Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5121: The leader of the demon sends a message! The horror monster is coming!

"Lao Tzu's star yuan stone ore veins, you dare to grab it with your waste!"

"I'm impatient, I can send you on the road!"

In an instant, a purple-white light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

In the next instant, the Buddha's angry eyes, lion roar, and his power suddenly came out!

The rolling sound wave rushed forward immediately.

Countless thunder slaying mad fighting the demon, almost instantly shook the brain into chaos by the rolling sound!

Can't recover for a long time!

Just as the sound waves roared, Chen Feng's figure was extremely fast. He had already crossed countless coolie demons and rushed to the leader of the demons in an instant.

Under the fluctuating divine mind, the magic finger suddenly burst out of boundless black magic energy.

Chen Feng's speed is too fast!

Almost instantly, the magic finger exploded with a terrifying mysterious power, covering the leader's body with immense light.

Heaven and earth repeatedly reincarnate magical powers, bursting into power!

In the space of repeated cycles of heaven and earth, the blue light on the far left is fleeting!

In terms of mental strength, under the same state of strength, almost no one's mental strength can surpass Chen Feng.

This is his killer, but also his hole card!


All of this hit the leader Tianma off guard.

Although it had discovered Chen Feng for the first time, it also realized that the purpose of Chen Feng, an uninvited guest, was actually to kill her.

However, he is still too late!

At the moment when the overwhelming and absolutely powerful mental power attacked, its brain suddenly went blank!

At the same time, a strange suction, accompanied by a black magic finger with devilish energy, almost instantly sucked all the devilish energy from it!

"not good!"

This blow is inevitable!

However, the leader of the Heavenly Demon was decisive.

It was soaked in blood and mouthful of blood, without saying nonsense for the first time.

But while flying upside down, turn around and flee!

Chen Feng's sneak attack immediately caused it to be seriously injured.

Very strong comers!

There are also weird objects that can absorb their magic.

"Stop him for me!"

When the leader Tianma turned around and fled, he even shouted.


All the supervising demon and coolie demon around, under the call of the leader demon, all rushed towards Chen Feng.

The earth is shaking!

All the demons seemed to regard death as their home, and they had not considered anything else.

Facing Wuyangyang's obstacle, Chen Feng's eyes were extremely cold.


Following his seemingly ordinary words, the heaven and the earth reincarnated again and again!

This time, Chen Feng did not show any mercy!


Before the mineral vein of Xingchen Yuanshi, thousands of Thunder Killer Kuangzhan Tianma swayed their blood and fell on the road towards Chen Feng.

The leader of the demon rushed to his life while looking back.

This glance shocked it, shocked it, and made it desperate!

There are thousands of heavenly demons, and no one can stop this person!

Not only that, the visitor was still approaching it extremely fast, with a black magic finger in his hand!

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer!

At this moment, a desperate thought appeared in the head of the demon-can't run away!

But how unwilling it is!

This cultivator who suddenly appeared inexplicably, hit and killed when he came up.

The Xingchen Yuanshi mineral vein that was finally acquired is about to change ownership!

"I hate it! I hate it!"

At the moment when Chen Feng was overtaken by Chen Feng, the face of the leader Tianma was full of hideous madness.

It screamed frantically.

"My master won't go around you!"

As he said, the body of fifty meters, dark red blood suddenly flowed under the scales!

At the same time, the body of this leader Tianma suddenly swelled!

"not good!"

Chen Feng immediately changed his expression.

Unexpectedly, this leader Tianma is so bloody!

Blew himself up!

After the roar and howling, it was accompanied by a loud noise.

The fifty-meter-high Lei Sha Kuang fights against the demon, and the body rapidly expands, bursting to pieces on the spot!

Chen Feng reacted extremely quickly and flashed into the distance for the first time.

At the same time, he even controlled the magic finger, which blocked the power of three-point self-destruction.

In the blue-gray universe, the endless blood qi that accompanied the leader's demon from the explosion, quickly turned into huge symbols in the void.

These symbols are numerous and complex, constantly releasing monstrous devilish energy.

At the same time, there was a dangerous breath rising from the bottom of my heart, quickly permeating all around.

Chen Feng hadn't understood the specific meaning of the above, but those huge and strange symbols were quickly printed into the distant void.

It was a message!

Its speed is like a meteor, extremely fast, drawing a strange light under the blue-gray sky.

Chen Feng couldn't stop it, and couldn't stop it at all.

I can only watch those weird and huge symbols spread far away.

Before long, his heart trembled slightly.

Somewhere in the far distance, deep in a star, there seemed to be a vaguely roar of a great demon.

"Who is it! Dare to grab the veins of Laozi!"

Although the roar was extremely vague, it was almost inaudible when it reached Chen Feng's ears.

But even so, Chen Feng did not think that the vaguely indistinguishable voice was just an illusion.

There was still a violent thump in his heart.

The big demon is about to rush over!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but turn around and looked at the star primordial vein on the star in front of him.

He quickly calmed down.

According to the judgment, even if the big demon was to be killed, it would take at least one or two days.

Just now, the leader Tianma mentioned a bit of information.

It didn't take the initiative to lead those subordinates to come to this planet to mine and transport the mineral veins of the stars.

Behind it, there is a master behind the scenes!

Its owner is Chen Feng's real rival this time!

And there is no doubt that the great demon with the monstrous devilish energy in the extreme distance is definitely above him!

Chen Feng's face is not very good.

However, he made a decisive decision, turned around and rushed into the veins of the Star Yuanshi.

He left too much of his own breath here!

If you want to escape, I am afraid it is too late.

Moreover, it is not his style to keep the star elemental stone ore veins that were finally obtained, just to escape for his life!

Seeking wealth and insurance, the only option now is to break through!

Only before the big demon kills and successfully breaks into the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, can there be a battle and the hope of winning!

Chen Feng instantly came to the vein that had just been mined.

This stellar mineral vein is neither big nor small.

As soon as you enter it, you can feel the breath of the star soul coming from all directions!

The remarks that the foreground smiled, really true!

Chen Feng hurriedly took a look at this stellar mineral vein.

In the long and narrow corridor, bright blue light was lit up in all directions.

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