actually killed an ancient sun-seeker king snake!"

It's incredible!

After a brief joy, Chen Feng quickly put away the body.

The four quickly erased their breath, and then left the place quickly.

Jiang Yunxi's immortal boat came in handy again.

After ensuring that there are no people in the radius of thousands of miles, and enough concealment.

Chen Feng took out the body of the Taikoo Sun-seeker again.

He saw his hand up and down, dividing his body into several parts.

All of you here are friends. When Chen Feng first said that he wanted to kill the King Serpent, he knew what he wanted to do.

At this moment, they are all tacitly acting as protectors outside.

Chen Feng dug out a human-headed inner alchemy from the body of the King Snake.

That is where a demon god's power is stored.

Since the King Snake of the Taikoo Sun Chaser has just died, this green inner alchemy is still warm, and has just been transformed after a successful triumph.

Chen Feng was not polite and swallowed directly.


Accompanied by a deep roar of the body, the power of the mad stars poured into Chen Feng's body frantically from the green inner alchemy.

In the star soul space, the huge star map spread out like a bright starry sky.

And above the starry sky, the dim six rounds of the big moon, under the supply of a large number of stars, continue to regain its brilliance.

Chen Feng's absorption rate was incredibly fast, and it didn't take long for the six rounds of the Great Moon to completely return to its former heyday.

But it's not over yet!

The power of stars is still pouring in, opening up this vast starry sky.

Thousands of stars began to move in disorder again.

Even with that, the six-wheeled Otsuki, which was suspended high above, has also changed its position.

As time went by, another hazy outline of the big moon appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Then, another one, another one.

When the inner alchemy was completely swallowed up.

Above the star map, countless stars are shining brightly.

The nine big moons formed a huge circle, illuminating the entire space of the star soul.


With the formation of the nine rounds of the big moon, Chen Feng's body has also undergone brand-new changes.

The surging power washed his limbs and a hundred skeletons, and once again developed his physical potential to a whole new level.

He opened his eyes abruptly, his divine glow shot, and his cultivation was further improved.

The peak of the sixth building in the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Step into the seventh floor at any time!

Chen Feng squeezed a fist, felt his brand new power, and was quite satisfied.

Then, he once again looked at the corpse of the Primordial Sun-seeker King Snake that was hanging in front of him.

Swallowing the inner alchemy is a small matter, and swallowing the blood is the main reason for Chen Feng's adventure!

Chen Feng closed his eyes again, gathered his mind, and fully operated the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.


Soon, a brand-new breath of the blood of gods and demons appeared in his dantian world.

A **** cloud-like aura was slowly drawn out of the corpse that had lost its vitality in front of him, and it quietly poured into Chen Feng's body.

He used his full force to operate the Dragon Magic Transformation Technique, and the breath of the blood of the gods and demons was quickly absorbed by him.

These **** clouds entered the world of Dantian, and soon gathered into a blood of gods and demons!

This bloodline of the gods and demons was completely different from the bloodlines of the gods and demons that Chen Feng had absorbed before!

In the past, the bloodline of the gods and demons was only a few feet long, and the longest could not exceed 100 meters.

But this time, what he stripped out was indeed a huge bloodline, which was 10,000 meters long!

It was as clear as the sky in Chen Feng's Dantian world, even Chen Feng couldn't help but slap his tongue again and again.

"This is too big..."

Chen Feng looked at the huge blood of the gods and demons in front of him.

That 10,000-meter bloodline is intertwined with black and yellow, shining with strong power of gods and demons.

He didn't dare to absorb them all directly.

After tentatively assimilating the 10,000-meter-long bloodline of the Heaven-Through God and Demon, two kilometers.

Under the urging of the Supreme God Demon Transforming Dragon Art, it quickly transformed into a God and Demon dragon full of the breath of God and Demon!

"Sure enough, can this be considered a bloodline!"

Chen Feng was shocked secretly in his heart, and soon got the impression-this bloodline was rated as the top eight!

This result is really shocking.

One-fifth of the blood of the Taikoo Sun-seeker King Snake can actually be rated as the top eighth rank, which is really rare!

Chen Feng felt excited again.

Chen Feng did not rush to turn this blood of gods and demons into his blood.

Currently his cultivation base has been restored,

But earlier, in order to tear a gap from the encirclement of the true biography disciples of the Beast God Sect, his body suffered extremely severe trauma.

Compared with the supplement of cultivation base, the physical injury is not so fast and easy to recover.

Chen Feng urged the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art to quickly absorb the dragon.

Above the immortal boat, the three Jiang Yunxi remained vigilant outside.

Suddenly, sitting on Chen Feng in the cabin, his breath was getting stronger.

After the dragon was absorbed, Chen Feng's internal and external injuries completely recovered!

Chen Feng burst into air, and once again absorbed the blood of the two thousand meters of gods and demons.

He urged the Supreme God Demon Transforming Dragon Art with all his strength, and the two-kilometer bloodline of the God and Demon once again transformed into a God and Demon dragon full of the breath of God and Demon.

Sure enough, it's another 8-Rank first class!

This time, Chen Feng chose to absorb as his second bloodline of the gods and demons!

Under the impetus of the Supreme God Demon Transforming Dragon Art, the dragon of God and Demon rushed straight into the position of Chen Feng's shoulder blades.


The sacred dragon slammed into the shoulder blade!

Having had several previous experiences, Chen Feng could already calmly look at the shoulder blade space created at the beginning.

Once again ignited a real fire of the gods and demon slowly burning.

The color of this **** and devil true fire is more crystal clear, like a burning glass crystal.


There was a resonance from the body, and the real fire of this **** and demon suddenly released an extremely terrifying aura.

The powerful blood of the gods and demons scattered instantly.

Hundreds of limbs along the meridian, immersed deep into the bones.

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