Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5178: It turns out that you are my great chance!

The three paths are intertwined with the light lingering around him, constantly exuding a sharper breath.

On weekdays, even the master of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm would be enough to subdue it.

But Chen Feng's heart fell step by step.

He can't feel the end!

His current strength alone is not enough to let him go!

At this moment, behind Chen Feng suddenly appeared the figure of a strange man in a white shirt.

He looked at the three-color light on Chen Feng, his face was shocked like never before.

"You have the heaven and earth to reincarnate repeatedly!"

Hearing the voice of an alien man behind him, Chen Feng stopped the repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth, and turned around vigilantly.

Between the eyebrows, there is also some surprise.

Unexpectedly, the wicked middle-aged man could tell the name of the repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth at a glance.

What is his origin?

Before Chen Feng reacted, he saw that the expression on the man's face changed from shock to ecstasy.

He couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahahaha...great, great!"

The man strode towards Chen Feng, stretched out his hand to pat his shoulder, and embraced him enthusiastically.

"I finally waited for the turnaround!"

As soon as the white shirt man became emotional, the wound on his forehead would intensify the flow of golden blood.

Those golden blood slowly flowed down from his forehead, and it was hard not to let Chen Feng pay attention.

But the man in white shirt at the moment completely ignored it.

He put his hands on Chen Feng's shoulders, with a kind attitude, but with an incredible feeling.

"I really didn't expect that you are the silver lining."

In Chen Feng's eyes, the series of reactions of the monster man could interpret a lot of information.

But before he analyzed them one by one, the white shirt man had already held his body.

"Leverage your heaven and earth to repeat the power of reincarnation."

As soon as the voice fell, the white shirt man flicked his finger with one hand.

Chen Feng's pupils dilated instantly, and his whole body froze, and at the same time, violent turbulence began to appear in his body.

The strength of the monster man is unfathomable, he has no power at all!


The space that had been in Chen Feng's body for so long was repeatedly reincarnation, and it was easily hooked out!

The moment it left Chen Feng's body, the connection between the two was lost.

No matter how anxious, angry, or worried Chen Feng is, it will not help.

At this moment, he couldn't even move, even the star map and the big moon in the star soul space seemed to be sealed.

In addition to the spiritual world, his entire physical body has been frozen by time!

Chen Feng could only watch the demon man in front of him, and repeatedly looked at the space of reincarnation between heaven and earth.

However, when the monster man said "borrow", he did not mean to occupy.

I saw him look at it quickly, the expression on his face constantly changing, showing if he could gain something.

"So... so so..."


The monster man suddenly laughed, his laughter was deafening, echoing and circling between dense forests and valleys.

He laughed wildly for a long time, like crazy, very different from the gentle and easygoing appearance of the previous few days.

By this time, Chen Feng had already recovered his calm.

He quietly looked at the monster man, the wound on his forehead was dripping with golden blood, but the man didn't care.

After laughing out loud, she burst into tears again.

A middle-aged man of foreign race, at this moment, like a nervous breakdown, he hid his face and wept.

"I finally...can get out..."

In the next instant, Chen Feng's body suddenly regained control.

Heaven and Earth's repetitive reincarnation space also regained contact with him again, and quickly returned to his body.

The breeze gradually started, and everything here seemed to have not changed, but it seemed to have begun to change differently.

Chen Feng came to the strange man sitting on the ground, hiding his face and crying bitterly.

The man cried for a long time and was silent for a long time.

"I have been sealed here for thousands of years..."

The low voice of the strange man flows in the semi-slanted warm sun.

After pulling Chen Feng and talking a lot, the man suddenly got up and met his eyes.

"Thanks to you for coming this time, little friend, come, I will give you something, thank you."

Before he finished speaking, the strange man turned his hand and handed Chen Feng an oval object.

Chen Feng is no stranger to this oval object.

The stone feels to the touch, the whole body presents a gray and earthy color, but there is a bright light inside.

Started, weighing hundreds of millions of catties!

Chen Feng stared at the thing in his palm, raised his head in shock, and looked at the monster man.

"This is a complete star core, right?"

At the beginning, when he first entered the evaluation of the Galaxy Sword Sect, he once carried an incomplete star core and set foot on the ancient starry sky road.

Unexpectedly, the monster man would give out a complete star core at will!

Chen Feng used a little bit of force, and immediately could feel the extremely huge star power contained in it.

This size is far beyond imagination.

The sum of all the mineral veins of the star elemental stone collected in the abyss before, I am afraid it is still half inferior to this star core!

Such a precious thing, the monster man will give it?

Hearing the look in Chen Feng's eyes, the monster man explained at will.

"This is a star that I broke when I came into this world."

Hearing the man's explanation like this, Chen Feng's heart trembled even more.

He knew that the strange man in front of him was extremely strong, but he did not expect to underestimate him.

In that sentence just now, two pieces of information were revealed.

The first one, this person does not belong to this world!

Second, he can break a complete star at will, his strength is extremely terrifying!

I didn't expect such a terrifying existence.

It will be sealed here for ten thousand years, and his forehead is even more difficult to heal.

At some point, the Chaos Cub came to the feet of the strange man and rubbed him affectionately.

The strange man in a white shirt regained his former peace.

He smiled and looked at Chen Feng.

"Thank you, my little friend, for coming here. See you again in the future."

As the first word of this sentence sounded, Chen Feng felt his body gradually losing control all over his body.

This time, even his spiritual world began to trance.

When Chen Feng came back to his senses again, the surrounding environment suddenly changed greatly!

I don't know when, in front of him is a huge rock wall 100 meters high.


Chen Feng turned back abruptly, stepped back again and again, then turned to look at the stone wall.

The huge stone wall that was originally divided into two is now integrated, where is there any narrow corridor!

He returned to the outside of that mysterious valley!

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly discovered that when he stepped into it

A half-yellow dead leaf falling from the top of his head quietly fell on his toes at this moment.

This means that time has passed just a moment!

Everything inside is just like a dream!

Chen Feng looked at the inner core of the stars in his palm and was silent for a long time.

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