Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5154: Sword God back then! Nine-tailed white fox!

This dazzling light gradually formed the outline of a phantom.

It was the huge figure that stood upright before!

I saw the dazzling light slowly fading, and then, that huge phantom changed again!

He keeps getting bigger, almost breaking through his golden spiritual world.

Finally, Chen Feng reflected the appearance of a huge nine-tailed white fox!

Qingqiu White Fox!

In his mind, he thought of this fox tribe instantly.

Sure enough, this Qingqiu Mountain Range and that Sword God Wild Hill are the territory of the Qingqiu Fox Clan!

The one in front of him should be the strongest of the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

I didn't know what happened back then, so his phantom, in the Sword God Desolate Hill, has been silent until now.

The light completely dissipated, and a huge nine-tailed white fox suspended in front of Chen Feng.

He is really too big, covering the sky, almost occupying half of the spiritual world.

This nine-tailed white fox looks very vicissitudes of life.

A little turbidity appeared in its dark eyes.

Looking at his figure, Chen Feng suddenly noticed.

The nine-tailed white fox in front of him looked much weaker than before.

Thinking about it, breaking the seal and coming out, cost him a lot of energy.

Despite this, the breath released by the nine-tailed white fox still faintly overshadowed Chen Feng.

Probably the peak of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

When meeting Chen Feng's sight, the nine-tailed white fox also began to open his mouth.

To his surprise, the nine white foxes opened their mouths and uttered human words.

In the next instant, a vicissitudes of life, a low voice of an old man sounded in Chen Feng's spiritual world.

"You activated the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword."

"It seems that you are a rare kendo god."

Kendo **** body!

Qingqiu Heavenly Sword!

Chen Feng keenly captured these two keywords.

Although, he still doesn't understand what happened to the Qingqiu Tianhu family here.

However, he at least knew that the terrifying supreme sword was originally called the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword.

It should be the treasure of the Tianhu clan.

And the nine-tailed white fox in front of him may also belong to the Tianhu clan... Sword God!

Chen Feng clasped his fists in both hands and bowed to the nine-tailed sky fox.

"I don't know Senior..."

Before the words fell, the words of the nine-tailed white fox interrupted him.


Chen Feng looked up and saw the shock in the eyes of the nine-tailed white fox.

I saw the nine-tailed white fox constantly looking at him, and then shouted out.

"You are not just a simple kendo **** body, you are actually..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng's heart moved.

However, when he was about to hear the follow-up, the nine-tailed white fox suddenly shut up and did not continue.

In the next instant, Chen Feng keenly noticed that the nine-tailed white fox in front of him once again looked at him, full of longing and greed!

The powerful breath was suddenly released, and the nine fox tails unfolded.

Actually intending to suppress him!

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng would not realize it.

It seems that his other mysterious physique has actually attracted this powerful nine-tailed white fox to the heart!

He wants to devour himself!

Realizing this, Chen Feng's face sank.

Because in the past, when he was in the Dragon Vessel Continent, he was relatively polite to the senior nine-tailed white fox in front of him when he interacted with the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

However, if life and death are involved, he can't give in!

In his spiritual world, if you want to devour him, you have to see if you have this ability!

Chen Feng raised his head again, facing the nine-tailed white fox in his eyes, he had already brought an unyielding sternness.

The golden spiritual power began to make waves.

This is his spiritual world, even if the strength of the nine-tailed white fox overwhelms him!

How can one know the ending without fighting a life.

Chen Feng, never give up easily!

In the next instant, a powerful breath burst out from his body.

Two rays of black and white light burst out of his eyes!

In his hand, a black and white long knife appeared.

Thousands of swords return to one, the current Taishang Zhutian sword formation is even stronger than when it first broke through to the third level!


The golden spiritual power rises from behind him, and will rush towards the nine-tailed white fox in front of him at any time!

"Not bad!"

"With your physique, you should have this strength."

Chen Feng looked solemn, his eyes black and white, staring at the nine-tailed white fox.

"What is my physique?"

He wanted to know what kind of special physique it was that even such a strong man could not help being greedy.

Moreover, Chen Feng had a vague hunch.

This special physique may also be related to his life experience.

However, the nine-tailed white fox still did not answer him.

He looked at Chen Feng with appreciation, greed, satisfaction, but also disapproval.

"You can't beat me."

The nine-tailed celestial fox sighed slightly, and slowly approached Chen Feng's direction.

"Give up the struggle, let me swallow it."

"In this way, at least there is no pain."

Hearing this, Chen Feng gave a cold snort, and the black and white long knife in his hand gradually released a powerful aura.

"If you can't beat it, you have to try it!"

The war is about to start!

Chen Feng's eyes burst into black and white rays of light, and the monstrous golden mental power behind him rushed towards the nine-tailed white fox frantically!

Too on the Heavenly Swordsman Formation!

The sharp, powerful, and domineering sword intent turned toward the nine-tailed white fox until it slashed down!

At the same time, Chen Feng did not reserve the slightest.

Heaven and earth reincarnate in heaven and earth again and again, exploding at all!


In the space of repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth, the dark black light and the dark blue light instantly shine.

The endless golden spiritual power also showed supreme posture.

There are two big moves to come up, without the slightest left behind!

At this moment, Chen Feng knew better than anyone.

If you don't work hard at this time, you will definitely be swallowed by the nine-tailed celestial fox in front of you!

I have to say that after the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation reached the third level, its lethality increased by more than a little bit.

The black and white rays of light intertwined, bursting out a strong murderous intent and sword intent.

Accompanied by the spiritual impact of heaven and earth's repeated reincarnation of heaven and earth.

Even the nine-tailed celestial fox whose strength overwhelmed him has not only changed his face.

"Boy, a little skill."

In the next moment, the nine-tailed celestial fox also moved.

Nine huge silver-white foxtails actually soared out, bursting out a powerful force!


I saw that the nine foxtails seemed to have a special secret method, intertwining in the air quickly, producing countless afterimages.

Under Chen Feng's black-and-white long sword with the law of time and space, and the reincarnation of heaven and earth on the third level, a mysterious domain has formed!

With the nine-tailed white fox as the center, the fox's tail is unbreakable!

There was almost the black and white sword intent in the middle of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, and when it slashed into that field, it not only immediately slowed down.

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