Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5149: The relationship of the Qingqiu Fox Clan? Comprehend the meaning of the sword!

And at the top of this bronze laurel tree, a full moon is carved.

The light and shade of this full moon, the cracks of every piece of bark, and the veins of every leaf are all vivid!

The details are the ultimate!

Not to mention, the body of this bronze laurel tree continues to exude an extremely huge breath!

How could it suddenly appear?

Chen Feng was shocked for a long time.

This is the Qingqiu laurel sacred tree that the Qingqiu Fox Clan gave him when he was still in the Dragon Vein Continent!

After so long, this Qingqiu laurel sacred tree has never changed.

Unexpectedly, it would suddenly appear by itself today!

"and many more……"

"Qingqiu Laurel God Tree...Qingqiu Mountain Range..."

In Chen Feng's mind, a certain conjecture emerged spontaneously.

However, this is not the time when he guessed so much.

Soon, the change happened again!

I saw this laurel tree of Qingqiu, not only appeared on its own.

It floated automatically, and finally stopped on top of Chen Feng's head.

From its body, suddenly light shines!

While those rays of light enveloped Chen Feng, it also instantly shone into the mountain that Chen Feng was stepping on at the moment.

At almost the same time, Chen Feng suddenly felt his body shake.

However, he soon realized that this shaking was not his own problem.


There are constant loud noises from under my feet.

The mountain where Chen Feng was standing shook suddenly!

On the edge of the huge mountain, boulders are constantly rolling down.

Especially at the center of the mountain, there seems to be a loud noise constantly ringing.

Great turbulence!

Chen Feng's face changed slightly and he could hardly stand steady.

However, just when he was about to leave this mountain with the Qingqiu Laurel God Tree.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's footsteps stopped.

He jerked his head down and looked at the land under his feet.

I thought it was just a simple mountain collapse, but it didn't seem to be the case.

From below the ground stepped on, endless sword intent surged, and it actually started to slowly enter Chen Feng's body!

And this time, the sword intent that entered his body was completely different from the feminine and fierce that had previously revealed.

Chen Feng can be sure that the two are definitely not the same sword intent!

This kind of sword intent is more pure, just suitable for him!

It can even be said that these sword intents poured into Chen Feng's body.

More importantly, it is a kind of intention, which is no longer sticking to the sword or not the sword.

Everything is connected!

It can be perfectly reflected even on the knife!

It is a completely pure sword intent without any attributes!

This surprised Chen Feng, but also an extremely pleasant surprise!

Sure enough, Sword God Huangqiu was definitely not as simple as the set of swordsmanship I saw earlier.

At this moment, Chen Feng was almost certain that the set of swordsmanship he had seen before was a cover!

The true essence should be the sword intent hidden deep in the mountain!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's eyes not only looked around.

It is not necessarily that the mountain where he is on contains these special sword intents.

It is very possible that within every mountain, there is a surging sword intent!

The more Chen Feng thought about it, the more possible it became.

He is very excited!

I never expected that the Qingqiu Laurel God Tree would have a reaction to this deserted sword **** hill.

In a trance, another conclusion gradually emerged in his mind.

This piece of Qingqiu Mountain Range, especially this piece of Sword God Wild Hill, may have something to do with the Qingqiu Fox Clan!

At least both are named Qingqiu, and with the reaction of the Qingqiu laurel sacred tree, it is a coincidence, but it is not credible.

The mountain peaks underfoot are still pouring sword intent into Chen Feng's body.

Soon, Chen Feng devoted himself to it and began to absorb the sword intent of this mountain.

The Qingqiu laurel **** tree suspended above Chen Feng's head, shrouded him with light, and then plunged into the mountain below.

After the last sword intent was absorbed, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

It's actually been a day and a night!

It took a whole day and night to absorb all the sword intent of a mountain!

"But, not enough!"

Chen Feng could feel that the sword intent in his body was constantly responding to the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation.

The sword intent absorbed into the body is really profound.

They even seemed to have their own thoughts, constantly evolving within his body.

Just feel their changes, and the pure meaning.

In Chen Feng's heart, it was as if there was a hazy layer of gauze that was slowly torn off.

Regarding the ultimate move and the mastery of the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation, he seemed to have a clear understanding.

However, Chen Feng could clearly feel it.

Although he had absorbed all the sword intent of a whole mountain range, there seemed to be room in his body!

Far from being full!

Chen Feng immediately looked at the nearest mountain.

Reached out, grabbed the Qingqiu laurel sacred tree suspended above his head, and leaped directly towards the nearby mountain peak.

As expected by Chen Feng, when he reached the top of the second mountain, light fell on the ground where he was standing.

This mountain, as before, suddenly began to tremble.

Soon, there seemed to be faint fluctuations in the surrounding void.

It was another pure sword intent, continuously entering Chen Feng's body from under his feet.

This sword intent is exactly the same as the sword intent in a mountain!

Both have the same origin!

Chen Feng was ecstatic in his heart for this result, immediately calmed down, and absorbed it again.

It was another whole day and night, and all the sword intent inside the second mountain was completely absorbed by Chen Feng.

not enough!

Chen Feng's breath became more and more violent.

Every time he absorbs the sword intent of a mountain, he has a deeper understanding of the third layer of the Supreme Zhu Tiandao formation in his heart.

He has a hunch, maybe if he absorbs it, he will be able to master the third layer of the Heavenly Swordsman Formation!

In this way, Chen Feng held the Qingqiu laurel sacred tree again and continued to leap to the third mountain.

The fourth and fifth...

Soon, seven days passed.

After absorbing all the sword intent of the seventh mountain, Chen Feng finally stopped temporarily.

He could feel that the sentiment regarding the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation had reached its extreme!

At this moment, the sword intent surged in Chen Feng's body.

The endless silver-blue sword intent lingers in Chen Feng's body.

Following Chen Feng's thoughts and thoughts, his hands became bladed, and the silver-blue sword intent almost overflowed his body.

"about there."

Chen Feng immediately began to sit cross-legged, and immediately began to comprehend the first step.

Although what is hidden in the Sword God Desolate Hill is the sword intent, but in this situation, the sword intent and the sword intent are connected.

Under Chen Feng's conscious guidance, the endless silver and blue sword intent that filled his body was constantly transformed into the supremely fierce sword intent!

Chen Feng did not reserve any reservations, and forged all the sword intents he had transformed into the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation.

However, when he converted all sword intents into sword intents.

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