Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5147: Eight-Rank Demon God! Xieyue Infinite Spider!

Moreover, in this ninth round of reincarnation formation, a lot of rare heaven and earth treasures, pill resources, etc. are needed at the same time.

Among the long string of names, Yangyan Divine Grass is among them!

Seeing this, Chen Feng not only sighed.

"It seems that it is indeed time to accumulate from now on."

After speaking, he took the Hundred Ghosts Night Traveling Reincarnation Truth back into the reincarnation jade medallion, and walked towards the Sijia lady.

Miss Sijia, today I simply wore a bun.

Although she looked like a young girl of twenty-eight, but she had a graceful figure, and she had long been alluring.

Especially the lips are red, the teeth are white, the eyebrows are bright and the eyes are bright, and there is a kind of kindness between words and deeds, which is really beautiful.

At this level of strength, a woman's face is rarely ordinary.

Chen Feng stepped forward, and at the same time released some of his own breath.


Si Menghan noticed it for the first time and looked in Chen Feng's direction.

In an instant, all the surrounding guards burst into full prosperity!

All are ready to go, ready to attack Chen Feng at any time.


"Don't get me wrong, I'm not malicious."

Chen Feng spread his hands, stopped his footsteps, smiled slightly, and took the initiative to show his meaning.

"I just passed by here, and I heard you are talking about the sun-flaming **** grass."

"It just so happens that I also need some sun-flaming magical grass, so I take the liberty to interrupt."

"I want to ask this young lady, can you tell me the whereabouts of the Sunyan Divine Grass?"

Si Menghan looked up and down Chen Feng, his peach blossom eyes were full of vigilance.

"I don't know, you should stay away."

Chen Feng stopped, feeling a little dumbfounded in his heart.

He looked at Si Menghan, restrained the sharp breath as much as possible, and released softness.

"I just asked, and I didn't mean to snatch."

Having said that, Chen Feng felt a little strange in his heart.

The breath of Si Menghan in front of him made him feel close inexplicably.

This strange feeling is somewhat similar to Jiang Yunxi's bloodline induction, but it is not so obvious.

At least, Si Menghan in front of him did not seem to react.

And it was this slightly close breath that made Chen Feng subconsciously feel the kindness.

He looked around, and the cultivation strength of those guards was no more than the peak of the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

"Well, I can walk with you and ensure your safety along the way."

"After I find the Sunflame Divine Grass, I won't take it by force."

However, looking at Si Menghan's reaction, the sense of vigilance in his eyes is even greater.

Even looking at Chen Feng's eyes, he clearly felt a hint of doubt.

"No need."

"It's enough for me to have a guard asylum."

Si Menghan refused quite simply.

Judging from her appearance, she didn't take Chen Feng's words seriously, and completely regarded him as a person with bad intentions.

Faced with such a straightforward rejection, Chen Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, but he didn't bother to say anything.

Although I am kind, it is useless to say more.

"Well then, I won't bother."

Chen Feng clasped his fists in both hands and turned to leave.

Suddenly, at this moment, his footsteps paused, and the murderous aura burst out of his body.

Si Menghan and the family guards behind him immediately changed their faces.

The coercion that Chen Feng released was far above them!

Is this going to be attacked?

Even Si Menghan's pretty face showed tension and fighting spirit, ready to attack Chen Feng with all his strength.

However, do not wait for them to attack.

In the depths of the dense forest far ahead, a dark green light flashed like a thunder.

"Eight-Rank Demon God! Xieyue Infinite Spider!"

Among the guards, someone immediately exclaimed.

Suddenly, even Si Menghan couldn't help taking a breath, and there was obvious panic in his eyes.

Xieyue Infinite Spider!

The whole body was dark green, and among the rows of eyes of different sizes, the gleaming light was also extremely dark green.

Ordinary Xieyue Infinite Spider, stretched out, can be dozens of meters long.

However, its main body is not big.

The eight spider spears are slender and flexible, so they can move quickly in different environments.

They often hide in the deep forest and act alone.

However, acting alone does not mean it is easy to deal with.

The Xieyue Infinite Spider moves extremely fast, and usually appears instantly before everyone reacts.

Then, with its sharp and rigid spider spear, it instantly pierced the person from the head!

If it is lucky enough to avoid the spider spear's piercing attack, it will also throw out dark green spider silk!

The silk of the Xie Yue Wujian Spider is not only extremely viscous, but also quite corrosive.

Once entangled by its spider silks, not only the body is difficult to escape, but the physical and mental power will be corroded!

Therefore, whether it is a person with a strong physical body or a person with strong mental power.

They don’t really want to encounter this kind of evil moon spider in the deep forest!

Si Menghan went deep into the Qingqiu Mountain Range this time, and the reason why he brought so many family guards was mainly to guard against encountering the Xieyue Infinite Spider!

At this moment, under the movement of the spider spear that could hardly be seen clearly, the Xie Yue Wujian Spider rushed in their direction!

However, at this moment, everyone including Si Menghan suddenly seemed blind.

As if falling into an endless abyss, the surrounding area was pitch black.

But at the same time, he seemed to be wrapped in a bright white light, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

At this moment, the terrifying killing aura instantly enveloped everyone.

Si Menghan found in horror that her figure suddenly couldn't move!

The pressure of absolute crushing, as well as the overly powerful murderous intent, shocked her body and mind.

In the next instant, only a loud noise was heard.

Then there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The breath of absolute shock and the weird black and white light disappeared instantly.

Si Menghan's vision returned to normal.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she was shocked again by the scene in front of her.

A huge Xieyue Infinite Spider fell in front of the young man with his back to them.

The eight indestructible spider spears were cut into pieces and scattered all over the ground!

If you look closely, you can find that those cuts must have been cut by some kind of sharp sword.

The poor Xieyue Infinite Spider, even before the silk could spit out, was cut in half and fell to the ground!

Dark green blood flowed all over the place, the scene was extremely shocking!

Looking at Chen Feng again, it seemed that he had never moved from start to finish, his hands were empty, and his hair was not messy.

It was as if the Xieyue Infinite Spider didn't die by his hands at all.

It was just that when he rushed in front of him, it automatically broke into a pile of corpses!

Chen Feng turned sideways, looking as usual.

He seemed to notice the horrified gaze of the people behind him, he turned his head and glanced at them lightly.

After that, he did not pay attention to it, but left quickly in the direction of Sword God Huangqiu.

Only Si Menghan and his party were left and stopped in place.

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