Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5189: Hand over Chen Feng and spare you all!

"Old man, we are not interested in your other members of the Galaxy Sword Sect. Chen Feng should be here, right?"

"Hand over Chen Feng and we will let you go."

How arrogant!

All the disciples looked at the unscrupulous faces on the opposite side, and their hearts had already ignited a lot of anger.

The Beast God Sect deceives too much!

However, everyone dare not act rashly.

Because the thirteen true disciples of the Divine Beast Sect opposite, all of them released extremely powerful auras.

What's more, everyone who has heard of the God Beast Sect is practising the technique of beast control.

At the same level of cultivation, it can display twice or more strength.

If head-to-head, they are afraid that they will suffer heavy losses before reaching the Jade Breaking Conference!

All the disciples looked at the leader Yuan.

But soon, they found reluctantly that even Elder Yuan had nothing to do.

Elder Yuan is just an elder of the stars, and his cultivation strength is not necessarily stronger than the rough disciple opposite.

And this, Elder Yuan himself realized.

No matter how rude the other side spoke, he could only swallow his breath and continued to ask in a deep voice.

"What are you looking for me to send Chen Feng?"

Upon hearing this, the thirteen disciples of the Divine Beast Sect on the opposite side all released a powerful fighting spirit.

Their eyes are as cruel and cold-blooded as hunters are staring at their prey.

"What's the matter? Hahahaha, naturally I want to kill him."

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect were furious.

Chen Feng can be said to be the first person in the team of this broken jade conference.

The disciples of the Beast God Sect, when they came up, shouted and screamed at him, treating him as prey!

So arrogant and rude!

This is literally hitting them in the face!

However, some disciples, after hearing this, looked at Chen Feng with a little bit of resentment.

It seemed that he was complaining about the troubles that caused them to be implicated.

The rugged man standing in the middle of the Beast God Sect team.

Swept around in the team of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Soon, he focused on Chen Feng.

He lifted his chin, and said with a condescending expression: "You are Chen Feng."

Chen Feng did not deny it, but asked, "Who are you?"

The rugged man looked two meters tall, with a sturdy back, his muscles filled with explosive power.

He was swarthy, and the animal-shaped pattern in front of him was a ferocious worm.

This person's eyes are like torches, and his breath is extremely powerful.

Visually, there must be at least the peak of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Even the ninth building!

He is the most powerful of these thirteen people.

As soon as Chen Feng said this, he quickly got a response from others.

Among the remaining twelve true disciples of the Beast God Sect, someone laughed and introduced the brawny man.

"Listen well, he is the true disciple of our God Beast Sect, Xia Haochu!"

"In the first two hundred and fifty years, now ranks the 100th in the Beast God Sect!"

This qualification is very good.

Xia Haochu took another step closer to Chen Feng, and everyone from the Galaxy Sword Sect was tight.

"Listen to Fu Haocang, you killed our people from Divine Beast Sect."

Hearing this, many of Chen Feng's fellow disciples couldn't help taking a breath.

They looked at Chen Feng with various emotions in their eyes.

Shock, admiration, fear, of course, there is also a premonition that you are imminent.

"Actually, the people who killed our Divine Beast Sect are nothing. They are not as skilled as humans, and they die if they die."

When Xia Haochu said this, there really wasn't a trace of anger on his face.

He stared at Chen Feng's eyes, and a belligerent smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It's just that our Beast God Sect has always advocated fighting."

"You moved our people, just giving us a chance to do it."

"Now, hunting you has become a popular task for the Beast God Sect."

"Kill you, take your head back, I can get rewards from the sect."

This school is really distorted!

Chen Feng felt this deeply again.

When the disciple was killed, he didn't care at all, nor was it for revenge. Instead, he found an opportunity to fight and profit.

No matter how strong they are, in Chen Feng's eyes, they are still like pet bugs living in the gutter, and it is difficult to be elegant.

However, thanks to Xia Haochu's gift.

After hearing his explanation, many disciples in the Galaxy Sword Sect looked at Chen Feng with more complicated eyes.

Exactly at this time, Xia Haochu suddenly spoke again.

"So, we come this time as long as Chen Feng lives. We don't plan to fight with you Galaxy Sword Sect."

"You can get out of the way and leave him alone."

Hearing this, someone in the team was obviously shaken!

On the opposite side were the thirteen true disciples of the Beast God Sect, the most powerful Xia Haochu, the strength was even more terrifying.

Even if they all shot, they may not be able to play.

Seeing that Xia Haochu was about to walk towards Chen Feng, many disciples hesitated and stepped aside.

Seeing such a picture, Xia Haochu's face smiled even more.

He looked down at Chen Feng and approached, as if looking at a dead object.

However, at this moment.

"Since Chen Feng is a disciple of our Galaxy Sword Sect, if you want to do it, you have to pass me first!"

Elder Yuan's figure disappeared in the same place, and then appeared in front of Xia Haochu.


Many disciples couldn't help showing surprise.

They did not expect that Elder Yuan would actually defend Chen Feng!

The war is about to start!

Elder Yuan is the elder of the stars, but since he has been assigned as the leader elder, his cultivation strength can be shown.

Facing Xia Haochu and the huge white tiger that jumped out of his body, the elder Yuan cranes his eyebrows and made a bold move.


The two immediately became entangled together.

Above the high altitude, there were loud noises for a time, and for a time, the two were even on the same side.

Just when everyone was surprised at Xia Haochu's terrifying strength, they shouted again, making them suddenly regained consciousness.

"What's the use of just relying on an elder!"

The twelve true disciples were left, and they rushed towards everyone at the same time.

Everyone summoned their beast-shaped star souls, and all of them broke through the clouds and came toward Chen Feng majestic.

"Hand over Chen Feng, forgive you not to die!"

In the blink of an eye, the twelve people approached within a hundred meters.

Many disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect were under strong pressure from the opposite side, like a copper wall and iron wall.

Suddenly his face was pale as paper, and his eyes showed fear.

On their side, they are not as many as the Beast God Sect, they are not as powerful as them, and they are not opponents at all!

If there is a real war, I am afraid it will be more ill-fortune!

In this severe situation, many people have made their own subconscious reaction-back off!

They retreated quickly and left, which is equivalent to losing without a fight.

And the twelve real disciples who saw everyone backing off, each laughed arrogantly.

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