Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5142: Swordsmanship!

"He was originally a disciple of the Sect Master, but something happened in the early years. The Sect Master's brother died in order to protect the Sect Master, leaving only Senior Brother Yin."

"The lord brought him back and cultivated him carefully."

Hearing this explanation, Chen Feng nodded.

However, he asked in a low voice.

"Will it go against the last words of the founding ancestor?"

Jiang Yunxi smiled slightly and shook her head.

"It's been so many years, and the last words of the year have slowly loosened."

She took the initiative to greet her, and came between Chen Feng and Yin Haoran.

It can be seen that Jiang Yunxi and Yin Haoran are in a good relationship.

"Brother, let me introduce you."

"This is Chen Feng of Tianshu Sword Sect, and he is also one of the representatives of this broken jade conference."

With that, she looked at Chen Feng again.

"My senior brother Yin Haoran."

Chen Feng nodded and looked at Yin Haoran.

With just a glance, he could clearly notice that Yin Haoran in front of him was wrapped in a natural sword aura!

He is indeed strong, as if he has reached the middle stage of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

It is much better than the previous Bai Xiuming, Long Xiaoxiao, Qiu Litian and others.

Right now, Yin Haoran looked at his eyes, shining brightly.

Chen Feng always felt that he seemed to be eager to try something.

However, he did not feel the slightest murderous intention.

Chen Feng took the initiative to speak.

"I never met Young Master Yin in the Galaxy Sword Sect."

When Jiang Yunxi heard this, she covered her mouth and chuckled.

"My brother is a martial idiot, and he is either in retreat or cultivating."

"Of course you can't see him."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng immediately reacted.

He knew why Yin Haoran looked at him like that.

Sure enough, in the next second, he saw Yin Haoran take off the long sword, and his eyes were almost shining.

"You are very strong, I want to learn from you."

It's really straightforward!

Chen Feng couldn't help but laughed and looked at Yin Haoran.

"it is good!"

At the moment of response, an extremely sharp sword aura burst out from Yin Haoran's body in an instant!

Yin Haoran's figure almost turned into a azure blue light, faster than lightning, and directly killed Chen Feng.

Turn your body into a sword and reach the level of human sword integration!

The supreme sword aura was forced towards Chen Feng, stimulating the dazzling sword light, dazzling, but extremely sharp!

For a moment, Chen Feng could even hear from Yin Haoran's body that only the long sword can make the humming!

The breath of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm burst out without reservation.

It was too late and it was fast, and Chen Feng quickly disappeared in place, leaving only a few afterimages.

The azure blue sword light and sword aura suddenly changed directions before everyone had reacted.

He was actually staring at Chen Feng, who was constantly changing his body!

Even Chen Feng had to admire Yin Haoran's reaction speed.

Really fast!

Chen Feng thought about it in secret.

Only by looking at this reaction, he can judge that Yin Haoran has reached a very high level in studying swordsmanship.

Almost energizing.

Even he can hardly gain the upper hand.

Although Chen Feng's strength is stronger than him, he can reliably make up for the gap with his outstanding swordsmanship.

Only when Chen Feng exhausted his hole cards could he be defeated.

However, it is obvious that there is no need to reach that level between them.

In a twinkling of an eye, the two exchanged vigorously in the sky above Jiang Yunxiya.

Chen Feng no longer has any reservations, the heaven and the earth reincarnate in heaven and earth repeatedly, making a bang!

This is his advantage!

No matter how sharp the sword is, it is no match for his golden mental power attack!

In an instant, at the same time a azure blue sword light killed Chen Feng!

A more intense blue light, one step faster, swept Yin Haoran who came straight to Chen Feng!

The crowd onlookers below were all speechlessly shocked by this hearty battle.

"Who's winning?"

"Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Jade Sword Sect still has such a strong male disciple!"

Just when the discussion was in full swing.


With a loud noise, the competition finally came to an end.

Above the void, a long sword with azure blue light stopped one meter away from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stood with his hands behind him, seemingly confident.

A sharp-eyed person noticed that Yin Haoran's eyes had lost focus, his expression was painful, and his figure remained motionless.

It seems to have received a strong mental shock!

And the one who can cause such an attack on him is only another person in the void.

Chen Feng standing with his hand at this moment!

In other words...

"Chen Feng... won!"

This result shocked everyone again!

Anyone can tell that Yin Haoran is too strong!

When he first appeared on the field, the sharp aura exuding from his whole body was already faintly revealing the supreme sword intent.

After all the performances, it can be seen that he has already reached the realm of human and sword integration.

Not only that, Yin Haoran's strength is definitely far better than the previous Qiu Litian and others.

But even so, he was still defeated by Chen Feng!

This means that the tossing of Qiu Litian and other people before, for him, is not painful at all!

He didn't even show his real hole cards before!

Everyone's eyes were on Chen Feng who was high in the sky.

Everyone can see that Chen Feng at this time was deliberately standing with his hand.

If it were in a real battle, Yin Haoran would have died long ago.

Chen Feng's hands will never leave the slightest room for the enemy!

Jiang Yunxi stood on the ground, looking up at Chen Feng, who was sassy and heroic above the sky.

No one noticed, there was a blush on her face again.

The eyes are misty from time to time.

After a while.

Yin Haoran finally recovered his spiritual consciousness.

He looked at Chen Feng deeply, then put away the long sword without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, the two slowly returned to the ground together.

Although Yin Haoran was defeated, the expression looking at Chen Feng was not at all depressed or unwilling.

However, while admiring, Chen Feng saw seriousness from his face again.

There seems to be something he hasn't said yet.

Chen Feng looked at Yin Haoran quietly, waiting for him to speak.

"You are very strong."

"But it's not enough."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng's heart moved.

"What does this mean?"

He asked directly without covering up.

Yin Haoran paused, noticing that there were many people around, and tolerated when he was ready to express himself.

He looked at Chen Feng.

"You come with me."

With that, he rose into the air.

Chen Feng followed closely, and the two quickly left everyone's sight.

After passing the floating mountains one after another, Yin Haoran spoke again.

"I am one of the disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect who participated in the Jade Smashing Conference last time."

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