Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5187: Soul of the sword is now! Go to the Broken Jade Conference!

"This gourd is really amazing!"

The disciples watching from a distance found the situation and became nervous.

Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi immediately looked at each other, finally showing a smug smile on their originally embarrassed faces.

At least, they still have this Lingbao Gourd!

The two of them made power at the same time, and the purple-gold gourd suspended in mid-air spun wildly, and the suction became stronger.

Chen Feng immediately rushed towards the dark gourd mouth with a knife, and he was about to be taken away.

At this moment, from the inside of the black hole, a burst of red light suddenly surged into Chen Feng's body.


With a low groan, Chen Feng instantly felt an abnormal change in his body!

The sword soul transformed from the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword sword soul was inexplicably aroused!

In the next moment, a fierce killing intent swept the audience instantly!

Everyone was overturned by this terrifying breath.

Chen Fengmo flew wildly, his heart was also full of shock.

He could feel that, with the stimulation of that red light, Soul Blade and the Broken Blade in his hand had merged into one!

After the broken knife in his hand and the soul of the sword were closely connected, an extremely strong sense of lack made the broken knife begin to instinctively absorb external forces.

Try to repair some wounds by yourself.

The situation reversed immediately!

The Lingbao Gourd, which had been absorbed crazily, suddenly became the biggest source of strength for Broken Blade.

In the next moment, the suction power of the broken knife greatly increased, and the goal was directed at Lingbao Gourd!

Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi's faces changed drastically, and they quickly tried to take back the Lingbao gourd.

But at this time, Lingbao Gourd was no longer under the control of the two of them.

The suction power of the broken knife was stronger than that of the previous Lingbao gourd, and it directly sucked all the things in the Lingbao gourd.

Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi are going crazy!

The two people's biggest reliance is this top treasure, relying on it, they absorb a lot of treasure and aura.

And now, these are all intended as wedding dresses!

However, more terrible things are yet to come.

Crunch - crunch -

With the sound of the voice, Que Yuanzhou finally couldn't bear it.

If you **** it down like this, Lingbao Gourd will break!

"Stop smoking! Stop! Stop!"

"Sorry! We were wrong! Please hold your hands high and stop smoking!"

At this time, all aspects of the face are forgotten.

Brother Que Yuanzhou cultivated the way of alchemy. The value of this spirit treasure gourd is too great to be destroyed like this!

The two begged for mercy, apologized, and tried various things in a panic.

Chen Feng saw the two men's posture, and consciously controlled the broken knife.

The next moment, the suction of the broken knife disappeared quickly.

The Lingbao gourd also instantly recovered to the size of a palm, and was quickly taken back by the two brothers like a treasure.

Even though the disciples in the distance had a foreboding, they were still shocked by the reversal.

Every time I see Chen Feng challenged, I can always refresh my new impression of him.

Que Yuanzhou heartily touched the Lingbao gourd in his hand, then looked up and looked at Chen Feng with a rather complicated expression.

The two walked towards Chen Feng again.

In full view, the brothers clasped their fists and bowed their heads.

"We are indeed inferior to others, and we are convinced to lose."

"Thank you Junior Brother for stopping."

All of Chen Feng's thoughts were on the knife at the moment.

The two apologized so happily that he confessed his mistake, and he waved his hand indifferently.

Before they could react, suddenly, a shadow cast over their heads.

Everyone looked up, and a huge immortal boat slowly stopped over the square.

An elder wearing a star robe appeared in the sight of everyone.

Condescendingly, he said to the bottom: "The disciples who are going to the Broken Jade Conference, immediately board the immortal boat and set off immediately."

Above the square, everyone's attention was shifted to the Xianzhou.

This saves a lot of embarrassment for the brothers Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi.

Disciples kept flying toward the immortal boat above the sky, and many disciples waved goodbye below.

I wish several fellow students triumphantly and win the championship.

Chen Feng turned his head and met Yin Haoran's gaze. They both read a touch of seriousness.

He nodded, turned and flew on the Xianzhou.

Other disciples may not know, but he already knows very well that this Jade Breaking Conference is definitely not that simple!

The road ahead is difficult!

The sky fell with a sunset, and the sunset glowed red half of the sky.

The huge silver-white immortal boat carrying a group of disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect officially set off to the Jade Smashing Conference.

After boarding the Xianzhou, Elder Yuan, who led the team, allowed everyone to freely allocate housing.

It takes a lot of time to get to the Broken Jade Conference, and everyone needs to spend some time on the Xianzhou.

Chen Feng randomly found a room to live in.

The rooms in Xianzhou are basically the same, so there is no need to fight.

Chen Feng strolled around, and there was a pill refining room, which was all available.

As soon as he settled down, the door of the room was knocked.

"Come in."

The door creaked, and it was the Que Yuanzhou brother who had just been defeated by him who came in.

Chen Feng turned around and looked at them.

He didn't feel any murderous or hostility from the two of them.

"What's the matter?"

Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi looked at each other for a while, then clasped their fists together.

"We just listened to some of the juniors talking about you, but after thinking about it, we still have to apologize."

"Yeah, it's because we two are a little bit ignorant and made mistakes that shouldn't be made."

"I also hope that Junior Brother Chen Feng Haihan."

Seeing the two men apologize seriously, Chen Feng's impression of them has improved somewhat.

They don't really have a big problem, just their true temperament.

Looking back, it was just a little misunderstanding.

Now, you can admit your mistakes when you know your mistakes, be frank, and dare to admit your own shortcomings.

This made Chen Feng a little more fond of them.

"Nothing, it's all over."

Chen Feng walked over and gestured: "Sit down."

Que Yuanzhou and Que Yuanyi's expressions suddenly improved a lot, and they looked at Chen Feng and became more excited.

"But really, Junior Brother Chen Feng, how did you do it?"

"Yeah, we should be right, your cultivation is indeed only the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

"But the strength you showed is really amazing."

Chen Feng poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and the three of them sat down and chatted quickly.

"By the way, I have also practiced alchemy before. But it was abandoned for a long time."

"I heard that the two have extremely high alchemy attainments, if it is..."

Before Chen Feng finished speaking, Que Yuanzhou took over.

"If it were before, maybe we would really think that we are quite accomplished."

"However, when we met Junior Brother Chen Feng today, we dare not be arrogant anymore."

"But, Junior Brother Chen Feng, you can actually do alchemy?"

Que Yuanzhou showed surprise on his face, looked at Chen Feng, and took a deep breath: "You are too strong!"

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