Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5129: I surrender Chen Feng's life to you!

Because he was the first to realize that he hadn't hit Chen Feng at all!

The one in the same place is just his afterimage!

What a fast speed!

This thought flashed through Lu Tiancheng's mind, and a hint of extremely dangerous premonition came into his heart.

And the next thought was: Where did Chen Feng go?

"Look for me again?"

Behind Lu Tiancheng, almost at the same time this thought appeared, Chen Feng's voice rang.

Just four words, but it contains the meaning of a smile but a smile, how provocative!

Lu Tiancheng felt bad in his heart, and immediately changed his tricks.

But, it's still a step too late!

Suddenly he was hit by a violent slap on his back!


With a loud noise, Lu Tiancheng was smashed into the square.

It seems that there is no way to resist!

how can that be?

Whether they were waiting to see the jokes or expecting Chen Feng to really do something, all were stunned at this moment.

Above the void, Chen Feng's voice faintly came.

"Waste is waste, there is so much nonsense, rushing to the door to take the humiliation."

Hearing the sound, everyone looked up at Chen Feng in the void, their faces and hearts were full of horror.

"Is he... a trash?"

In the silence, I don't know who it is, stumbled and said.

At this moment, Lu Tiancheng's heart was also shocked.

He didn't expect that Chen Feng actually had some strength!

He was so arrogant and said so many words before, but at this moment, he was kicked to the ground.

Lu Tiancheng's face was so hot, it was almost burning!

He immediately jumped up from the ground and looked at Chen Feng furiously.

"Boy, I underestimated the enemy just now, and I didn't use the power of the Star Soul at all!"

"You are nothing more than that, we will fight again!"

However, this roar at this time is more like an excuse for extremely corrupt.

Looking at Lu Tiancheng, who was approaching him quickly, Chen Feng was indifferent.

"Waste is waste. If you can't afford to lose, you can't afford to lose. What excuses can be found.

These words, like a sharp sword, pierced Lu Tiancheng instantly!

Lu Tiancheng's eyes were bloodshot and his muscles bulged.

This time, when he burst into the air, a hurricane was actually driven by the surrounding void.

The strength is doubled directly!

That is the power of Star Soul!

On the square, there was a little expectation in the eyes of many disciples again.

However, what they waited for was a cold sentence from Chen Feng.

"Is it just this level? It's really a waste!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Feng slammed a punch and headed directly to meet Lu Tiancheng.

The speed is far above Lu Tiancheng!

At this moment, Lu Tiancheng suddenly had alarms in his heart!

He could feel an incomparably terrifying force, suppressing him with absolute deterrence!

Now he can't move at all!

I could only watch Chen Feng helplessly, and threw a punch at myself.


The huge square even shook slightly.

Dahan Lu Tiancheng, about two meters away, smashed down again in embarrassment!

This time, even the Star Soul was directly shattered!

Seeing this shocking scene, many disciples couldn't help but exclaim.

how can that be?

How could Chen Feng be so strong!

At this time, Lu Tiancheng was completely crazy!

He doesn't believe it!

Confident like him, never believe that he will be defeated by Chen Feng, twice!

The gray-headed face was full of scars and blood.

But these just completely aroused his bloodthirsty intent.

Never allow failure!

In his Lu Tiancheng dictionary, there is no word for failure!

It seems that you can only use that trick!


Accompanied by a violent roar, an extremely powerful breath suddenly burst out of his body.

Chen Feng bowed his head, and immediately discovered that Lu Tiancheng had an extra magic weapon in his hands.

And his figure has become extremely weird.

It's like a special magical power.

Originally, after being shattered by the Star Soul, Lu Tiancheng, who should have lost his combat power a long time ago, actually stood up again.

And the aura skyrocketed!

It actually surpassed the peak of the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm and rushed directly to the middle of the seventh floor.

Such a trick caused the disciples to exclaim again.

As expected to be Lu Tiancheng, he really has a trick to press the bottom of the box!

I am afraid that Chen Feng is in danger.

Just as everyone thought this way, they only heard Chen Feng's faint voice above the void.

"Just this little strength really disappoints me."

The supreme light came from Lu Tiancheng's body, and shot Chen Feng directly into the void.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Feng did not change his face and simply threw a punch.


Along with a loud noise, there was also the sound of Lu Tiancheng spurting blood.

Lu Tiancheng at this time has long lost his previous pride and arrogance.

He was covered in blood, his breath was weak, and he was very embarrassed!

And above the void, the secret magic weapon that was sacrificed was actually torn apart, completely unable to see its original shape!

"This is too..."

On the square, all the disciples were stunned.

At this time, no one dared to think that Chen Feng had taken advantage of the Tianshu Sword Sect to get this place.

He is very strong!

As his eyes focused, Chen Feng shook his head, really didn't want to continue entangled with this Lu Tiancheng.

He slowly fell, staring at Lu Tiancheng, preparing to abolish his cultivation.

At the moment Chen Feng was staring at him, Lu Tiancheng's pride was completely shattered!

At this moment, he felt despair!

Do not!

It must not be abolished!

Lu Tiancheng turned his head, looked at Bai Xiuming on the side, and rushed directly in front of him.

"I give you Chen Feng's life."

At this moment, Lu Tiancheng had completely ignored the vision around him.

In his eyes, only Chen Feng!

This man who suppressed him severely and made him desperate!

He wants him to die!

It seems that as long as Chen Feng is dead, all the humiliation just now can be relieved.

And he can continue to be a proud disciple of Kaiyang Jianzong.

Chen Feng looked at him from a distance, with even more contempt in his eyes.

"Never mind the waste, still a villain, extremely shameless!"

He strode forward without paying attention to Bai Xiuming at all.

Today, Lu Tiancheng must be abolished!

Lu Tiancheng watched Chen Feng approach him step by step, and finally changed his face.

He grabbed Bai Xiuming.

"I would like to take refuge in Yi Changkong from now on, and ask Mr. Bai to save me!"

The outstanding disciple of the dignified Kaiyang Sword Sect, who actually expressed their willingness to join the Heavenly Sword Sect in public.

With such a gesture, even other people can't help but show contempt.

However, Bai Xiuming was quite proud.

He also looked down on Lu Tiancheng, but right now, Lu Tiancheng begged him for mercy.

This makes him quite useful.

Bai Xiuming raised his eyes and looked at Chen Feng who had strode.

"Chen Feng, since Lu Tiancheng is willing to take refuge in Senior Brother Yi, please give me a face."

Having said that, the tone is still arrogant.

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