Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5090: Hyakki Yexing Reincarnation Truth!

It just complements him!

"Big Brother."

The Tiancun Beast Slave did not hide anything, and directly expressed his meaning to Chen Feng.


He has always been like this, and will not hide from Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng just nodded, without making it clear that he would take the photo or not.

He turned his face and glanced at Zhongli Yuntian next to him.

Sure enough, Zhong Li Yuntian's expression was also quite moved.

The experience of a master breaking through the eighth floor is too attractive to him.

Since entering this world of trials, watching Chen Feng break through all the way, advancing violently.

But he remained stagnant, his cultivation was trapped at the peak of the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm for a long time.

As a child of the Zhongli family, he has enough arrogance in his own right, and in such a comparison, he is even more worried.

Entering the Xuanwu Zhongqian World this time, Zhong Li Yuntian mainly wanted to make a breakthrough!

Therefore, he really wants this experience!

Zhong Liyun Tian Yuguang caught Chen Feng's sight and looked sideways.

Chen Feng didn't say anything.

Only the black-robed man on the auction floor spoke.


He agreed directly!

With the first blank invitation letter, there was a candidate immediately!

There was an uproar in the entire auction hall.

Everyone's eyes fixed on this handsome face.

Envy, jealousy, hostility, killing intent...

The sights with various emotions focused on him.

And the man was even more ecstatic when he heard that the transaction was successful, and jumped directly from his seat.

The black-robed man looked at the man.

"Please take the first blank invitation letter to move forward."

"After all the three blank invitations are auctioned off, I will take three of them to collect them."

Hearing this, the handsome face was very proud of his heart, laughed and stepped forward and came to the side.

No matter how angry and vicious other people look at him, at this moment, a blank invitation letter belongs to him!

He can survive!

The handsome man moved to one side and turned to look at the remaining participants in the auction.

Obviously, after the winner of the first blank invitation appeared, the rest of them seemed even more anxious.

The black-robed person didn't say much and announced loudly.

"Only the last two invitations are left, now we will start bidding for the second one."

In the secret room far away.

As the decision to succeed in the transaction sounded, Tianchou Beast Slave and Zhong Li Yuntian were both overjoyed.

Chen Feng smiled and looked at Zhongli Yuntian.

"I will give you the experience of breaking through the eighth building."

He spoke very directly.

"Since I first entered this world of trials, I have known you."

"Along the way, from the initial threats to the companions now."

"Your transformation, I see it all in my eyes."

"And you, you should also know a little bit of what I am."

"I'm never soft to my enemies, but I'm pretty good to my friends."

"Now that the imprisonment on you has been removed, but you have not left, I will treat me as your friend."

"So I won't let you toss with me for no reason."

Chen Feng's words are simple but sincere.

This is his truth.

There is not so much hypocrisy, just to show what you mean: you do things for me, and you don't shade me behind your back, then I will be interesting to you!

Although he showed a lot of scheming towards the enemy, he would not have so much thought about his companions.

Zhong Li Yuntian naturally understood this.

He looked at Chen Feng, his eyes flickered, and he opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't know what to respond to.

Finally, he just patted Chen Feng on the shoulder hard.

In the auction room, the bidding once again rose to a full-blown atmosphere.

With the first person's bid, this time, many people directly opened their mouths and started with the 20,000 Heavenly Taoist Jade Jane.

What's more, some rare magical powers and mental methods were directly brought out.

It's just that the black robe "continues" again and again.

Many people beat the wall in anger, but many people were unwilling to bid again.

This time the bid is extremely fast!

Cang Shaotian, who had previously tried to attack the black-robed man with mental power, suddenly spoke.

He has a handsome face, but his young man has a white head. After the mental power contest just now, his face is a bit pale.

However, at this time, he seemed to have foreseen something, with a slight smile on his face, and he was fully aware of the second blank invitation letter.

"My bargaining chip is a quest item. It is said to be the entry key to an advanced battlefield mission of endless killing."

"Plus a book of Hundred Ghosts Nocturnal Reincarnation."

The moment Chen Feng heard this bargaining chip, his heart trembled fiercely!

Hyakki Yexing Reincarnation Truth!

It sounds very similar to the Hyakki Yakyou Soul Calling Mantra!

There must be many connections between the two!

Ever since he entered the top of the sky, Chen Feng has been looking for the Hundred Ghosts Nightstalking Soul Calling Scripture, but he didn't expect to have unexpected gains here today.

Even if the bargaining chip was Cang Shaotian, who had collided before, at this time, it seemed insignificant.

If it can be resurrected...

If so!


At the same time, Feng Bingyun next to him also exclaimed.

The three people in the secret room looked over subconsciously.

What I saw was Feng Bingyun's shocked reaction.

Such a reaction is really rare on her.

You know, Feng Bingyun was born with aloof temperament.

Even if it is temporarily allied with Chen Feng and his party, they are usually relatively cold-faced people.

With the powerful strength of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, few things can make her react so much.

Chen Feng was surprised, and suddenly thought of something.

Could it be that she has also heard of this Hundred Ghosts Night Traveling Reincarnation Scripture?

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and asked.

"You're surprised, but the Hundred Ghosts Yexing Reincarnation Scripture?"

Feng Bingyun reacted to Chen Feng's words.

After calming his mind a little, Feng Bingyun met his gaze.

However, he shook his head.

"It's not this, it's the one in front, the entry key to the endless killing advanced battlefield mission."

Chen Feng felt a little lost when he heard that it was not what he expected.

However, this is also normal.

Whether it is the Hyakki Yexing Reincarnation Bible or the Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Bible, if it can be known so easily, it will not have been found for so long.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng quickly adjusted his mood.

His attention also shifted to this with the entry key of Feng Bingyun's astonished endless killing advanced battlefield mission.

Something that has never been heard.

But when I heard it, it was not an easy task.

Chen Feng looked at Feng Bingyun and continued to inquire.

"What surprises you, is the entry key to the endless killing advanced battlefield mission?"

Feng Bingyun nodded.

She looked at the three.

"Do you know about this endless killing advanced battlefield mission?"

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