Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5077: See you Duan Muxi

Then, quickly took the initiative to meet the ancestors of the Tang family.


Then, he threw the object in his hand directly to the ancestor of the Tang family.

Everything happened so fast!

The ancestor of the Tang family didn't even react, and instinctively caught what Chen Feng had thrown over.

One sideways, Chen Feng passed by.

Immediately, behind him, there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahahaha...Thanks a lot!"

The ancestor of the Tang family looked down at what he had received.

It was actually a great demon bearing the heavenly pestle!

Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he looked up sharply.

The Great Compassionate King Kong Demon Projection, who was chasing Chen Feng and the four of them, had already set his sights on him.

The projection of the Great Sadness and Joy King Kong Demon seemed to be suddenly angered at this moment.

In an instant, all sixteen arms came out!

However, his goal was actually the ancestor of the Tang family!

Chen Feng laughed further and further away.

This is what he had previously asked Feng Bingyun and the others to block for a while before rushing into the Great Demon Lin Temple to take out.

Old Demon Peng Shi summoned the magical weapon before the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon Projection!

Time has to go back to the beginning.

When the huge black cocoon suddenly exploded, and the Great Sadness and Joy King Kong Demon projected towards Feng Bingyun.

Chen Feng has already noticed some situations through Duanmu Sixin's perspective.

This projection of the Great Sad and Happy King Kong Demon is not a particularly complete projection.

When Feng Bingyun used the spatial strangulation technique, Chen Feng was even more certain of this.

The reason why he attacked directly and strongly was not relying on his own strength.

It is because the IQ of this projection is not high!

There was chaos in his mind, full of hatred and anger, and he couldn't remember who the enemy was.

At this moment, Chen Feng threw Old Demon Peng Shi's natal magic weapon to the ancestor of the Tang family.

In an instant, the aura on the ancestor of the Tang family far surpassed that of Feng Bingyun's four.


Behind him, loud and loud noises came frequently.

Feng Bingyun and the others immediately let out a long sigh of relief.

You know, once the projection of the Great Sadness and Joy King Kong Demon is entangled, it will not be easy to get rid of it again.

"Can't relax yet!"

A deep voice pulled Feng Bingyun back again.

It's Chen Feng!

At this moment, Chen Feng didn't mean to relax at all.

Even, there is no longer a proud gesture on his face, but more serious.

"what happened?"

Zhong Li Yuntian followed his line of sight and looked back.

"not enough!"

Chen Feng's eyes were torch, as if through the void.

I saw the battle between two Star Soul Martial God Realm ninth building strongmen in the distance.

"The strength of the ancestors of the Tang family is still not enough!"

He retracted his eyes and looked at the three of them.

"After seeing the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon, I was sure."

"The strength of the ancestors of the Tang family is only between the middle of the ninth building and the peak."

"If you want to kill that projection, it's impossible on his own, and you have to find a way."

You know, the task assigned to them by the Lord of Heaven is to kill!

Instead of escaping from his men.

Hearing Chen Feng's analysis, the three of them felt heavy again.

Feng Bingyun became even more anxious.

"Then what to do?"

"Don't worry!"

Chen Feng's mind was spinning quickly, raising his eyes to look at Zhongli Yuntian.

"Zhong Li Yuntian, go to the city lord's mansion and ask for Duan Muxi! Just say you know the whereabouts of these weird powerhouses."

"Remember, you must see Duanmuxi, not the Patriarch!"

Chen Feng and his party were already very close to the Fukong Mountain where the City Lord's Mansion was located.

After Chen Feng gave some instructions, Zhong Li Yuntian went to the City Lord's Mansion soon.

It is indeed the city lord's mansion of Duanmu Xiancheng, with extraordinary momentum and scale.

Zhong Li Yuntian can be regarded as two of the four families.

However, compared with the Duanmu Mansion in front of him, whether it was from the family away from home or from the Tang family, they were still dwarfed.

The same is the Zhumen, but the Zhumen wall of the city lord's mansion has doubled its size!

The huge plaque is hung high and the letters "Duanmu" are written.

Immortal spirit is permeated, and the fiber dance is transpiring.

Looking at it in a hurry, you can even feel the most intuitive majesty and murderousness!

Come to think of it, the person who wrote the inscription at the beginning must be an extremely terrifying powerhouse!

"Who is here!"

As soon as Zhong Li Yuntian approached the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, a row of guards at the gate stepped forward.

In an instant, the armor screamed, and murderous intent splashed!

Their faces were full of murderous intent, and they looked at Zhong Li Yuntian, an unexpected guest, with vigilance and seriousness.

Such a battle is also extraordinary!

Zhong Li Yuntian was worried about Chen Feng's instructions, and he dared not neglect it.

He stood with his hands in his hands, his expression open and open, but he did not hide his eagerness.

"I have something important to report to Young Master Duanmu."

Although Chen Feng released his own breath, Zhong Li Yuntian was still there.

This is also one of the ways he dares to come to the City Lord's Mansion at the moment.

Hearing what Zhong Li Yuntian said, I saw that he did not appear hostile.

The line of guards who stopped in front of him also obviously reduced their vigilance.

"Who are you? Why do you want to see our son."

Zhong Liyun Tian was originally a member of the Zhongli family at the top of the sky, and in terms of style and manners, he was even more than the Duanmu family.

Right now, this row of gate guards stopped him like this, and a trace of dislike flashed in his eyes.

"You don't need to know who I am."

"You only need to send someone in to report to Young Master Duanmu, and say that someone knows the whereabouts of those weird and powerful people."

"He will understand."

Zhong Li Yuntian's posture seemed really suspicious.

I always think he is a famous family.

Soon, a guard quickly entered the tall Zhumen and hurriedly entered the study room where Duan Muxi was located.

"Is it?"

Duan Muxi stood up from the seat directly above and looked at the guard who was kneeling below.

"You let him in, go to the inner hall and wait."


Soon, the guard returned to Zhumen and looked at Zhongli Yuntian.

"The son let you in. Come with me!"

The blocking row of guards separated quickly, standing on both sides, indeed well-trained.

Under the leadership of the guard who informed him, Zhong Li Yuntian quickly came to the nearest inner hall.

Duan Muxi at this time has moved here.

He sat on the high seat directly above, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Zhong Li Yuntian who was approaching.

"I have never seen you."

The guards retreated, Zhong Li Yuntian stood in the center of the inner hall, looking at Duan Muxi directly above, neither humble nor arrogant.

At this moment, his face was serious and solemn, and he was not afraid of Shang Duan Mu Xi's gaze.

"Young Master Duanmu has never seen me before, but recently a large number of mysterious powerhouses suddenly appeared in Duanmu Xiancheng."

"I think the City Lord's Mansion should have been aware of this matter."

"I have played against several of them in the next few days, and I feel vaguely."

Duanmuxi walked down slowly.

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