Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5194: Thunder robbery! Besieged the Taikoo Sun King Snake!

Although it is at sea, there is no shortage of overseas casual repairs.

It is not necessarily the only four of them who discovered that the King Snake was moving.

"Will someone lie in ambush?"

Chen Feng thought to himself.

Thinking like this, he immediately released extremely powerful mental power.

Since breaking through to the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, Chen Feng's mental power has also made a new breakthrough.

Coupled with his extremely keen perception, and supplemented by the third vertical eye skill in the Heaven and Earth Repetitive Reincarnation Art, the result will soon be obtained.

Sure enough, someone!

Although there is only one person, this person is quite capable!

Chen Feng looked at the sea level far away.

The sky and the earth are dim, but it does not prevent him from seeing the sea below, and there are some primitive islands in the distance from time to time.

The strong breath he felt came from a remote island thousands of miles away.

As soon as he noticed this breath, Chen Feng immediately informed the three people around him.

"That person probably hasn't found us yet."

Chen Feng looked around and pointed his finger at an island not far below.

"If this is the case, we will simply hide and wait for the opportunity then."

Jiang Yunxi waved and put away the immortal boat, and the four gathered all their breaths.

Then, quietly landed on an uninhabited island less than ten miles away.

At midnight that day.

High in the sky, a big moon has quietly hung to the highest point.

It is as big as a disc, with pale moonlight of light and shade.

The moonlight fell on thousands of miles of dark clouds, like a purple light igniting the entire black cloud.


This moment is the weakest moment of Great Sun, and it is also the moment when Thunder Tribulation comes!

In the dark night of Rumo, a loud noise awakened everyone in the sea.

The huge lightning word fell straight down in the vast void, violently piercing the black clouds in the sky!

The target, pointed directly at the Primordial Sun-seeker King Serpent tumbling and roaring in it.

The thick lightning surpassed everyone's imagination, like an optimistic pillar.

Thunder light instantly lit up the entire sky, like daylight.

"Is this the Thunder Tribulation of the Primal Alien Species..."

The four of Chen Feng, who were dormant on the distant island, looked at the black clouds from a distance, their faces inevitably shocked.

This is horrible!

That primordial sun-seeker king snake has crossed the sky chasm that countless demon gods dream of. It is superior to all living beings but also has to withstand the harsher test given by heaven.

The thunder and lightning just now is at least as huge as the island where Chen Feng and the others live!

This is monasticism!

Constantly encountering life and death obstacles, constantly experiencing great battles, and under the tribulations, we go step by step.

Nothing in the world is spared even if it is the proud son of heaven or the late bloomer.

Only by going against the sky, constantly breaking through the layers of shackles, can you be proud of the world and sing all the way!

Two terrifying rays of light suddenly burst out of the dark clouds.


The sound of the billowing devil rushes into the sky!

The originally calm sea below has already been turbulent and magnificent at this moment.


This first thunder light came up aggressively, without any hint of temptation.

The light was grand, and it instantly dissipated thousands of miles of black clouds.

This line seemed to be huge, but in fact it was extremely fast, and it fell straight on the black snake body of the Primordial Sun Chaser.

However, before the end of the first thunder light, the second thunder light landed on the nine sky far away.

Everyone changed their faces.

"This doesn't give you a chance to breathe and recover at all!"

The huge beam of light is almost condensed into substance.

As if at this moment, it was like a sacred pillar supporting the heavens and the earth, coming straight towards the Primordial Sun Chaser.

Looking at the posture, it is more fierce than the first one, and I can't wait to penetrate it directly!


Two successive rays of thunder light hit the black cloud one after another, and the black cloud of thousands of miles was scattered by life, exposing the huge ancient sun-seeking king snake hidden in it.

Under the moonlight, the ink-like snake scales reflected a cold white light.

Everyone can clearly see that it already has a huge penetrating wound on its body.

Sure enough, a thunder tribulation of that level is enough to defeat all defenses.

Even the wild alien species, descendants of gods and demons!

No matter how strong the physical body is against the sky and evildoers, under the baptism of two successive thunder tribulations, it can only fall apart, collapse and collapse.

The miserable wailing spread thousands of miles.

The Swire Sunburst King Snake kept rolling and struggling in the dark clouds, and no longer had the original aura.

Its breath was severely damaged and languished.

The eyes were dull and dull, and the tail of the snake was struck by lightning, leaving its skin and flesh torn apart, and it fell down softly.

Even its figure began to shake, and it seemed to fall from high above at any time.

But above the nine heavens, the third thunder light had already fallen.


A huge beam of light penetrated the sky and the earth, bombarding it down, and the sky and the earth were bright as day again.

The horrible and dazzling light made everyone watching from a distance unavoidably feel terrified and fearful.

At this moment, Chen Feng was suddenly able to understand what Jiang Yunxi had said before.

The reason why so many elders of the Twelfth Floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm of the Galaxy Sword Sect did not dare to cross the calamity was because they were afraid of dying in this thunder.

If it is a thunder disaster of this scale, it is indeed enough to discourage ordinary people.

In an instant, the black clouds were blown away, and pouring black rain fell locally.

Only a faint whine was heard.

On the body of the Taikoo Sunseeker King Serpent, pieces of black scales kept falling down.

Even its body fell from above the sky, like a kite with only broken wires.

Soon, Chen Feng and others smelled a smell of burnt flesh.

The light of the sky almost knocked down all the snake scales of the Taikoo Sun-seeker King Snake, and water splashed up from the sea below.

Then, it spread out in all directions, forming an extremely spectacular wave!

The nearby islands burst into pieces, and huge cracks were cut into them!

It continued to spread, and was finally lost in the inverted seawater.

Even the island where Chen Feng's four are located has received an extremely powerful wave.

The dry plant above seemed to be chopped off by a huge knife, and it was messy.

At this moment, the aura of the Taikoo Sun-seeker King Serpent had wilted to its weakest level.

And this shocking thunder robbery was finally over.

Above the nine heavens, the terrifying coercive aura gradually began to dissipate.

That primordial sun-seeker king snake, it looks like it has survived!

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly turned his head and looked at the three of Jiang Yunxi.


Without his words, the three of Jiang Yunxi nodded quickly, and then launched an attack in the direction where the Primordial Sun Chaser fell.

Everything is developing as expected.

At this moment, the King Snake of the Primordial Sun Chaser, even his eyes could hardly be opened.

In the dark night, the three Jiang Yunxi approached quickly like ghosts, and then they tried their best!


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