Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5167: None of you can leave!

With Ming Jinghuan's angry shout, everyone in the radius of Jili was overturned in an instant.

The monstrous air waves and crushing aura pressure made it difficult for everyone present to move.


Buddha's angry eyes and roaring power!

A purple-white light flashed behind Chen Feng.

A big, lifelike lion head opened its mouth wide and roared towards Ming Jinghuan.

Since Chen Feng's cultivation base has made a breakthrough, his own supernatural powers have also risen with the tide, and have been able to explode with more powerful powers than before.

The rolling sound waves almost shook the void around Ming Jinghuan.

However, to his surprise, this trick did not help Ming Jinghuan.

He has a weird body shape, and Chen Feng has never seen such a body style.

This is really an unexpected opponent.

Ming Jinghuan noticed Chen Feng's slightly raised eyebrows, and saw his surprise, the corners of his lips couldn't help but sneered.

"I said how many powerful methods you have, it turns out that it is nothing more than that."

While talking, the two were stuck together again.

Chen Feng did not reply, but there was no fluctuation in his heart.

He was unexpected, but it was nothing more than that.

The person in front of him is not his opponent after all!

Chen Feng didn't even use the heaven and earth to repeat the magic of reincarnation.

He only clenched the long sword that he had brought from Tianshu Sword Sect in his hand, and was eager to try the Supreme Zhu Shenzhang in his heart.

When he killed Xu Zijin earlier, even he himself was a little surprised.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to master this brand new magical power again, so that you can be more confident in the future Jade Smashing Conference!

There was a loud bang, and there was a violent tremor within a hundred miles.

The dust and sand in the sky rose and dispersed, and one wide, narrow and long ditch appeared under the abyss.

It is also fortunate that all the mineral veins of the stars here have been fully mined.

Otherwise, such raging destruction will destroy how many stars of the Yuanshi!

All the people watching from a distance only felt panic.

The destructive power of the two is so terrifying, it is extremely difficult for any one of them to persist until now!

What is even more frightening is that the two in the war both looked so young.

This made them feel a trace of despair in their hearts while panicking and admiring.

In the very center of the battle, Chen Feng waved the substantial silver-white long knife in his hand.

Ming Jinghuan may be able to withstand a mental attack from him, but how could he be his opponent in terms of physical strength and cultivation strength!

Just in a gap, before Ming Jinghuan took off into the air, Chen Feng's aura suddenly changed.

Too much to kill God!

He raised the long knife in his hand high and chopped it down fiercely!


The long knife in his hand shot out a shocking cut!

The silver-white light was like a sudden round of scorching sun, completely different from the situation in the previous Jin Dynasty when killing Xuzi!

Ming Jinghuan's complexion changed drastically, and when he was about to flee, he suddenly found in horror that his body seemed to be frozen by the void!

Can't move at all!

When Chen Feng swiped that knife, time and space left him.

He could only watch a brilliant white silver light coming through the air.

Then, I don't know anything.


Ming Jinghuan finally let out a tragic scream, his voice echoing continuously under the dim abyss.

Blood splashed all over the sky, and the broken body fell from a height.

Ming Jinghuan, die!

Chen Feng landed lightly on the ground and turned to look at the long knife he was holding.

As soon as he turned his gaze, the silver-white long knife suddenly shattered into powder on its own, and slipped from the gap in his palm.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help but shook his head.

"The artifact fragments have not yet grown, and ordinary weapons really can't withstand the pressure of being too severe."

He secretly said in his heart.

You know, although this long sword is not top-notch, he borrowed it from Tianshu Sword Sect.

On the extraordinary quality.

But still can only support twice.

Chen Feng stopped thinking about those things, and came to Ming Jinghuan's body and took off his storage ring.

Then he turned and looked at the people in the distance.

"Everyone, hand over the Star Yuan Stone."

Everyone had already been shocked by Chen Feng's previous strength that was so powerful that it was against the sky. At this moment, how dare to hesitate.

They surrendered one after another, and honestly handed in Chen Feng's hands the celestial essence stone they had spent half an hour mining.

After accepting everyone's Star Yuanshi, Chen Feng stopped staying.

He turned and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a domineering voice suddenly came from a distance.

"None of you can leave."

A short sentence, but enough to hear the absolute arrogance, domineering and powerful.

The atmosphere that was not relaxed at first suddenly became more solemn and solemn in this sudden sound.

All the people who had originally planned to leave this place of right and wrong suddenly shocked and stopped.

Even Chen Feng stopped after hearing this voice.

He turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

A hundred-meter long swallowing python demon **** appeared from a distance in the sight of everyone.

It raised its upper body high, and its turquoise eyes glowed with a solemn chill.

He opened his mouth and exhaled a very long letter, accompanied by poison gas that changed color around it.

A series of inhaling air-conditioning sounds suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Swallowing python demon god!"

"Why does it appear here?"

"Could it be they..."

The faces of the few people close to Chen Feng were suddenly extremely ugly.

When Chen Feng heard what they said, his heart moved slightly.

When he looked at the huge swallowing python demon **** again, his gaze gathered on top of its head.

I saw a black man with long hair standing proudly on it!

Looking closely, the man's face was pale, as if he hadn't been in the sun for many years, feminine, and even a bit indistinguishable.

In the narrow eyes of Dan Feng, he made no secret of his arrogance and presumption.

What is even more weird is that the figure of this feminine man is like a snake, and between his gestures, he feels unconsciously nauseous and cold.

After scanning his cold eyes like a snake, he suddenly covered his mouth with his sleeve and sneered.

"Ouch, what a good day today. We happened to hunt animals in the nearby mountains and heard the sudden change of the sword **** and barren hills."

"Unexpectedly, there will be such a gain."

The swallowing python demon **** seemed to understand the master's mind, and slowly lowered his body so that everyone could see the appearance of this young man clearly.

I saw the man slowly walk down the head of the swallowing python demon **** and walk towards the crowd.

"Since I have appeared here, this is our place now."

His cold eyes slowly passed through the crowd, and suddenly stopped when he saw Chen Feng.

"You have the breath of the Galaxy Sword Sect on your body."

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