Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5087: You are disqualified!

But no one left.

At this moment, another man in a black robe slowly walked onto the high platform before the auction.

His appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The black robe's expression was dumb, and he spoke coldly.

"It's no use killing him. On the contrary, you lost the opportunity to participate in the auction."

"You have no hope of getting a blank invitation letter."

The person's voice was dull, there was no ups and downs, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the rest of the auction floor, and continued to speak.

"If you don't siege him, no one will want to get the invitation today!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the people gathered in the auction hall boiled.

Everyone's eyes turned to Gu Qingyu.

With compassion, indifference, sarcasm...

All eyes are there.

When Gu Qingyu heard this, there was a buzz in his head, and he didn't know anything.

Those sluggish words without the slightest ups and downs were like a death judgment on him!

"Do not!"

"I can't die!"

Gu Qingyu's eyes were bloodshot, and there was chaos in his mind.

He grabbed the new black robe and held it high again.

Behind him, no one did anything to him.

Everyone is from the top of the sky, and it doesn't make any sense to do it at this time.

Anyway, he has also lost the qualification for auction.

He couldn't live without hands.

The silence in the auction hall was restored again, and only Gu Qingyu was alone and shouted.

However, this time the man in the black robe is more stupid than the previous one.

No matter how Gu Qingyu shouted or snarled, he didn't react at all.


Gu Qingyu broke the black-robed man's neck again.

His eyes were bloodshot, he was panting, and his whole body was steaming.

Behind him, someone shouted at him.

"Don't kill! Fool!"

"Didn't you see it? That person is controlled, but a puppet."

"Even if you kill ten or a hundred, it's useless."

Gu Qingyu couldn't help feeling bitter when he heard this.

He didn't know this.

But he really doesn't want to die!

In the auction room, silence was restored again.

Everyone seemed to have not heard the words of the second black-robed person.

No one shot Gu Qingyu.

As time passed, the third black-robed man never appeared.

Everyone's emotions became more and more anxious.

Even, many people's sights are already on Gu Qingyu's body, and they are constantly tempting.

They had already remembered the words of the second black-robed man.

"Could it be that the auction can only start after we kill Gu Qingyu?"

Similar words continue to circulate among dozens of people.

Even Gu Qingyu himself had more than once noticed the murderous intent against him.

He turned around, looked at the crowd, and became more and more apprehensive.

Finally, the third black-robed man appeared!

Seeing his appearance, everyone including Gu Qingyu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the person who appeared this time was different from the previous two.

He has a strange expression and a smile on his face, and his whole person looks terrifying.

This time, Gu Qingyu did not directly rush forward.

Instead, there was no movement.

This third black-robed man came to the high platform and looked at everyone below it.

Not as everyone expected, he only said a word.

"Everyone, your time, there are only two hours left."

After speaking, he stood still, without any movement.

Obviously, this person is also controlled.

His appearance is just a warning!

Everyone was waiting very anxiously, but they were able to wait patiently.

But suddenly someone reminded the time, and the urgency and anxiety that had been suppressed once again leaped in my heart.

There are only two hours left before the trial mission ends!

If we don't start the auction again, I'm afraid it will be too late.

There was a commotion in the auction room.

Suddenly, at this moment, an extremely strong mental attack suddenly burst out of the crowd.

The target is directed at the third black-robed man on the high platform!

"Damn it! I don't believe it, how capable is that thing that is hiding in the dark!"

A stern growl sounded from the crowd.

Everyone looked back at once.

It was a young man with white hair!

"It's Cang Shaotian!"

Someone exclaimed.

"A strong man in the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm has extremely strong mental power!"

"I didn't expect him to be here."

"He should be a fairy in the sky, right?"


For a time, everyone talked.

It seems that this person who shot is also a famous generation.

Cang Shaotian's sudden shot, not only was no one despised, but was full of appreciation.

Those who come here are strong enough!

Especially those immortals in the sky, how powerful each one is!

Even on the top of the sky, that is a strong person who is admired by others!

Proud as they are, how ever so controlled by others!

In today's game, everyone is actually aware of it.

There must be people who are also from the top of the sky, deliberately drawing them here.

After coming here, the people hiding behind didn't even dare to show up, so they could only use these puppets to come forward.

This feeling of being controlled and pinched by others, how frustrated!

There is no weak person who can enter the top of the sky!

One is more fierce than one, and one is more proud!

Right now, even if Cang Shaotian didn't make a move, someone else would definitely make it.

Isn't it just mental power control? There is more than one person who is good at mental power!

Cang Shaotian shot, using his own powerful mental power to instantly wrap the black-robed man on the high platform in front of him.

Then, pierced into it, trying to find the source of the controller.

As long as the mental power is weaker than him, and if you don't detect it for a while, he will definitely detect where the manipulator is!

The eyes of everyone gathered again on the third black robe in front of him.

Many people even stood up, leaning forward, their faces impatiently!


A muffled noise was caught off guard.

Cang Shaotian immediately paled, and he staggered, almost unable to stand firm.

The entire small underground auction hall was suddenly silent.

Everyone's faces are unbelievable.

Cang Shaotian is a strong man in the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

He is famous for his strong mental power!

Such a strong man suddenly attacked.

In exchange, it was a bursting head!


The third black-robed man, in full view, his head burst and blood splashed on the spot.

This result means only one thing.

That is-the power of those who control these black robes has at least the same mental power as Cang Shaotian!

Even stronger!

In a secret room far away.

Chen Feng opened his mouth and spit out dark red blood.

"Big Brother! What's wrong?"

The Tiancun Beast Slave immediately changed his face and stepped forward to support him.

Zhong Liyun and Feng Bingyun next to them, looking at Chen Feng's expression, also subconsciously carried a little worry.

Although I don't know what Chen Feng's purpose is so desperately.

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